
Why don't more clubs have a website?

Avatar for jimhalsted

Websites are cheap and easy enough for anyone to create and maintain these days. Seems like a no-brainer: put some basic info, a few digital pics of the club, maybe some coupons.

And I understand that dancer turn-over is high, but it would still seem easy enough to put a few digital pics of the dancers.

I think this would be great for the out-of-towners. For example, I was looking at the different clubs in Detroit, and they all sound the same from the reviews, and if they had websites I would really be able to tell more about the style and atmosphere of the club.

What do you guys think?


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Avatar for njscfan

A lot of the clubs in my area do have websites, and unfortunately, they do not really help in figuring out whether the place is any good or not. A place can have a slick site and still be a crummy club. However, they are still useful in this regard, namely, that some of them will list the dancers' schedules, so by a click you can find out if someone you like is dancing on a particular evening or not. But you can also just call and achieve the same result.

Avatar for jablake

Some clubs might prefer to fly a little below the radar. IOWs, it maybe more important to avoid the wrong type attention than it is to get the right type of attention.

Also, some clubs may prefer to remain more of a "neighborhood" club than dealing with a bunch of newbies to the club.

Avatar for SuperDude

A club without a website is not looking for tourist business.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Yeah, I've noticed that clubs in touristy cities, that are also clubs that aren't on the beaten path, tend to be able to attract visitors by means of some good internet presence. In New Orleans, the Bourbon Street clubs are pretty negligent about their websites, but Visions ("where the locals go"), which is way out in the sticks, got pretty good web game goin'.

To me, the best thing about clubs on the web is free-entry coupons.

Avatar for DandyDan

For me, strip club websites tell me little more than where the club is, how to get there and who might be dancing. They can have nice fancy pictures, but you have to actually be in the club itself to experience the atmosphere. But oftentimes, the pics of the dancers are actually pics of dancers who no longer dance there.

Avatar for Golfer3166

I think it's a little of the less seen the better for most clubs. If you have a web site it could show up in a search and make someone upset. I think most of the owners are willing to give up the little extra publicity for not being seen. Lot's of people probably don't even realize that some of the clubs exist since many are in out of the way or industrial areas. Tampa is a good example, they have all those clubs right in the middle of the main drag to the stadium and they have constant issues. Look at Ybor Strip (which does have a website) it is out of the way and you rarely hear it mentioned in the Tampa club battles. I guess in their case the website is worth the exposure because it is out of the way and the site has directions and a discount. I can see both sides of this issue.

Avatar for Golfer3166

I think it's a little of the less seen the better for most clubs. If you have a web site it could show up in a search and make someone upset. I think most of the owners are willing to give up the little extra publicity for not being seen. Lot's of people probably don't even realize that some of the clubs exist since many are in out of the way or industrial areas. Tampa is a good example, they have all those clubs right in the middle of the main drag to the stadium and they have constant issues. Look at Ybor Strip (which does have a website) it is out of the way and you rarely hear it mentioned in the Tampa club battles. I guess in their case the website is worth the exposure because it is out of the way and the site has directions and a discount. I can see both sides of this issue.

Avatar for shadowcat

I agree with DandyDan. My favorite club just updated it's site after 4 years. I have talked to may customers and dancers about the photos. Nobody recognizes any of them as ever haven worked there. I assume that they were all just paid models. And NO NEWS. Like the fact that Jenna Haze will be the featured dancer next month, like the annual charity golf event will take place next month. like the fact that the chain has just bought another club in Lexington KY and will reopen it under the Platinum Plus name in about 6 weeks. You can more club information right here on TUSCL.

Avatar for emmy7

The best club I've worked at (earning-potential and environment/experience) has a nice website. The management is very professional and with high expectations. You can tell they are there to run a business.

The clubs I've worked that don't have good websites have been the same ones that are lacking in good management. You know, the guys who think they are hot shot business tycoons just because they have a job as a strip club manager.

Just my experience.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

I would LIKE for a club to be able to post on the web (in mobile-phone-accessible form, no less) which girls are working, with their vital stats. But of course we know it wouldn't be accurate. Some day ...

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