Waitress turned dancer.

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb

The most gorgeous cocktail waitress that I have ever seen in my favorite club just turned stripper. 2 months ago, I joking asked her if she was ever going to strip. She replied that she was thinking about it. Well, last month she made the change over. I saw her and said "you did it". She nodded. I didn't get a chance for a lap dance with her. She was way too popular but I did get to see her topless. The most gorgeous tits I have ever seen. She is no MOM. She is a "10" in any mans book. I doubt that she is a high mileage dancer but I have to get my hands on those tits even if I have to pay more than I am used to. I don't know her stage name yet but I will find out and I will fell those tits or die trying.


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avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

I wonder if it could be the same waitress I was flirting with back several months ago. Some waitresses look pretty good.

In one other local club, a former dancer is now a waitress. Based on what I see of her, she could easily be a dancer still. I don't see a bit of fat on her. In most clubs, she would look a lot better than many of the dancers. I've known other dancers to have quit dancing and then come back and work jobs like bartender, waitress, etc. when they look just as good as they used to.

avatar for casualguy
16 yrs ago

I remember one super hot dancer. She had Penthouse or some other Men's magazine take some pics of her and put them on the internet. She eventually quit dancing and was studying to be a veterian. In the meantime I ran into her working first other jobs as a dancer in a few other clubs, then I ran into her working as a Hooters girl one night, then I saw her again working in one club as a bartender. I continued flirting with her. I wonder if anyone wondered why I was talking to and tipping the bartender so much instead of the dancers in the one club?

avatar for DandyDan
16 yrs ago

Isn't it generally true, however, that most waitresses become dancers if they stick around long enough? Its my experience that, at least at two of the clubs I have visited, being a waitress is the first step towards becoming a dancer. At one of those clubs, I remember flirting with the waitress, telling her she needed to dance, only she said there was no way she was going to ever. A few months later, I go back, and there she is, on stage totally nude, and the best looking dancer there.

avatar for Golfer3166
16 yrs ago

I think that many of the 'hot' waitresses end up becoming dancers. They serve drinks for $2 / hour plus tips, you know that seeing and hearing how much the girls are making moves them that way. Plus I would think being around it makes them less likely to worry about what people think. In a club in Nashville, there was a very very hot waitress that was serving us. I mentioned that I thought she was the hottest women in the club and joking asked her if she would dance for me (this was an all nude club with pretty good two way contact at the time). Without hestitation she said let me deliver these drinks and I will be right back. She said she dances from time to time and the management allowed it. Had a short black skirt on and heels and in the VIP room I quickly noticed that she wore nothing under, even while she served drinks, lol She was obviously ready. Great dance, well dances lol

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago

My favorite bartender went the other way. When she got past her dancing prime, she went to tending bar. I know I have seen her dance in the past, but don't remember her. I know I saw her since she worked at clubs I frequented and at times I most always visited. On one occasion, where she tends bar, there were only two dancers working, and the manager asked her to dance a set, which she did. I know she is past her prime, but still had a decent body, and truth be known, she was the best looking dancer there that afternoon.

avatar for Dudester
16 yrs ago

My present ATF is a waittress/dancer. She does personal dances for about half a dozen guys only-no stage action.

Several years ago, when I was in a financial slump, a friend nagged me into going to a club. I could only afford to spend about twenty bucks. The club was filled with latina's, none rating higher than a 6. However, there was this waittress.

She was a golden goddess, barely legal, just ravishing. She looked like the girl voted too beautiful to be a cheerleader. I would've paid a high price for LD's from her-if I hadn't been so broke at the time. At one point, it looked like a couple of the dancers were trying to talk her into it.

I've been back there a couple of times, but haven't seen her since.

avatar for shadowcat
16 yrs ago

My favorite bar tender is Misty. She is HOT. She has known me me for several years and she always has a come back for when I ask for a lap dance. NO! She told me that her father liked "Estaban" so I have burned a CD for him. I will give it to her next week and ask for a lap dance. I will get the same "NO". Only in my dreams but she will always be my favorite bar tender.

avatar for BobbyI
16 yrs ago

The waitresses are often hotter than the strippers. Same with the bartenders (always female from what I've seen).

avatar for quimby
16 yrs ago

Guys - A round of applause for EvilCyn - she wears both hats...

avatar for elemental23
16 yrs ago

the scary part is when the go from hot waitress to dancer, but stay around long enough to where they have to go back to waitress. LOL. Havent been to PP in a few months, but the waitresses are all hot, can't wait to find out who this is.

avatar for parodyman-->
16 yrs ago

Shadowcat: "I doubt that she is a high mileage dancer but I have to get my hands on those tits even if I have to pay more than I am used to. I don't know her stage name yet but I will find out and I will fell those tits or die trying."

I think he was trying to type the word feel not fell. But either way I just hope he dies trying!

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 yrs ago

Some of the hottest chicks start out as waitresses and then turn to dancing. Generally they're no longer the hottest chicks soon thereafter. I haven't quite figured out if that's because (A) dancing turns them sour, or lazy, or fat, or (B) they weren't making enough money and wanted the easy way out, and they weren't losing enough weight and wanted the easy way out, all at the same time, or (C) they got ugly and started dancing all as part of the same slide down the social scale.

avatar for DandyDan
16 yrs ago

I think I could answer that one, Book Guy. When they are a waitress, there is a mystery about what they look like nude, but when they become a dancer, the mystery ends. And sometimes, maybe even most of the time, it isn't what you were hoping for. I think about this one waitress-turned-dancer I used to know named Annette. As long as she was wearing her waitress outfit (at her club, the waitresses wore a specific outfit), she was absolutely the cutest girl there. Everyone, including the dancers and especially my #2 ATF, thought she was the cutest girl they ever seen. However, she eventually danced and she just had overly saggy breasts, which ruined it for me. Her tits really didn't match the rest of her body. I don't think she lasted very long after she became a dancer.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 yrs ago

Yeah the tit-sag is one revelation which women do not necessarily benefit from.

On a related note, I have a rather nefarious theory about one of the REAL reasons that women continually resist the act of having sex despite the fact that they might really want to have it: they're worried they won't be appreciated enough because they know they aren't as hot as we'd like them to be.

avatar for David9999
16 yrs ago

Happen to matter of factly ask a fairly hot bartender (8 to 8.5 level) the following question the other day (just per chance after dropping a 15 dollar tip on her for one drink) "are you an ex-dancer?" and I truely meant is as a compliment. Now this is a club where only hot girls dance so to a normal person they would consider it a compliment and not make a big deal about it. However she said she was never a dancer and she somehow interpreted as a suggestion that I was inferring she was over the hill, so she became real hyped up and started calling me a wise punk and some other choice terms (and not in a joking way) Turned out she had just had her 28th birthday and was feeling old, she said. So to shut her up, aside from explaining the women even in their low 20's often switch from dancing to bartendering, I gave her a 20 dollar bill. Last time I say that to a bartender.

avatar for Clubber
16 yrs ago


Not a smart bartender, pissing on a customer! She likely wouldn't have done well as a dancer with that attitude.

avatar for gatorjoe2
16 yrs ago

I agree sometimes waitresses seem better looking, a lot of times, it as stated because the allure of seeing all these naked women, but having the few that are completely clothed and look good.

My first favorite waitress turned dancer, but for very different reasons. She used to become very drunk on the job, used to smoke a lot in the bathroom, and was generally "bad" at her job according to her bosses. She became a dancer (she wasn't very good on stage or for dances), but she looked great. She no longer dances or works at the clubs.

I have seem one of the hottest waitresses become a very hot dancer, who now gives all the extras.

Even at shadow's favorite club, the champagne girl, seemed really hot, but said she wouldn't dance.

avatar for shadowcat
16 yrs ago

Ok, I saw Misty last Wednesday. She was not bar tending though. She was waitressing. First time I have ever seen her do that. I gave her the CD of Estaban for her father. She said "How sweet. You remembered" I then asked for a lap dance. She said "Just show me which dancer you want and I will bring her to you". Then I gave her a CD for herself and asked If I could now get a lap dance. Got the same answer. Then I gave her a copy of my previous post about her being my favorite bar tender. She came back several minutes later, gave me a big hug and a kiss and said "John, you rock my world. I think that is great that you guys get together on TUSCL." Well I can still dream!

Ok go ahead and flame me. In the last two days I have had 2 TUSLCERS tell me in person and one by email that they do not know how I can put up with the insults. The email was from a female.

It's easy. I have probably met in person more TUSCLERS that anybody. These guys know me. I consider them friends and I don't give a shit what the rest think because they do not know me.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 yrs ago

David9999: she had just had her 28th birthday and was feeling old. Hahahaha, that's cracking me up. I was just talking with a dancer who was feeling old because she had just had her 45th! 28 seems like a spring chicken compared ...

avatar for David9999
16 yrs ago

"she had just had her 28th birthday and was feeling old."

That is amazing and this was only a few weeks back and it took me by total surprise too, and her reaction was so bad maybe she was drinking (can bartenders in a strip club take a drink like strippers do?)

To give a bit of context to the story, in this particular upscale club which I very rarely fequented because of overpriced VIPs etc, it was near the end of a period of time where I had been dropping very large sums of money in the prior 4 or 5 weeks (approx $5000 in total) or so on this very young (ultra low 20's) super attractive/ super personality dancer just starting in the business, and my guess is what happened is this particular bartender who wasn't always there on the same days I was in the club must have somehow heard some details (probably from bouncers or waitresses who I was giving large tips to) about my recent track record in the club - because no one else was buying that many VIPs sessions during that timeframe - so this bartender was ready to "hunt bear" as they say.

I was 100% sober drinking a coke and I actually thought she was going to punch me out, she was absolutely beside herself with anger, apparently thinking I was dissing her in some way, and when I heard the swears start, I figured I would defuse it with a 20 dollar bill

avatar for FONDL
16 yrs ago

I've also known several dancers, ATF included, who did it the other way around - they started out as dancers and then become waitresses or bartenders becausee they found that they could make just as much money without having to take their clothes off.

avatar for njscfan
16 yrs ago

Jesus David, it's worse than I imagined. You dropped five grand in a matter of a couple weeks on a single dancer at a single club? That would make you a sucker (not to mention a walking ATM) in the eyes of everyone at that club. Christ I don't spend that much on the hobby in the span of several months, and I hobby pretty regularly. Let's see, I got laid yesterday for 80 bucks. If I spent your kind of cash, I could get laid by about 60 different girls for the $$$ you're spending on one chick. Yikes!

And yet, still, after spending all the money the bartender -- of all people! -- cursed you out and called you a punk?!? And that just for telling her she looked like an ex-dancer?

David, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the lesson is that no one in that club respects you at all. They think you're a doormat. And, in fact, given that you responded to being abused by the bartender by giving her money proves you are a doormat -- a masochist in fact. You couldn't think of a better way to handle an angry woman than by shoving money at her? Gawd, you are an ATM.

Honestly, David, if you spent $5000 on a single dancer at a single club in a span of a few weeks, the girls (including the bartender) should be forming a conga line to suck your dick -- even if your dick is only 3 inches long. Lol. If you got treated like shit after dropping that much cash, I think you probably should stop giving advice to Bookguy on how to attract women. I don't think he can afford to be an "alpha male" like you.

David, the girls at that club (including your ultra hot ultra young girl) are laughing their asses off at you behind your back. (Maybe that's why you don't post reviews -- you'd rather not have anyone go to the same club to hear the dancers laugh about the fool who spent $5000 on one dancer.) For the sake of the male half of the species show some self respect. I think the alpha male thing is over the top, but surely you should at least avoid being a eunuch.

avatar for jablake
16 yrs ago

Hi njscfan

I probably should keep my mouth shut because I don't know the VIP prices at Tootsies very well, other than they were eye-popping. I could see a customer easily spending $2,000 in a single evening if he is doing VIPs without even trying. So, in 4 or 5 weeks that could be $16,000 to $20,000 if the customer went just twice a week.

MANY years ago, when the dollar still had some value, a wealthy client spent I think was $15,000 (or maybe it was $10,000) on a bottle of wine for lunch---I wasn't present. The boss and another senior employee were relating the story and given the 2 escorts the client was traveling with it was easy to believe. On an el cheapo cruise ship the woman next to me quickly lost about $5,000. She taps the big man (money-wise) on the shoulder and he gives her a stack of $100s or was it chips? (I think it was $100s.) Anyway, my estimate at the time was between $10,000 and $20,000. And, he was betting $5,000 a clip at the big table and seemed bored that it was just too low stakes for him. I was very shocked he and his woman were on such an el cheapo cruise when they had money to throw away. BTW, the escort, I assume she was an escort, had to be one of the hottest women I've ever seen. My heart was racing just being at the same table with her.

avatar for njscfan
16 yrs ago


If someone wants to monger at a ridiculously expensive rate, who am I to complain? It's good for the economy (although there is an argument that careless guys who don't know how to handle their money drive up the prices for everyone else). But I think a customer like that is viewed as a fool by the staff (including the girls). And I think it is laughable that someone spending thousands of dollars could not get even the most basic respect from a bar tender. I've never had a staff person at a club disrespect me for anything. And most of all, I think it is ROTFLMAO hilarious that someone is so clueless with women that he responds to a chick being angry with him by shoving a Jackson at her. That is really pathetic.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 yrs ago

BAD for the economy. I want men to monger at low- to medium-rate. Just a little cheaper than what I could afford at a stretch. Thus the prices drop to where I "want" them, while the functionaries who perform the acts in which I am interested are not driven away from the profession entirely. Ideal for me would be more hot women at lower prices, and it's a subtle balancing act, bringing this to fruition.

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