
What is a fair price for a travel companion?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 3:07 PM
I have a business trip and I am thinking of taking my current favorite dancer along with me (I've asked her and she's up for it). The trip will probably be less than a week. During the day, I will be working my ass off, but at night I will be free, so our time together would be at night. The trip is to a major U.S. city where she has never been and would like to go. She's only 20 and has not had a lot of opportunities for travel. When I see her outside the club, I pay her a flat $300. Our sessions are very open ended and typically last 2 to 3 hours, and are all inclusive (i.e., everything is on the menu including greek). I have not proposed a price yet, but my thinking is $300 per day is fair. Our time at night together won't really last much longer than a regular session for the period we are both awake, so the only difference is we will be sleeping over together. I would be paying for the hotel and plane and all expenses of course. True we will be spending more time together than a regular session, but on the flip side she is getting to go on an all expense paid trip. I don't think she will be missing a lot of business. She's not a real pro, and only sees a few guys outside the clubs. And lately her dancing schedule has been a little spotty because her driver has been less than 100% reliable. Do you think $300 per day plus expenses is fair, or do you think I'm ripping her off? Assume for the sake of discussion that my regular price is fair (which I think it is given her age, physical appearance and no limits service). Constructive thoughts will be appreciated. (The sarcastic comments probably will be worth a grin, but they won't really be helpful.) Thanks.


  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Sounds very fair, but I wonder if you asked her what she would say.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Your price should be fine. If it's 3 days round it up to $1000, though, ok? Note that she might not be able to, and there could (legitimately) be factors beyond money. Anyway, I say 80% chance she'll accept. Have fun!
  • magicrat
    16 years ago
    I'm sure lots of us on here would be interested in the final deal that you get.
  • zorro
    16 years ago
    What's "fair" is what she will accept. What we say makes absolutely no difference. "But Honey, the anonymous guys on the stripclub message board said $300/day was fair!"
  • emmy7
    16 years ago
    If dancers escort from the club, I think it's unfair to the other dancers. That said, I don't have a problem with escorts (those in the real business are usually required to have STD/HIV tests, are somewhat protected, and are given fair pay OF AN ESCORT. I know you aren't looking for judgement, and at core, none here, but my two cents before I answer by opinion to your question. If this girl doesn't take it upon herself to research the going rates of higher-end escort agencies (if she's a stripper, likely fits into that type) for services like she's giving, I'd be ecstatic at paying $300 a day if I were you! $300 IS a lot of money, but it's all relative, and escorts get paid a lot for a reason! Have fun and be safe!
  • chitownlawyer
    16 years ago
    Your current deal is incredibly good. If you can get her to go for $300/day plus expenses. you are a blessed man. However, it sounds like it is a real possibility, given the circumstances you have described. A dancer once quoted me $500 for the same package you envision. I was, however, headed to Dallas, and determined that I would prefer to sample the local goods instead of BYOB. If I had been headed to Salt Lake City, I probably would have come to a different conclusion. What a country!!!!
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    There is also the huge consideration, to some dancers, that your a repeat client--assuming you're a repeat client she doesn't feel negatively towards. Volume + Familiarity + Safety = Equal Huge Savings Per Purchase, imo.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    Emmy7: Thanks for your input. I especially appreciate it coming from a dancer. I think I understand your position. A few reactions. $300 for a session with an escort is not unusual at all in my geographic area, so I think I am not cheating her on the session. Yes there are escorts that charge more, however, it is usually because they pay for the hotel room and run other expenses (e.g., a booking assistant, web site, etc.). In this case, she is not paying for anything, I pick her up and bring her back, so the $300 is free and clear without any expenses to her. As for STDs, we use protection. I suspect I've used escorts a few more times than you have, because your belief that escorts are invariably safer is not always correct. Some escorts are religious about using protection, but some (including some pretty well known ones) are not. As for being "required" to get tested, that's not true for independent escorts, and is frequently not true for agency girls. And for a long, long, long list of reasons I stay away from agencies (among other things, half your fee is going to the agency, not the girl). In short, I am not sure she could charge more money, unless she actually did go into business as an escort -- and that has a lot of costs associated with it. This is a dancer making some additional money on the side, not someone working as an escort. Yes, I know there are escorts who charge thousands of dollars per day for travel, and there are guys willing to pay it. But just because there are some men who are willing to pay a lot of money for something does not, in my view, mean that it is sensible to do so. There are guys, after all, who will pay thousands of dollars for "sugarbabies" they aren't even allowed to kiss, and in my personal opinion, that is crazy. I certainly agree a higher daily rate would make sense if I was taking her on a vacation and spending all day every day with her -- but I'm only going to see her at night. Last but not least, as far as it being unfair to other girls to escort from the club, I really think that depends on the club. Some clubs are very strict, but many are not, and a lot of girls go into the club with the idea of making extra money, either inside or outside the club. I think a girl working at a no-extras club who breaks the rules should understand she'll lose her job. But I think a girl working at a club where extras are rampant cannot get too technical about where people draw the line. Does it really make sense to say you can charge $100 for a handjob in the VIP, but you can't charge $300 for full service outside the club? If someone knowingly decides to continue working at such a club, I don't know how she can complain -- it is just the forces of the market at work. Of course, if the strippers and the escorts all joined a union . . . .
  • mmdv26
    16 years ago
    jablake brings up an excellent point with the "justification for lower price" equation: Vol+Fam+Safe. Does she net $300/day at the club?. If she makes less, then this is a sweet deal for her. If she nets more, then she needs to think about VFS. Either way, I think $300 for her on this all-expenses-paid-vacation to a city she wants to visit anyway is a very acceptable per diem. In fact, it's generous. Let us know how it goes.
  • driver01
    16 years ago
    Since you asked, I think fair at a MINIMUM would be to compensate her for lost revenue at the club on the days she misses plus the $300 you normally pay her when you hook up with her plus and extra hundred or so a day for her daytime play money while you are out "working your ass off". I presume you don't expect her to sit in the hotel room all day waiting for you to come home?? If you know her as well as you portend, why don't you just ask her? She might be stupid enough to go just for the vacation and if that works out-- good for you, maybe. It may be a short week but even a short week is a long time to spend with a stripper-- really...I like the go alone and find a new hourly friend in the large city you are visiting each night Plan- but that's just me...
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    Well, thank you to everyone for your input, even if it sometimes pointed in different directions. I guess it shows everyone has an opinion. My dancer and I settled today on $300 per day plus expenses, which I continue to think is very fair under the circumstances. There was no haggling -- I made the proposal and she accepted. I guess I could have tried to low ball her, but it is not my nature. We will see how it goes. I've made the reservations, but the trip is not for a couple some weeks. This is the first time I've taken a paid companion on a trip, so I hope we have fun. I think we're both approaching it with the right attitude.
  • robofan
    16 years ago
    Since you have already settled on the compensation aspects I will not comment on that but let me point out a few things that you may not have thought about. First let me say that I have gone on several trips with a stripper friend along as a companion. They were all personal vacations though. Therefore I ask do you really want to take a stripper as a companion on a business trip. What will your boss/co-workers/clients think of your judgment if they find out about the situation? Second since the legal drinking age in most places is 21 do you want to take a 20 year old traveling especially if she drinks. You will end up contributing to the delinquency of a minor by providing her with alcohol or end up not being able to enjoy normal adult night time activities with her. Most places will check id. If you are planning on flying she is going to have to give you her real name and address which matches her valid id to get past airport security. This could be an issue for some people. Also they will want her name and id when checking into the hotel. If you are paying with a credit card unless you specify otherwise she will end up with the ability to charge goods and services to your room. You didn’t mention what your personal situation is but if you are married make sure that she is smart enough to not answer the phone in case your wife calls. I could go on and on but I think your starting to get the point. Don't mean to sound like a party pooper but having some experience in these matters I wanted to throw out a few thought starters to help you avoid some pitfalls. At any rate I hope that everything works out for you because when it does you can have a really great time.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Have fun. Fuck her often!
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    Robofan: I am sure your comments are made with the best intentions, but it does seem like you think I'm a moron. I have my own business so I don't have a boss. No employees or clients are on the trip. The people I am working with will only see me during the day and then we will part ways for the evening. My companion and I have gone drinking several times and it has never been an issue. The comment about contributing to the delinquency of a minor must have been intended as a joke. I already looked at her drivers license so that her name on the ticket matches her ID. Her name matched exactly what she said her name was when we first met. I ran a complete background check on her (before I proposed the trip) and everything about her checked out exactly as she told me -- correct name, birthdate, relatives, former addresses, etc. She has no criminal record. On the many occasions I have been with she has always exhibited caution and good sense. She does not want to be "caught" either, because she does not want to be in trouble with her family and she does want to ruin a good gig. She and I both have cells so she is not going to answer the hotel room phone, and my wife would only call my cell anyway. Obviously this kind if trip requires a certain level of mutual trust, but no more so than the several vacations you say you have done. Personally I prefer this as a work trip. I could never explain to my wife why I am going on a vacation without her. And I am not sure I am up for spending 24/7 with someone until I know them a lot better. But having a little hottie to come "home" to at the end of a hard day seems just right to me. I like Bobby's advice much better. Much more in the spirit of things.
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    Do I think it's fair? No, not really. She will not be working at her club during the day so she is losing money. You ARE giving her a few days in a new city with a lot of time for her to enjoy it on her own. I would say be prepared to be generous with your credit card above and beyond the $300 a day. She may go for it.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    She's missing one day in her club, so she is making a lot more money this way. I don't know what you mean by saying "she may go for it." She's already agreed to go on the trip and the terms I've proposed; I bought the plane tickets, booked the hotel etc. It's a done deal. She could back out but I doubt it; there's no reason to do so, and if she did so, she knows she'd piss off a good customer (given that I've already bought her plane ticket). It's funny how the opinions on this diverge, and how they are all so strongly held. Some of you think I'm being cheap; some think I'm being overly generous. This suggests to me I am coming close to a fair price. Certainly she thinks so. The naysayers on this seem peculiar to me; almost like you're wishing for failure.
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    Dude, you asked for opinions and we are giving them to you. I could care less if you succeed or fail, I don't know you. This is a message board and once you put a topic up here for discussion it becomes fair game for clinical and opinionated discussion. Honestly, I would have thought that the two of you would have discussed the financial arrangement before she committed to it. If she didn't bring it up then I guess she is going to be happy with whatever you are going to give her...OR...she is going to be pissed that you don't think she is worth more for a road trip than she is for a couple of hours in the sack. FWIW, I am planning a road trip with a fav of mine some time this summer. She and I worked out the financial part of things the first night we talked about the trip. It's better to know exactly where you stand with the lady and to be on the same page than it is to be wondering about it and asking strangers on a web site if you are doing it right...
  • magicrat
    16 years ago
    All I can say is I'm f'ing jealous, and what Bobbyl said!
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    Yoda: It seems like you are not reading my posts. I said she agreed to the trip, and you say "she may go for it." No, she has gone for it. I already say that I have worked out the financial terms of the trip with her in advance, and yet you tell me that I should have worked out the terms in advance. I appreciate the advice, but it seems like you are rendering it without reading the posts, which is not helpful. Telling me to do something I've expressly said is already done is just weird. I sought input on the price issue before I talked about it with her because I was curious about other folks' opinions and/experiences. I got a diversity of views, expressed my appreciation, and then closed the deal. After the fact, you expressed your view that it wasn't fair because she's missing work, and I simply pointed out why -- in this particular case -- that is not correct. I fail to understand your problem.
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    "I have not proposed a price yet, but my thinking is $300 per day is fair." This is the first sentence in the third paragraph of your post. Why would I assume that you discussed price with her if you clearly stated that you did not. Are you reading your own posts?
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    I don't have a problem dude, I read your initial post and responded to it. If the point is no longer relevant then that's fine. My opinion on the topic is still the same.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    Yoda: By the time you posted on 5/22, I had already said on 5/21: "thank you to everyone for your input . . . . My dancer and I settled today on $300 per day plus expenses, which I continue to think is very fair under the circumstances. There was no haggling -- I made the proposal and she accepted." You obviously overlooked this post; it's not a criticism, just a fact. Of course you're entitled to your opinion. I hope you don't think it's disrepectful if I point out why that opinion might not be applicable in this case.
  • gk
    16 years ago
    She's not an escort, so fairnes can't be judged in a comparative manner to that. She is a dancer you've done business with OTC before. In that context, fair is what you feel you can afford, are willing to pay and she feels comfortable accepting. So if it feels right, that's it. If it feels wrong, you change it. The same options apply for her as well. Remember, there is the substantial benefit of a fully paid mini-vacation involved with this as well. But since you've closed the deal, it seems your judgment was sound to begin with. To assume you should have to compensate her as you would an escort for a 24/7 arangement might be viewed as insulting depending on your relationship--given the fact that she is still a dancer and not an escort, regardles of any OTC.
  • emmy7
    16 years ago
    Geez, sounds like there's a lot to consider, based on the different minds working here to help you. It also seems that you have an answer for all those opinions, and you have it all figured out, so go for it. Seems like just a "good-luck" was in order all along...good luck.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    njscfan, Too late now, but just a mention that the two times my ATF traveled with me, I paid her nothing. I did pay for the room and food, however. That said, there was also no money exchanged back at home either. I feel if she wants to go with you, that is her choice and not your obligation to pay anything, but covering her expenses would be great, but shouldn't be expected, IMHO.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    If she enjoys his company, then she might consider it like being paid $300 a day plus expenses to go on a vacation. If his tongue action is half decent, then it is easy to imagine some dancers would be willing to spend time with him for free. To those caught in the self-imposed mind-trap that it is always *all* about the money, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy for *them*. Who knows this young lady may be disgusted by the mere thought of him, but is so desperate that she'd jump at $100. Or, she may like him so much that the *horrors* of *free* might be gladly offered. As far as spending a whole week or more with a dancer, well that sounds like a hell of a lot of fun. :)
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Let's not kid ourselves. Although there are exceptions, most girls who fuck OTC for money are doing it to support drug addictions.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I suppose that $300/day is not unreasonable for a true escort. Not my bag. In OTC relations, I do not pay for their time except for pre arranged sex. The most that has been is $150/hr. I have thought about taking a stripper on an all expense paid trip. I fly free. I have not met the right women yet. I don't take sand to the beach. Have fun but I hope that she is not on the rag.
  • Zerzan
    16 years ago
    "...I don't take sand to the beach." Clever line.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Most of the dancers that I know aren't drug addicts from what I can see. They may love doing drugs, but it could be compared to loving chocolate cake. Another comparison: a good number of people love drinking, but the number of people addicted seems to be very low. End the governments' Drug Wars and I believe the price of most drug highs will drop to pennies. (Cocaine probably would be selling for around the price of coffee or tea.) And, the number of dancers may even increase as strange or crazy as that might seem at first glance! It is EASY to spend a lot of money and drugs don't need to be an excuse.
  • Philip A. Stein
    16 years ago
    I don't understand spending so much money on a prostitute but hey, we all live the fantasy differently. Have fun!
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Well to some, not me, it is pocket change. I see men handing out $20s like they were $1s and it is impressive. A dancer is making her rounds to collect the customary $1 for her stage show and then gets $100 or more in $20s from just a couple customers. What is even more impressive is how some dancers are able to keep their heads and understand that other customers are low income.
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    I see now where you resolved the situation and that's just fine and dandy. Opinions however are not applicable or inapplicable, they are just opinions.
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    I forgot to add, I hope you enjoy the trip!
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    It's so funny to me that some people think I'm being cheap and some people think I'm overpaying her. I do not agree that it would be more economical to hire an escort. At least in a major city (which is where we will be) you cannot hire a decent escort for less than $300 per session (usually an hour or so). So if I went on the trip without her, for the same price I could get an escort. But because it's a city where I do not live and have no connections, I would be taking my chances on the quality of the escort, and she would be gone after an hour or so (I realize that's a plus for some of you guys, but I like actually going to bed with women). This way I know exactly what I am getting, and I am getting her for the full night. You could not get an escort for an overnight for that price, ever. (And, I might add, most 20 year old escorts are not very good at sex. In this case, the sex is pretty excellent because we've been at it for a while and gotten used to each other. But I would have to be unusually lucky to find another 20 year old on the spot who could be as relaxed with me and this good in bed.) It is conceivable she could have just agreed to go on the trip for no payment. We'll never know, I guess, because I didn't ask. But I would not have felt comfortable with that on a couple of different levels. First, if I am taking a girl (i.e., just a regular non-escort girlfriend) on a trip, I would pay for everything anyway. So asking her to do that with me would feel very uncomfortably similar to having her as my "girlfriend." I really, really do not want that. I want to keep this like a business transaction, to the extent possible. I am fine with being "friends" but I don't want it to cross over into something else. Second, she is missing work (even if for only one night) and she is traveling away from her friends and family at my behest. I would really feel like I was taking advantage of her if I did not pay her something, and it would just make me feel awkward the whole time. This would be especially true because the cost of the trip itself is almost nothing to me. Except for her plane ticket, everything else is being paid for by someone else. The big risk is whether we will be able to stand each other's company for the entire trip, but we are both pretty laid back, and our time together will be broken up repeatedly by my work obligations, so I think it will be ok. We'll see.
  • Golfer3166
    16 years ago
    If you are getting 'everything' for a two hour session for $300 a day consider yourself lucky as hell.
  • David9999
    16 years ago
    Interesting thread, how would you rate this dancer on a reasonably objective 1 to 10 scale - and the reasons why. Sounds like a bargain to me
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I remember when a dancer told me she wanted me to go to Vegas with her. I said no pretty fast. She actually got a bit upset and went off and started sulking. She eventually asked me again and I asked if she was paying for the plane tickets. She said no. I thought so. She wanted a paid trip to Vegas and probably wanted me to pay for everything including some gambling money I bet. A while later she thought of another trip, she asked me to go with her to some gambling boats off the coast. I tried to indicate to her that I wasn't made of money even though she acted like I was. She indicated to me she would get naughty at night but that wasn't any enticement since she wanted to do that all the time anyway. I've taken a trip to the beach with another dancer and I paid for the hotel room and gas (it was cheap gas back then) and that was it. I don't necessarily approve of married people cheating but as far as prices go, whatever you both are happy with price wise seems to keep people happy. Instead of paying someone per day or job, I might have it more detailed, pay for airplane ticket, meals, some entertainment service, some gambling expenses up to x dollars and everything else is up to her. Unless you just want her thinking you're going to pick up and pay for whatever she wants while on her trip. Maybe she thinks it's ok to blow a thousand or so at the gambling table, maybe spend a few hundred on some clothes, if you're not happy about other possible expenses, I would be upfront.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I really believe paying her money will only make it seem like business to the guy while many females do get emotionally attached especially if you sleep with her. Being young, she may not even realize she has gotten attached to you and have feelings. On the other hand, she might be your future wife if things progress.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    In response to David: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, of course, but I consider her very attractive. She's very petite, a real spinner. Her breasts are not large (B cup) and her ass is not big, but I'm not particularly into huge tits or huge booty. She looks her age, even a little younger perhaps (which is why I insisted on seeing her government ID early on in the relationship). She's African-American, and has beautiful clear skin, medium complexion. Her teeth are in great shape, and she has no weird body markings. No hideous body art except one small tatoo on her stomach. Her eyes are her best feature, in my view, these real cat eyes if you know what I mean. Her hair varies depending on her mood, but currently she's keeping it straight, shoulder length (she's the kind of woman who gets her hair done every week). I guess overall I'd say an 8 or 9. With regard to casualguy: we are not going to a place where gambling is legal, so I am not worried about that. She doesn't have a credit card. Except for running up the room bill, I don't think she can get into too much trouble. I'm giving her spending money for every day, and the hotel itself is very nice with a lot of amenities (spa, pool, restaurants, bars) so she should be able to keep herself busy. We have been very upfront about the expectations for the trip, and very clear that we are having sex and sleeping together every night. I'm not a big fan of surprises.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Except for the tat she sounds yummy. :) Hope you both have a fantastic trip.
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    $0, but expect to pay for everything she wants or needs.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    njscfan, Report back how it all went, ok?
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