
Comments by Jmoney007 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    being a reg or always visiting strip clubs ?
    I am kinda in the same boat as scpatron, i also like to venture out and try new places and see new talent, i only make return visits for 2 reasons. first one is obvious, if i return to a club its because i had such a good time that i wanted to go back. the second reason is that my first visit may have yielded poor results so i will at least give the club a second chance before i completely write it off. and i also like that thrill of not knowing what i may get into.
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    13 years ago
    Etiquette Question
    @sinclair its not always a bad sign if a girl only has one session in a LD, it might have ended after one song for various reasons, now if the dance ends and the song is still playing then there might be an issue with the dancers skills. all im sayin is, its not always the dancers fault that there was only one session.
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    13 years ago
    We have it good in Detroit (SE MI). Wait.....let me clarify that.
    its just a never ending cycle with the church people, this will all blow over by tax season next year. November and December are dry months for me anyways.
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    13 years ago
    We have it good in Detroit (SE MI). Wait.....let me clarify that.
    i thought the ordinance would destroy the clubs but so far they are all surviving, witch i think is great because it just means "business" as usual hehehe.
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    13 years ago
    Time for a New Entry in the Glossary?
    2AM'ed = any shooting/stabbing that takes place at or near closing time on the property of a strip club 2PM'ed = blowing your load in a strip club during the day-shift(whether she knows about it or not is up to you hehehe)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Question for the extras guys
    in my experience, if a dancer tells you she doesn't do extras, there's only 3 reasons why she wont: 1. you are not her type so she is not tempted to go that extra mile. 2. she just don't do extras at all(yes these women still exist). 3. you cant afford her because she think shes all that and think she has top dollar pussy. women know within minutes of meeting a man if they will have sex with him or not and unfortunately most average men don't have a chance unless they have deep pockets or a large dick, most of us don't even come close to the high standards that women set for themselves and they like to hold out till somebody that's close enough comes along. most dancers have already made up their mind the moment they see you if they are going to put out or not and it don't matter how much you offer them, if you are not ready to clear out your savings account then don't even bother trying to get her to give in, because you will lose that game and all your money and have blue balls while her and her friends laugh at how she cleaned you out and left you high and dry.
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    13 years ago
    really subjective...
    trying to standardize a number is hard, everybody has different taste in women, what i may call an 8 you may call a 4 because you just don't see what i see. this is a huge grey area with this site and everybody else here knows that, you cant just come here and expect everybody to be on the same page about a dancers look, or even the interaction between the dancer and patron, we all come here knowing that YMMV so if you keep that in mind, you can enjoy this site just like the rest of us.
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    13 years ago
    Question about Times of your SC trips
    i started going in the afternoon when i realized that its cheaper and like supedude says, less crowded and more intimate and less dangerous, i am not a big fan of large crowds so i will avoid those at all cost, and since i am not the best looking guy in the world or city for that matter, i really don't need the competition, plus in my experience, i have had way more mileage during the day shift.
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    3 strikes and you're out!!
    a club has only one time to impress me, if they fail, then they will never see another dime of my money.
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    13 years ago
    Being Blackballed
    i never really been blackballed before, most of the time i let the fugly get one 10$ dance while still looking around, the fugly will be happy she got 10$ and the other usually come one after the other, this tactic worked for me yesterday.
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    13 years ago
    Porn vs. Prostitution?
    so basically all i have to do is film a prostitute and it will be legal, yeah that's America for you.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    i seen a fantaisa look-alike last night, her complexion is lighter than fantaisa's so she looked much better than the singer, and a while back i seen a melrose foxxx look a like at deja vu.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    First time at the strip club, appropriate clothing?
    my choice of clothing is Designer Athletic Sweatwear witch has matching pants and jacket so i don't stick out like a sore thumb, the colors are always dark colors like black, and other colors that's so dark that it looks black in a dark room, this is usually the best way to get the most contact and grindage, the material is always soft and pretty absorbent when it comes to containing fluids. im my area this is normal and clubs dont have a dress code. i discovered this combination by "accident"
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    drink minimums
    i hate the 2 drink minimum, i mean i understand it to a point, if you get in with no cover then i would understand, but to force me to pay for 2 drinks after i payed for parking and a cover, i think thats going too far but theres nothing i can do about it but leave if want but all the clubs here in detroit enforces the 2 drink minimum. however one night i was able to skip the second drink by buying the first one at the bar and helping my dancer carry her drink to the vip room making it look like i had 2 drinks so when the waiter asked if i had 2 drinks i just said yeah and just as expected she went up to the bar to double check and the guy nodded so that trick worked, the funny thing is i didnt even think that carrying my dancer's drink for her would appear that i bought 2 drinks saving me 5 bucks to give to her as a tip. oh and another thing, im not the type that likes to drink alcohol so forcing me to pay the exact same price for a non alcoholic drink just doesn't sit right with me.
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    14 years ago
    Would you push to do stripper you seeing on reg basis bareback?
    on one hand i would say dont do it and just stay safe but then i would be a hypocrite, i understand the risks involved but for me its hard to keep "mr. happy" standing up when hes being suffocated by latex. again im not condoning it but to each its own.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Year in Review?
    i would have to say mixed as well, but i did finally get my first ITC action and that was at the beginning of the year, i hope i can repeat this one, for all the other visits they were hit and miss but hop hopefully the new year will bring new faces.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Newbie questions
    1. im gonna assume that you don't mean just one single LD but a series of them by the same girl back to back, if she is good then a good 5 or 10 should cover it, BUT only if its that good, if not then don't even bother tipping, oh and if they have to ask for a tip then they really don't deserve one, tips should only come if you come(just kidding) dancers should be confident in knowing that if they did a good job then they don't really have to ask, besides theres not much money out there like it used to be so it they just have to get used to not expecting a tip after every LD with a customer. 2. there's no real set prices in this area, the dancers may try to overcharge thinking that they are all that when most are half of what they think they really are, in my experience, the hotter the woman, the more she will charge, so if you are on a budget, you may have to lower your expectations about 2-3 notches and go for the less pretty ones, if you are on a budget then you should skip this part because you have to have extra money to splurge if you want extras because the women aren't cheap. 3. like the others have said, evenings are better if you want eye candy, but if you want better mileage then day time is better.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dirty LD's
    Dirty LD huh? these are the type of LD's i look for when i go to the club, mainly because i be clubbing on a budget and cant afford "off the menu" items so if i can get a Dirty LD for the same price as a Regular LD then i will call it a good night. (any tips are based on hardwork and/or happy endings)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    2fer1 announcement songs, do they count as songs while getting lap dances?
    i have been in clubs when the 2for1 starts, there's no song that give the girls time to find a customer, they just get right to it and if you are already getting a dance when the 2for1 starts then one dance will automatically come free (however this depends on the girl not being a ROB)
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    14 years ago
    Pathetic Loser Redefined
    well she cant get STDs or run away or nag him to death. but hey. to each his own.
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    14 years ago
    Picking up company on the streets?
    ok so since you are so bent on doing this, let me give you one piece of advice, if you find that "girl" to "hang out" with, make sure she gets in the car, if she tries to make a deal while out side, she might be a cop, oh and make sure she shows you the "goods" and don't use direct phrases, use as much slang as you can, cops need the "perp" to use the exact wording in order to make a successful arrest. i cant say for certain that this will help you 100% but at least knowing what to look out for might help you and keep you from being the one "bent over" all i know is that a female undercover wont get into the car and they wont flash you any parts or look too slutty, but they will try to get you to speak the phrases that they need you to use to make an arrest, and they will need to make sure that a price was also quoted so if she is trying to get you to say what she wants and shes not in the car, she will not get in at all and give her "take down" signal from where shes standing. i dont know how the cops operate these stings everywhere but what i do know is: 1.they wont put their female officers at greater risk, so the best way to do that is keep them on the outside of the car, so if she dont get in the car, then slowly drive off. 2.they need exact phrases and a quoted price to make a successful arrest, so using slang is your best defense here and if she tries to get you to say exactly what you want then just drive away. 3.most stings will take place in the day time or early evening but never late, so try go when you think its safe but late enough to where cops wont even bother to do those types of stings. 4.take a month to scout the area, cops will set up where they know they have complete control of the area, and the undercover will blend in so start getting used to familiar faces and familiar with the surrounding areas, this way you can spot any unusual cars with cops in them sitting and waiting with a clear view of a large area of the target location and there will be a few marked cars close by just sitting in unusual areas so they can have all basis covered, if any car look suspicious and out of place then drive away. 5.don't blame me for you getting caught, after all, this is the internet and not every advice can be helpful so you just have to take my advice at your own risk, and since i don't know how cops operate their stings everywhere i cant be sure that what i have said will help you completely, im just speaking from experience that i have had in my area so that's all i can really say on this. i hope this helps you achieve your goal, and keeps you out of cuffs.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Air, One-Way, Two-Way
    "I can't justify spending money at strip clubs unless I can touch the dancers." thats a great way to look at it, and i feel the same way. i will give a one way contact club a chance, just to see if the grindage is good, if not, then i would just leave. air dance clubs to me are like "no fly" zones, im not going anywhere near them. for a minute i thought detroit was gonna turn into air dance city but to my surprise, the rules are not really being enforced and everything so far has remained unchanged, however i have not checked all the clubs so i cant say that with complete certainty.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is your fetish?...another from FOX NEWS
    my fetish, well if you can call it a fetish is i woman with a nice big ass, and extra points if shes wearing a mini skirt or short dress with no panties on........... yummmmm.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Why don't they just ask?
    i have only been asked by one dancer how i liked my LDs, i told her nice and slow, the bouncing dance that doug described doesn't really work for me either because if my member is standing up, then all that bouncing is just gonna hurt as bad as getting kicked in the nuts. i wish the women would at least ask how i want it that way she can make more money and i can enjoy it more. i know i can just inquire about her dances and politely ask if she wont go rough but in my personal experience, the few dancers i did try this with got mouthy and refused to give me a LD, well that may have been for the best but it effected me negatively seeing the other dancers just avoid me like i was a bum, so i left and decided that i wont ask them anymore for the type of dance i want, i will just wait and see what she does and hope that its right up my alley otherwise i will just move on.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Extremely loud music
    when i went to Erotic City in detroit, the music was so loud that when i left i took 20 mins for my hearing to return to normal, the messed up part was that the music was not that loud when i first go there, it seemed to get louder as more people came in, i have also noticed this trend at other clubs around detroit.