Pathetic Loser Redefined

avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein…


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avatar for steve229
14 years ago
That's kinky. She is kinda hot...
Well, she's at least as real as most Hollywood women and pornstars.
At least he doesn't have to put up with STRIPPER SHIT!
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
Wonder if they offer a cheerleader model?
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Girlie men, playing with dolls! Next thing you know someone will make something like a GI Jane or a Ken doll!
Oh man, this dude lives in Michigan. I wonder if he goes to clubs, too.
Oh man, this dude lives in Michigan. I wonder if he goes to clubs, too.
avatar for sauternes
14 years ago
steve: Looks like you can dress her up however you'd like!
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I wonder if he could make money by pimping her out.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
14 years ago
My advice to him if he's going to pimp her out, make her an extras gril at Chapeau Vert. She's be the best thing there. Not sure how she'd get a Detroit dance card
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
Several years ago, when a movie came out on this kind of thing, I published a story about a Doll that actually comes to life. Of all my stories, it's the one I get mixed feedback on. Sci fi fans love it. Women hate it, and guys (not sci fi fans) think it's weird. Personally, I think it's a touching love story. A Hollywood (small studio) bid on the story, but the deal fell through. Anyone want to see it in blogs ?
avatar for troop
14 years ago
they look like they were made for each other LOL
avatar for troop
14 years ago
2nd thought, i think he really wanted a boy doll.
This one leaves me speechless?!
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
Don't you just love his devotion to the doll?

player, yes I do love his devotion to the doll. It makes it that much less likely that he'll pass those defective genes on.
avatar for Jmoney007
14 years ago
well she cant get STDs or run away or nag him to death.

but hey. to each his own.
"Anyone want to see it in blogs?"

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