
Question about Times of your SC trips

Monday, August 8, 2011 4:43 PM
A lot of reviews, and I mean a lot of the reviews on this site are from afternoon visits. More particularly they are from day shift. I get almost no intel on night shift dancers. Am I the only one who goes during night time? Maybe it's the extreme heat of the day here in PHX and the fact I work overnights. But seriously I want to know a couple things. What time of the day do you go and why? If you have gone both day shift and night shift do you prefer one over the other? Is quality really that different? Is Day better? I ask because the clubs people on here say are the best in my town, the reports are 99% about weekday afternoons. I am a weekday night person and I am going to post a couple TR's tonight about the night time, and hopefully it will help others to do so too. I never go in the day, but I rarely find a bad shift of dancers at night time, there always seems to be 2 or 3 for each type.


  • brewerfan
    13 years ago
    I like going during the afternoon/day because there isn't a whole lot of patrons during that time than there is a night. Girls pay more attention to you and spend more time with you. Don't get me wrong, I don't like it when it's dead, but I don't like it when it gets too crazy. Youngsters tend to come at nighttime and they are the ones that tend to cause most of the trouble. So, I usually go during the day when I have nothing much else to do the rest of the day.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    IME, locally and within any individual club, day times are generally characterized by slightly less attractive and/or more overweight girls who will do more for less, while nights feature hotter girls who, while mostly still open to extracurricular activity, will generally want more money, and are pickier about who they do it with. There also tends to be a higher percentage of regular customers in the clubs during the day versus the nighttime.
  • JayMustang
    13 years ago
    Doing more for less probably works regardless of the time here in PHX. Every single girl tells me it's slow, and I believe it. It's always dead unless it's Fri or Sat night. I have also read on another website that strippers in PHX leave during the summer cause the golfers don't come here. Honestly that is so stupid. I live here and I golf, they don't need to leave when I am here. Still, I can see your points. I might have to try day time out sometime. Maybe when I venture to Centerfolds I will go in the day time. I hear the day time is good there.
  • TABB
    13 years ago
    @jaymustang- I'm a SC goer I'm Phoenix, I usually go to SC at night cuz it fits my schedule I rarely go in the afternoons but when I do it's usually when need to unwind. Yes some dancer actually take vacation tune in the summer because golfer aren't that abundant like it is in the winter. I heard from dancers and management. I actually think it works to are advantage.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    i made a thread similar to this a while back titled "Day or Night" 1. i very rarely go during the day. reason being is because there are always far less dancers, which obviously decreases the chances that i'll see one that is my type. i've had many disappointing day visits, but RARELY have a disappointing night visit. when i go to the club at night, there are always at least 2 to 3 that are my type 2. i easily prefer the night over the day, which day of the week doesn't really matter 3. the quality is better during the night. for obvious reasons, there are going to be more dancers working, therefore you have a better selection. i know a lot of people on this site go during the day though, but i'm not one of them
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    I must say that virtually all of my crappy SC visits have come on late night ventures. Primarily because dancers are blasted on some mind altering joy of one kind or another.
  • JayMustang
    13 years ago
    Are PHX clubs weird? I have only met one dancer on drugs. But she was still able to do her stage show just fine. I've never seen one drunk. Maybe the few clubs I have been too just keep a tight reign on the place.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    farmeart- "dancers are blasted on some mind altering joy of one kind or another" what are you saying? they're really drunk?
  • thesamurai
    13 years ago
    I've never gone to a strip club day shift. Day time is when I'm earning the money I'll be blowing that night in the club :D
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    GoVikings: Yes, or using weed, coke, valium, percocet, vicodin, etc.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Day shift is quieter and more intimate, but the dancer quality is down. Not as crowded, but not as lively. Night shift in Detroit is becoming more thugish and dangerous. A safe club in Detroit usually has the real hot dancers on the night shift.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Most always early to late afternoon. That is when I am out and about. Plus I prefer a less packed environment.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Usually late afternoon after work... "Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight gonna grab some afternoon delight. My motto's always been; when it's right, it's right. Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night."
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    I work the overnight shift, so I am just not up for the day shift. Also, where I live, a lot of the clubs don't open til about 4pm at the earliest, so for me, its the night shift. OTOH, I've been to some places during the day time and it can be more fun than the night shift.
  • Drippy
    13 years ago
    I prefer late afternoon for reason posted above. During the night at my fav club there is a cover charge and $20 booth fee which is not required before 7:00.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I much prefer day shifts but I have been known to stay in my favorite club from noon until midnight. At my favorite clubs the quality of dancers on the day shift is every bit as good as the night shift. Normally I get friendlier dancers, better prices and higher mileage during the less crowded times.
  • Jmoney007
    13 years ago
    i started going in the afternoon when i realized that its cheaper and like supedude says, less crowded and more intimate and less dangerous, i am not a big fan of large crowds so i will avoid those at all cost, and since i am not the best looking guy in the world or city for that matter, i really don't need the competition, plus in my experience, i have had way more mileage during the day shift.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    I never go during the day - that time slot is mostly reserved for venerable retirees with money to spend. ;) But I do try to steer my night visits to early in the week. The clubs that I frequent are much less busy early in the week, which translates into more opportunities.
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