
Comments by BaddJack (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Signature Drink?
    I love Jameson, too, but I am a cheap bastard and refuse to pay for it at strip clubs. When I was young, I used to tell a bullshit story that the reason I ordered my Miller Lites two at a time was because one was for me, and the other was for the dying/dead/missing friend whose demise was from a tragic accident/disease/cum-related-dehydration. MANY waitresses were taken in by the bullshit. The real reason is that I sucked them back so fast, they couldn't keep up.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    My boyfriend doesn't want me to come with him to a strip club. Why?
    Book Guy: I LOVE the New Math.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dealing with smoke in clubs
    "toughen up a little, Princess" Brilliant. I gotta use that one on my wife tonight.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Old age and treachery overcomes youth and skill
    The guy Cassie was mashing on was me. I am pleased that the writer did not include how fat and bald I am, too.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Signature Drink?
    2 Miller Lites and a water back.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Jersey
    I was once called "OTC" by a stripper. I laughed my ass off. When pressed, she told me she thought it stood for "outlandish, tawdry and crude." I gave her 5 bucks for use of the word "tawdry."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    jizz during a lap dance or VIP Rules? Opinions Needed?
    CT: I was inspired by Ann-Margaret in the movie "Middle Age Crazy" yelling it while having sex with Bruce Dern.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    jizz during a lap dance or VIP Rules? Opinions Needed?
    I normally yell "Bingo!"
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Sound Familiar ?
    here is mmdv26's suggestion: Vidi, pensi, veni, exiti.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Need clothing advice
    All purpose advice on clothing: be sure and make fun of the patches on a biker's leather vest. Tip #53 from your Dirty Uncle Jack
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    jizz during a lap dance or VIP Rules? Opinions Needed?
    I have found that the girls that really want to grind appreciate it. In the past, I have had girls act like it hurt their feelings that I did not. Jeans are not your best choice. I suggest something softer (for her) and looser (for Big Jim and the Twins). I wear sweat shorts underneath as they are absorbent and comfy. Ask your girl. Some charge extra, some expect a tip....you want to know THAT much as well. Good luck, happy hunting, and do the walk of shame.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Cell phones
    Carry it in your sock. Tip #312 from your Dirty Uncle Jack.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Asian Women
    I always thought it was due to their snatches being sideways. Silly me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Dr. Ruth
    I have never, and will never, over-penetrate. SO, it wasn't me.....
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I seriously dig tan lines. It probably goes back to the 60s when ALL the Playboy models had tan lines and showed no bush. Ahhhhh....the good ol' days
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    She sits, you know you don't want, do you tell her ASAP?
    I usually just lift a cheek, close one eye and fart loudly. She gets the idea.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Club banned my fav
    Never really had a favorite, so this has never happened to me. But I remember the very FIRST time I was EVER in a strip club the guy I was with (his first trip, too) fell "in live" with a dancer that got fired that night. She had a long and profane yelling match with the manager and she changed, came to our table and asked my buddy if he would drive her home. Oops. I was driving. ALL of my alarm whistles started going off and I told my buddy he could have my car, take her home and I would walk home from the club (maybe 15 minutes--I used to be young and in better shape). Upshot? He got the shit kicked out of him in the parking lot by the manager for being nice to the girl that just got fired. He bled all over the hood of my WHITE car. And it was sweet, too: a '71 Gremlin X. There is a funny eliplogue to this tale, but it is off topic.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Your Fantasy Ranch strip club offering nude lap dances in a party bus?
    Step into the WayBack Machine, to the days when it was in the original building, closer to Warrensburg, and the Million Dollar Fantasy Ranch was like ESL. VERY touchy-feely, decent privacy and a lot of bang for the buck. The "Feature" dancers even would go into the VIP and dance for you (I had one very memorable experience with natural DD-cup porn star Aspen Alps). If the "BUS" returns to those heady days of old, I am in. Big time.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Local Restaurant Going Topless?
    sharkhunter: what about when you are in the mood for fish taco?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Do you guys have any great lines, compliments, or pathetic excuses to get a girl
    Here in the Ozarks, we usually just say "I have a gun...."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Lame pleas for buying a dance
    Overheard last night: "Baby, I like you, but I ain't paying 6 hundred for conversation." I do NOT know what lame story she threw out there, but it is obvious how much she needed.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Burning rubber?
    Touche, Larry. You throw out a joke comment and the guys take it seriously. By the way, condoms on pussy stubble, if you do it right, smells like burning tires.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How much does a girl charge you to let you cum on her face?
    You ask two different questions. I have found in a few locations that the price for COF is around $200. I have found that the extra hundred bucks or so for seeing globs of splooge on her cheeks and chin is not worth it for me. I would rather pay an extra FIFTY bucks and CIM so the clean-up is her problem. Either she swallows or spits. I don't care: Big Jim and the Twins have been laved clean. Brooklyn and Washington Park areas of East St. Louis can accommodate your desire. Just negotiate with the girl, make sure she knows what you want, what it is gonna cost, and tell her no plastic wrap.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancers and girls in general getting attached after you sleep with them?
    There is this one dullard Hillbilly girl with saggy tits and bags under her eyes....when I GIVE her Oxycontin, she fucks.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    HOT and BITCH
    I have found more often than the Hot=Bitch equation that Hot=Crazy