Lame pleas for buying a dance

avatar for sharkhunter
What's the lamest you have heard?
Last night I heard one. She asked if I wanted a dance. I said I was getting ready to leave soon.
Then she said if I left without getting a dance from her, she would cry.
I did not think she was serious and she already did a $10 table dance an hour or so earlier. Maybe it just goes to show when you're hot, any lame excuse will work at times.


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avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
My car needs a new bumper. My cousin has cancer. Child support is late. Tuition is overdue and I can't register for classes. Can't buy books for college. Boyfriend won't pay his share of the rent and eviction is on the horizon. Loaned boyfriend the rent money so he could fix his motorcycle and now I'm up against it. Baby's operation is next month. Playboy wants my portfolio and I can't pay the photographer. The manager wants me to XXX and I told him "No" so I expect to get fired tonight. My roomate's brother is going to trial for murder and the legal fees are overdue. My brother was convicted of murder and I need to pay the legal fees for his appeal.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
I'm late paying the doctor for my implants and he's going to repo my boobs.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
I haven't made enough to pay my tip out and I wanna get the fuck outta here.
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
SuperDude, sounds like you could write a book on Stripper Sh*t.

Last time at Henry's North, had a nice, natural young blonde sit down and open with "I'm really behind on my rent." Lame? No. But it was over-the-top in terms of frankness.
avatar for Rod8432
14 years ago
A long drawn-out story a brother back home (in another country) who'd been wrongly picked up by corrupt police officials and needed the funds she made at the SC to spring him from jail and to defend himself in court. I think she threw in something about a sick mother, absent father, and late utility bills, to boot.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
One man's "lame excuse" is another man's "opportunity".
avatar for mikeya02
14 years ago
Had to buy food for her dog and bunny. Maybe more cute than lame.
avatar for chimark
14 years ago
car is about to be repossessed.... about 40 minutes later I see her leave and she's fricking driving a Cadillac Escalade... probably nearly new ... I'm thinking WTF... either buy a car that's not gonna cost that much money and be a bit smart with your $ or don't give me the BS that you don't have any money... and it's about to be repossessed...
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Chimark--Was the Escalade hers? Could have been her boyfriend's ride--about to be repoed. All lame stories, anyway.
avatar for chimark
14 years ago
Super, I guess it's possible it could have been a BF, or someone else's car, but I just couldn't believe the ride. I was outside on a phone call, and I look up and I see her get and drive away. I just shook my head...
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Chimark--Sure puts all those lame and whiny lines and lies in perspective. Like "I'm going to trial for first degree murder and I really need the money." "Excuse me, but if you were charged with first degree murder, you would be in jail. There is no bond or release in first degree." "Well, maybe it's second degree, but I need you to buy a dance anyway." I left, quickly. In Detroit, she might be telling at least a half truth about being charged with killing someone.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Here in columbus, clubs will fine dancers $50 for sitting on the lap of a customer. So now it is even harder for them to sell their overpriced air dances. I would not be surprised if I start hearing some of these lame come ons
avatar for BaddJack
14 years ago
I owe my lawyer.......I owe my bondsman.......

these are the ones that always prick my attention.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
how about a lap dance so I can buy medicine for my ghonnorhea
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
That smells of desperation on the strippers part... me likey
avatar for how
14 years ago
Any plea that involves paying for her loser boyfriend will gain her nothing from me.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
My condo is going to be foreclosed!!!!! Awwww, poor baby, find some other sucker!!!
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Any plea that tells me she "needs" to make money. It tells me that she must not be doing a good job and getting repeat business.

I'm the needy one when I go to an SC...needy of some great grindage and pushing some limits. She's there to provide a service...not complain about how little she's made that night. If they could just focus on pleasing their customers most girls wouldn't have any money problems...even the less attractive ones. JUST MAKE THE GUY FEEL GOOD!!! (and he'll probably pay you well)
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Good grief, are my goals in a strip club *that* different from the rest of you? I see almost every single one of these "lame pleas" as, potentially, the start of a conversation that ends with "Thanks for the nut." Sure, lots of them are gonna be girls you wouldn't touch with Dougster's dick, and many are just ploys, with no intention on her part of delivering anything non-lame, and lots of them are gonna go nowhere mear my ultimate goal, but IME enough of them are gonna pan out to at least follow up their plea with something on the order of "How much do you need, and what are you gonna let me get away with in return?" Even if a nut *isn't* your immediate goal (crazy though that seems to me), desperation is a powerful motivator, and you run the chance of getting more than you would by turning her down just because she's "needy".

I guess if you're goal is to just enjoy the club experience without drama, a continuous stream of those could be a downer, but if you're looking for no drama, you might be better served looking for another pastime.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
gmd, I could not agree more.

In what is just about my favorite club in the country, I heard the siren call of desperation a couple of months ago. She tried to sell me lapdances earlier in the night, which I declined, but I did tip her a bit for her time.

Later, she came back to me and we had the following conversation:

HER: This really sucks - I need money to pay my house fee, sitter and rent.
ME: Sounds like a tough situation.
HER: I only made $60 tonight, including the $20 that you gave me.
ME: I'm sure we could work something out (with an amused expression on my face).
HER: I'll charge you $200 for VIP and you can do anything you want.
ME: Deal

As I said in another thread, this stuff is music to my ears.
avatar for baltimoretraveler
14 years ago
"I need just one more drink to make my quota".
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
PrimO is right. I'm in the club to relax, be entertained and enjoy the fantasy. A dancer's financial problems don't interest me and make want to talk to another dancer right quick. I don't look for or enjoy the company of a desperate dancer, because the needs don't end. And I don't want to hear about her finances all night or on my next visit. Once a dancer thinks she can whine and get money, she will whine all the time. Hell, some married guys can actually get that at home.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
I added my favorite dancer "whine" above. george, I agree with you and rickdugan. Once you get past their "financial plight" scam sob story, it's an opportunity to buy, and the floor often is wide open to deals. I don't care if I just met the dancer 2 minutes ago, if I sense a deal can be made, I'll ask if I can fuck her.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Perhaps I should have added that I'm not generally looking for ITC FS or OTC. I guess I just have a LD fetish. :)
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
An excellent point. We can always find out how "desperate" a dancer is for cash. Forget the "lame pleas", and "Let's Make A Deal."
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
And yet more lame lines: "My daughter needs a laptop computer for college." (Older dancers, only. Please.)"The air conditioner is busted and I can't sleep in this heat." "But honey, this is February in Detroit." "OK, so it's 10 degrees. Let's have a dance."

"I've gained/lost so much weight and none of my business suits fit. I have a job interview next week." "Oh, really? Where?" "At Cheetah's."

"My husband's girlfriend is suing him for back child support and I've got to help out."

"You promised the last time you were here." "I've never been here before." "OK, let's have a dance anyway."

avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I remember one dancer at the beach was chatting with me and told me she was probably going to be evicted. She said there wasn't enough money to be made in the club tonight. It was a slow night in that club. I asked out of curiosity how much she needed to make her payment and it was several hundred dollars. My curiosity died right away. That was a lot more than I wanted to pay to even think about any deal even though she didn't suggest anything. However she did tell me that sad story.

Some dancers never stop with the lines. I remember one time many years ago I had a dancer in my car and as we drove past a strip club (not open at the time) she told me "it's up to you but if you have $100 to spare, I could give it to a dancer I know who's behind on her payments to her drug dealer or whatever she called him. Then she said it's up to you but she is going to get the crap beat out of her." I ignored the comment.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I passed up a lot of opportunities for deals especially since I was giving a dancer a ride after she got off from work whenever I visited. Of course I was hanging out with her and not paying her anything except sometimes the meal if we went out to eat. Some dancers who were interested in going out with me would even pay for their own drinks not wanting me to think they were just trying to use me like an ATM machine. Hindsight is 20/20 I heard. I wasn't even thinking about making deals back then.

avatar for how
14 years ago
Often the pleas are indirect:

"I spent over a hundred bucks today getting my car serviced..."
"I am looking to make $200 tonight, then I can leave..." (A follow-up question like "want to leave with me?" will typically be met with "my friend is picking me up." So, how does this involve me...?)
avatar for Rod8432
14 years ago
I had a girl sit next to me last night who just slumped in her chair, looked glum and sullen, and whined about how all she made that day was $30 so far, not even enough to tip out everyone. I just smiled and only made minimal conversation, hoping she'd get the hint and go away. She didn't; she just sat there and we both stared off into space. Talk about an uncomfortable silence. I finally excused myself to tip other dancers on stage.

I hadn't thought of using her complaint as springboard to proposing a deal for extras - good idea, one I'll keep in mind for future whiners. Thanks for the tip.
avatar for BaddJack
14 years ago
Overheard last night: "Baby, I like you, but I ain't paying 6 hundred for conversation."

I do NOT know what lame story she threw out there, but it is obvious how much she needed.
avatar for bigdude012
14 years ago
"I haven't made enough money to pay the babysitter"
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