
Comments by now_starring (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    A lot of the dancers I know do work as a team. I have gotten dances from the lady at the end of her shift and she will point me to another dancer for the remainder of my visit or bring someone over to me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Tipping the door girls?
    I feel like a newb again. I have never been in a club with a bathroom door guard. What is the purpose of that?
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    LOL, Somehow I missed that line about wanting to fuck customers. I don't have a definition of a slut so I can't call you one. As far as having sex with various people I think it is ok, as long as you don't play with anyone's emotions. You could at least let us know what club you are at when you start working. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    It really depends on the club. If you don't know how the club works I second the idea of letting her bring up.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How old you look is more important than how old you are. Guys ask about the age, but I don't think most care as long as you can entertain them. Your boob size is fine. I would consider them to be average. As long as you are interesting and reasonably attractive(not ugly) you should be able to get customers. Back to the boob job issue; I hate the feel of fakies. Even if you won't allow hands on touching, at some point assuming they will touch the customer due to proximity and most people can tell the difference that way also. PS: You can just post a pic, to be sure. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Look/Touch.........Tell me what you want
    I am there for a good time, and that does not mean I look for extras, but I do accept graciously. One of my main goals is for the dancer to feel comfortable. I would feel terrible knowing she allowed/did _____ because she felt like she had no choice as opposed to her wanting to or at the least not minding. One dancer said something about doing what she had to do. I immediately felt a guilt-trip and did not go back for a while.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dance Cost? Shadowcat, please ignore this thread
    TUSCL what club do I need to go to? I should be taking a mini-vacation in a few months.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What makes some dancers go after certain guys while other guys get ignored?
    I have been told that if a guy walks in wearing a business suit, or at least some what dressy they will assume he has money. It also helps to sit in a highly visible area of the club. I have 2 uncles that make a lot of money and they are always dressed for business, so there might be some truth to it.
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    15 years ago
    "Are you married?" - A Military Catfight Free Version
    I could not find your article. Do you have a link?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I never understood how you are not prostituting just because there is a camera there. If they can pull that nonsense off I would think an escort would have been smart enough to get a job as a "sex counselor" for those guys that would like to improve their skills in bed, or at least use that excuse.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Directions to a strip club
    I still use mapquest. I don't travel enough to buy a GPS.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever get tired of say no or no thanks to dancers asking for dances?
    I have only had to tell one dancer no. I normally sit in a part of the club that nobody pays attention to. Most clubs I have gone to have at least one area like this,and when I get ready for a dance I move to a high visibility area. If the dancer ask me why I have not been seen all night I explain my "hiding", knowing that dancers talk, and her friends will be nice enough to not bother me while I am being invisible.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Champagne rooms.
    When I was new I got taken once. She then tried to get tip money for the other dancers and the doorman and what seemed like every other employee in the club. That however did not take place. I guess some of these were her tip out fees. I was new, but I wasn't that new. I thanked her for the learning experience and left. To this day I wonder if she ever figured out what I meant by that.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If the weather is bad and you need to save money anyway, do you stay home?
    It depends on the power of the urge. If I had been recently I would stay home, but if it had been a while I would probably be out the door and driving to the club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    what makes a lap dance great?
    A lot of contact. Another thing is that I know it is a fantasy, but when the girl is a good enough actress that you almost beleive she wants you I can remember her. Being able to hold a conversation after getting past the basic introduction questions is a plus.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dollar bills
    Someone stole my last 2 dollar bill. I may have to go out of state to get some. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Two Regulars Arrive at the Same time
    I got to agree with Oz on this one. I make it a point to have more than one option at any club. If the club only has one worth the money it is time to find another club even if it means traveling.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the ethnicity of your favorite dancer(s)?
    The that I liked that I have met the most are white, and black, but I am more physically attracted to Asian, and Hispanic girls. I have only met one Hispanic dancer and one Asian dancer. Note: I have also met more black and white, so right not they have an advantage. I guess that means I have to explore more.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Can you tell what kind of a dance it will be with an un-familiar stripper???
    The girls that seem afraid seem to give not so good dances. Some new girl was chatting me up at a club. I knew she wanted me to buy a dance or she would not have come over, however she was afraid to ask, and talked about everything except for a lap dance. I eventually got tired of hearing her talk and I asked. I think I will give her a few months to improve her skills before I try her again.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer's Memory
    I got a dance from a girl a almost a year ago, and she remembered me. Nothing special happened between us so it surprises me that she remembered me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    I would like some facts to back up Clubber's statements. What exactly brings someone up or down to a certain level will be a part of this. Go ahead Clubber explain. Be sure to break it down so a low level person like myself will be able to comprehend it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Valentine's Day Gifts for Dancers (besides money)
    If you and the dancer are "club" friends then ask her what she wants. Do this only if she is sure you have no romantic interest in her. If you do, then I would suggest not buying her anything, and finding a new club or at least a new dancer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Bachelor or birthday on stage
    I think if I ever become the bachelor boy I will have to pre-arrange my own special treatment. I am glad I am not that guy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    I avoid politics, religion, and ethic issues like the plague. I only need enough of my brain to work to know how to count, and recognize that a dancer may be trying to get over on me. I don't mind hearing a dancer's opinion, because as long as she gives me a good dance I don't care what her opinion is. If she were to question me and we knew each other to an extent I might answer the questions, but if she were a new dancer, as in new to me, then I would change the subject and/or inform her I prefer not to engage in heavy conversation. PS: If an unknown dancer starts trying to pry financial information I would probably find another dancer. PPS: When I said I don't care about the dancer's opinion; I am not saying it is not important. I am saying she is telling the wrong person at the wrong time. I do however engage in such conversations in the "real world*". Real World: That place where if a lady is talking to me it is more because she wants to(without expecting compensation) than because she has to.