
Dollar bills

Friday, March 20, 2009 12:14 PM
In New Jersey on business and hit a couple clubs in the evening. The next morning went to pay for breakfast at the hotel and had to pay in singles. Hostess, an attractive blonde MILF type, leans over and whispers to me, "I guess I know what you were doing last night?" I was a little embarrassed, but she just smiled and said, "don't worry, this is New Jersey after all." Another time I was in a bank. Saw a pretty young thing at that next counter, overhead her say she wanted to pay her credit card bill. When the teller told her what the balance was (couple hundred) she reached into her purse and pulled out a stack of singles. She looked over at me, gave me a knowing smile and a wink. Anyone else have similar experiences?


  • how
    15 years ago
    A radio advertisement in Florida was a parody on a political ad, but was actually for a club. In place of the "Paid for by the People to Elect Joe Blow" tagline, it said something like, "Paid for by _____, in one dollar bills."
  • 10inches
    15 years ago
    similar scenario; PP in greenville always gives you change in $2 bills ( what a pain) was at beer store after one visit and pulled out stack of $2 bills to pay for six pack; clerk made snarky comment about guess i was at the club earlier that day.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    So my college senior daughter needs some gas money and I start counting out singles. She laughs at me and says "Dad have you been at strip clubs again."
  • jaxman5150
    15 years ago
    If your coming out of a club with that many dollars you must not have had that much fun!!!
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    As a matter of fact that particular visit was kind of lame, but I still did not have enough singles to by my daughter a full tank of gas.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    It's widely assumed at my job that if someone needs 5 ones and I give them 5 ones that I was at the strip club again, even if it wasn't true.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    The Platinum Plus in Columbia, my favorite club, also gives out those $2 bills. It is obvious that they want you to tip higher but I have no problems getting $1 bills at the club. A long time ago, in a far distant city, on my way from Columbia SC back to Atlanta, I stopped at the Discotheque Lounge in Augusta for a look see. I tried to pay for my drink using $2 bills but the female bar tender (blond) said that she could not accept them. "why" I asked? She replied because she didn't have a slot for them in the cash register.
  • now_starring
    15 years ago
    Someone stole my last 2 dollar bill. I may have to go out of state to get some. :)
  • flguytampa21
    15 years ago
    Wow you have that many dollar bills? I usually end up spending $20's on actual dances.
  • robofan
    15 years ago
    If I end up with a bunch of dollar bills I just give them away in tips as I leave. There is the waitress, coat check girl, valet parking and the weird guy in the mens room who hands out paper towels to dry your hands. As long as you give them a decent tip they don't care that you tip them all in ones. Let them deal with it.
  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    Robofan & I think a lot alike. But I want to put in a plug for the $2 bill gambit. I actually wish the $2 bills had a big bright "2" on them like some 5s do. Dollar bills are a bit of an anachronism. Our more enlightened brethren in Canada and UK have coins equivalent to dollar and more. But in spite of serious efforts by US Mint, dollar coins have never caught on here. Yeah, I agree, you can carry more money in your pocket as $1 bills than as $1 coins, but I think it would sense to migrate to $2 bills and $1 coins. I like the $1 coins a lot, myself. Guess I am in the small minority. I realize this is badly off topic -- after all we aren't about to start putting $1 coins in the strippers' garters. I think $2 tips should become the norm, and the $1 bill become an anachronism in clubs. I am sort of surprised to see myself write these words, as I am a "club cheapskate" in so many ways.
  • chi_sam
    15 years ago
    I was taking money out of the bank for my 'stripper weekend', and requested the cash in 100's and 100 dollar bills, preferably new ones. The teller (as is typical, was a young, smoking hot babe who but for lack of math skills would be a stripper rather than being stuck behind that counter), looks up as she hands me the stack and faced with an inability to reconcile this seemingly odd transaction exclaimed - "Wow, you must really like dollars..." "No... But I know some girls that just love 'em." The look on her face was priceless, as she quickly went through all of the facial contortions from 'deer in the headlights', to merely confused, to epiphany, to mildly embarrassed.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Arbeeguy, at my favorite club, a lot of dancers opt for the payment into the "kitty bank". They pull their thong down and you deposit your money with the kitty. I like it. But inserting 20 or 30 coins in the bank would likely break the bank. Is the kitty bank unique to my favorite club or is this done in other parts of the country?
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I'm a lot less inhibited when it comes to tipping a dancer a dollar. I could easily spend 40 to 60 single dollars in a single night visiting 3 different clubs. Now if I had to tip twice as much every time, it wouldn't be as much fun and spending 120 dollars just for small tips seems like a very high price to me. Of course if more dancers sit on my lap so I can't get up and tip anyone, it wouldn't be a problem either. Sometimes though, I may not want to get pinned down. I ran into two Atlanta dancers in Greenville saying they would get in trouble for sitting on a customers lap in Atlanta. They seemed happy with additional freedom.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "but I think it would sense to migrate to $2 bills and $1 coins. I like the $1 coins a lot, myself." I hate those one & two dollar Canadian coins. The $1 one is too close in size to the quarter IMO. I never seem to miss stage tipping when I'm in Canada anyways. It also never made any sense to me than a half-dollar U.S. coin was bigger & heavier than a $1 coin. In Europe, I don't ever remember using Euro coins very much either.
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