
What is the ethnicity of your favorite dancer(s)?

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, February 28, 2009 12:04 AM
I have a dozen or so favorite dancers at my favorite club. Their make up keeps changing. Some leave and others are pushed out by better dancers. Their order of preference also keeps changing. Presently there are" 2 blacks 1 Puerto Rican 1 Brazilian The rest are white. There are currently no Asians or European dancers on my favorites list. Mostly because they don't appeal to me in the first place.


  • jablake
    15 years ago
    They're all black. The only type of women that I don't seem to care for are East Europeans and perhaps the Mongols.
  • 59
    15 years ago
    Scattered at clubs in 3 states: 1 Filipina 1 1/2 Thai/1/2 Filipina 1 1/2 Guatemalan/ 1/2 Belizean (sp?) 1 Hungarian 1 Japanese 1 Columbian 1 Mexican 1 3/4 Filipina/ 1/4 Mexican 1 1/2 Thai/ 1/2 German 1 1/2 Mexican/ 1/2 German 2 white girls Have had Puerto Rican, Brazilian girls heavily in rotation in past but none currently. Some black girls as well but they seem to move around a lot at the clubs I frequent.
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    1st Black. (Tall and slender with smallish natural breasts.) 2nd White. (Petite, small breasts, loose thong!)
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    I really don't have a favorite now. My ATF, when she danced, is Asian. I was also pretty tight with a Puerto Rican dancer, in the past. She came down with a serious illness and no longer dances. Another in Key West was white. Then there was Fiona. She was Latin, but not sure from where.
  • curiousgeorgefun
    15 years ago
    must be petite, schoolgirl-like I dislike bubble butts. White, followed up closely by asian and latino. Although attitude is far more important...
  • now_starring
    15 years ago
    The that I liked that I have met the most are white, and black, but I am more physically attracted to Asian, and Hispanic girls. I have only met one Hispanic dancer and one Asian dancer. Note: I have also met more black and white, so right not they have an advantage. I guess that means I have to explore more.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    Of my current Top 10, 7 are indisputably white, 1 is indisputably black, one is at least partially Native American, and the last is Puerto Rican (at least I was told she was). I have had many fun times with Asians, but there aren't any currently, as they just don't have any at any of the clubs I visit. I have also enjoyed the company of Mexican dancers, who were a significant portion of the dancers at one of my former favorite clubs, but since that club closed, I rarely see them.
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    my ATF is a beautiful, fresh-faced caucasian. Strange, because I usually gravitate toward Asians...
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    My 2nd in line favorite dancer told me that she was part native American Indian. I guessed right at Cherokee. Boy, can she build a "teepee"!
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    My favorite dancers are all caucasian at the time. I believe I met a hot looking Puerto Rican dancer who was temporarily my favorite for a little while. There was another dancer who was one of my favorites for a while and I wondered what her ethnicity was but never asked. I didn't think it really mattered too much. I am more concerned with how pretty she looks to me and how she makes me feel. I've met a number of spanish speaking dancers who looked pretty good over the years. I don't remember where they were from but some of them could have become favorites if they had stuck around long enough.
  • 3LeggedMan
    15 years ago
    1 Filipina 1 Greek 1 Black/Italian
  • 10inches
    15 years ago
    tall black girls with great booty
  • how
    15 years ago
  • StripShopper
    15 years ago
    Warm Blooded! Oh and Clean....
  • hogsun
    15 years ago
    A young white milf at BBF in Indy
  • ozymandias
    15 years ago
    My current fave is black/Puerto Rican. She is a freak and a half ;) O.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Current faves: 1.chinese (5'8" chinese girl....what a find!) 2.philipino/italian (exotic sex kitten) 3.russian (da,comrade!) I'm always on the lookout for my future ex-fave. I have ADD when it comes to dancers. "Remember girls....you can't be first, but you can be next."
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    A good ole tall southern white girl. She definitely knows the right things to do and say!
  • thedirk444
    15 years ago
    Magicrat I know of who you speak and you are correct---she is nice
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Well, I am not sure of whom you speak. PM me.
  • chitownlawyer
    15 years ago
    Latinas; thus, my current forays (for the past couple of years) to the strip clubs of TJ.
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