
Directions to a strip club

Atlanta suburb
I have read many reviews that say how hard it was to find a particular club. I used to use Mapquest.com. I now use a GPS. I was meeting Trogangreg at the newest Atlanta club, Pink Pony South. I punched in the address and drove straight to it. Terrible club. While in Columbia SC, TUSCL_Brother and I were going out to breakfast. He wanted to go to a Cracker Barrel. I didn't even know if there was one. We punched it into my GPS and got one less than 2 miles from where we were.

Yeah, It's an adult toy. But 1% of the time it can save your ass. Buy one!


  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    When I was a kid, I was always the navigator and ended up a roadgeek (and occasionally post on roadgeek websites), so I always knew the way to anywhere, so if I were looking for a new club, I'd probably look on here, look at the map each club has, and just know the way. On the other hand, my brother is exactly the opposite and swears by his GPS. I like to think I am above GPS's, but GPS's may be the best invention ever made.
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    Sometimes maps can be deceiving. That's why, when I wrote my review for the Mansion in Spring (Houston) I specified you can only get there a certain way.

    I've driven coast to coast, through 26 states, and I've never encountered people as terrible at giving directions as Texans. Texans are wonderful generous people, but they can't give directions to save their life.
  • deogol
    15 years ago
    Well Texas is so flat all you have to do is "look over dar" and "that it is see!"
  • 2luvtits
    15 years ago
    Like Eddie Murphy in Bev Hills Cop 2 said, let the wiener lead the way, amazing how many times I've found a new strip club without any problem and how I always get lost going to the doctor or anywhere else new.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    SC- Which portable brand did you use? I've had 2 experiences in rental cars. The Hertz kind is a POS. The factory installed 1 in Toyota Prius is pretty good. However, it doesn't work that well in dense business park environment. For example, unit was telling me to turn right 75 yds too soon, which was also about same distance past some other turn in. My arrival at hotel was announced 100 ft too soon. Meanwhile, I tried a back way to hotel that I knew, all the time with voice keying me back to "Main Blvd". I turned into side entrance, and pulled right up to lobby entry of hotel WITHOUT A PEEP FROM NAV SYSTEM. Looking out the window does work.
  • robofan
    15 years ago
    I've have had a built in GPS navigation system in the last three vehicles I've owned over the last eight years. Wouldn't leave home without one. They are great on trips or going to a new place the first time. They keep getting better and better all the time. Hopefully they will be able to take over driving completely someday and I can just sit in the back seat and relax.
  • now_starring
    15 years ago
    I still use mapquest. I don't travel enough to buy a GPS.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    yes, I do remember the first time I got a GPS, I drove to the strip clubs in areas of Columbus that I was not familiar with.
    Although, I would say that I have only desperately needed my GPS 2 times within the past 3 years.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    minnow, It's a Garmin Street Pilot. The salesman at Best Buy said that it was the most popular brand. Consumer Reports rated it best. I'm happy with it.
  • Philip A. Stein
    15 years ago
    I'm GPS guy. I have my Garmin 72Cx loaded (poi) with all the clubs in Michigan. It's really handy!

    Founder will update club coords just like the rest of the club info.

  • gk
    15 years ago
    My daughter and her boyfriend (college students) both have a GPS. Trouble is, they rely on the technolgy "toy" and don't use maps. Consequently they never really know where they are when they travel. Case in point: boyfriend drives four hours to see my daughter. I ask him what route hee took/cities he traveled through, to get here. His answer--'I don't know, I just followed the GPS instructions.' Another example--daughter goes to Chicago west side suburbs to visit another college friend. I offer to map out a route for her to negotiate the tricky Chicago freeway system and rush hour. She declines my offer and says, I'll just use the GPS. Well, she calls when she's almost there to say 'the GPS tells me I'm onlyh 15 minutes from my destination--but I've been 15 minutes away for the last hour.' (And another hour was to come). She didn't know the best way because the GPS never knows the "best way" just what it is programmmed to give you.

    Having said all this, they can be great as Shadowcat says for finding something on the run. I'll probably invest in one, but haven't done it yet.
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