
If the weather is bad and you need to save money anyway, do you stay home?

Friday, March 27, 2009 3:23 AM
Just wondering if the weather is bad, are you a lot more likely to stay home and save your money or do you go to a strip club hell or high water? I stayed home one weekend recently when it was just constantly raining. I didn't want to drive at night in the rain since I do have a bit of a drive back and forth. Plus it's annoying to have it raining at the clubs going back and forth. I live in South Carolina and I remember one Saturday night they were forecasting a chance of snow that night. Strip clubs were deserted that night. It didn't even hardly snow either.


  • now_starring
    15 years ago
    It depends on the power of the urge. If I had been recently I would stay home, but if it had been a while I would probably be out the door and driving to the club.
  • Yes. And these days, if the weather is good but I need to save money anyway, I stay home. Sad, but true.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    That depends on what type of bad. If its snowing, I avoid going, simply because you never know if you'll be allowed to go back home due to the possibility of a closed Interstate. Rain, on the other hand, doesn't stop me. Tornado warnings, on the other hand, are never a good idea to go out in.
  • how
    15 years ago
    No fixed answer to this fine question, as the decision to go to a club is more about mood than weather conditions. But inclement weather can be a bonus, if it leads to a situation where there are more hot dancers and fewer customers. This question reminded me of a Bill Murray riff from "Tootsie." He was talking to a group of folks at a party about his dream: "I want a theater that is only open when it's raining."
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Money does not play in it. If there is ice or snow in the forecast I stay home. 2 reasons. Driving in those conditions scares the shit out of me. Second it scares the shit out of dancers and they stay home. I remember several years ago, I was in Columbia SC for the sole purpose of visiting my favorite club. On the 2nd day I woke up to a light skiff of snow. By noon it had all melted away and I went to my favorite club. Only one dancer working (a favorite). Normally there would have been 6 to 8 at that time. For 3 hours she was the only dancer. About 8 customers. She would dance on stage for 1 song and then the stage would be empty for 3 or 4 songs while she did private dances. She was pissed at the club for making her pay a tip out, when she was the only dancer to show up. By 4PM the scare was over and things got back to normal. Had I been at home, I would have stayed there.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    A Detroit winter can be rough. Heavy snow does not close the clubs, but weak guys stay home. Had one of my best nights during a snowstorm, because the dancers were willing to deal in order to make money. The knew that the weather was blocking the crowd getting bigger or better. So, I was the best (and only) deal that night. On other occasions I seen the manager close the place and send everyone home because the roads were about to be closed. Who wants to get trapped in a club with a bunch of lonely dancers who are waiting for rides in a blizzard? Who wants to be sucked up to because he's the only guy with a big SUV and 4x4 drive, ready to fight the storm and provide rides home? Welllll?
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    OK, the typing sucked, but you guys get the drift.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Fortunately not too many roads get closed around here due to snow in South Carolina. Roads have been closed in the upstate due to a bad ice storm with trees in the road and power out. Of course if the power is out, there's no point in going to a strip club if it's a severe regional outage and the strip club has no power. I guess it also depends on how hard it's raining. A constant several hour downpour that is flooding streets can be difficult to drive in especially if strip clubs are over an hour away on a good day.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    LOL, cg- Staying home & NOT going to stripclubs is a good way to save money, regardless of weather. If I have the motivation, only freezing rain, accumulating type snow, or a tropical storm will keep me from going. If there's much doubt, I look at radar map @ [view link]- light snow flurries often don't show up on radar. But, if I see a dark blue splotch on radar map, I stay in.
  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    The way the question is posed, the answer is an unequivocal "YES". In fact, if I needed to save money I would stay home no matter good weather or bad. But in the area I live - Iowa - I have found the strip club experience is crappy in bad weather. It seems like we have more than our bad share of bad weather around here, and strippers often drive an hour or two to get to their club-of-choice. Clubs are likely to close, and often are short of dancers if they don't.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Well it had been raining here for hours and hours. Suddenly early Saturday evening the sun came out before it got dark and the rain let up. I saw it as a sign that I should go out and spend some money. I can save money when I'm less interested in visiting strip clubs. I think I also learned one lesson. Don't sit and talk and chat with a dancer for a while or you'll be a lot less determined to say no to getting an overpriced dance from her.
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