

Blue Ridge Foothills
Sunday, June 7, 2009 5:17 PM
hi guyz! im a new dancer!!!!! just wondering what u guyz think about a 26 y.o. chick taking up stripping. am i too old? everybody tells me i look like a teenager. also, im only a 34b. do u guyz think i need a boob job? how big should i tell the doc to make em? one more thing. do u guyz think its ok for me to fuck my customers, or does that make me a slut? i love to fuck and i just want my customers to be fully satisfied!!!!! beg me enuf & i might post some nude pix & mabye let u know where im working. tee hee. thx in advance!!!!! luv u guyz, stripperchick (never mind the fact that i'm posting under some dude's nickname. that's a long story. rest assured - i'm all girl, and i'm for real.)


  • sabills55
    15 years ago
    i may not be like most guys but i do not like boob jobs. they have no bounce and generally to hard. you are not to old by a long shot and i would not get a ld from you if i knew you fucked everyone. Be elective in who you do extras with, no one whats that dirty of a girl
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    chandler, is that a re post from her that I missed or did it come from the pink site?
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Small tits are fine, but but fakes aren't---imho. Also, 26 generally is too old for my tastes----most clubbers probably don't care about the number, but how you look.
  • now_starring
    15 years ago
    How old you look is more important than how old you are. Guys ask about the age, but I don't think most care as long as you can entertain them. Your boob size is fine. I would consider them to be average. As long as you are interesting and reasonably attractive(not ugly) you should be able to get customers. Back to the boob job issue; I hate the feel of fakies. Even if you won't allow hands on touching, at some point assuming they will touch the customer due to proximity and most people can tell the difference that way also. PS: You can just post a pic, to be sure. :)
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Chandler - hilarious! Ok, I'll play along ... Hey stripperchick - for a newbie you seemed to touch on all the favorite topics of this site. Keep that up and you'll be someone's ATF in no time. P.S. Can I have your phone number? (Just PM me)
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    hi stripperchick, if you're a drunk or a druggie, have a loser boyfriend, own all sorts of stuff you can't afford, and have your picture in the dictionary as the definition of the word "slut," well, congratulations! You've found the occupation that should be just right for you! All of us here at TUSCL look forward to hearing more from you as your career progresses...
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    wow, u guyz r tough on boob jobs!! what's yr problem, did an implant steal yr tricycle when u were a kid? lol! xoxo u know i luv u guyz!! dont worry, i wont do it unless i know there gonna look natural. shadowcat & steve, im not chandler. im just using the dudes account. its a long story. im stripperchick & im 4 real!!! just bored & looking 4 some input! numbnutz, u must be psychotic, dude. i resemble that remark!!!! ok guys.....how about this one.....tattoos. dude that works at the parlor neay my club owes me big bigtime. tee hee. which should i get, a badass dragon covering my back or a teeny classy butterfly on my ankle? thx so much 4 yr input! u guyz rock!!!!! stripperchick
  • bumrubber
    15 years ago
    26 is still pretty young, IMO. Plenty of gals still look "like teenagers" into their 30s, and a few into their 40s! A lot of the younger girls aren't in such great shape either. Plenty lie about their age too.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    C'mon stripperchick!! Post noodz!!! Noodz!! Noodz!!
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    How much do you charge for take out service!? GAWD!!! jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Hey, stripperchick! Be careful on this board. Seems to be a haven for misogynists, racists, homophobes and Holocaust deniers. Don't worry though, there's this guy, goes by the name of MisterGay. He's a really good guy and will protect you from all them!
  • now_starring
    15 years ago
    LOL, Somehow I missed that line about wanting to fuck customers. I don't have a definition of a slut so I can't call you one. As far as having sex with various people I think it is ok, as long as you don't play with anyone's emotions. You could at least let us know what club you are at when you start working. :)
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Nice job chandler, and some believed it!
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    huh? how many times do i have to say it im so 4 real. looks like some ppl cant accept a real stripper coming on here & using some dudes acct to try to get input. wtf? i dont wanna cause any problems. sorry, i guess there wont be no noodz. i still luv u guyz but this is getting borrrring. hasta yall!! stripperchick
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Chandler is too careful to let some chick use his name and log-in.
  • lane
    15 years ago
    26 and you don't know how to spell or type? You will be an AMAZING stripper...
  • hogsun
    15 years ago
    I can't believe some fell for it Chandler.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Funny post, chandler. But far funnier were some sincere replies! Dang!
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    how, We have a paradox! How do you know those "sincere replies" were sincere replies? :) Sort of like looking at yourself looking at yourself in a mirror! There is no end in sight.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Well, my reply was sincere. :) I get a kick out of people who are a 100% sure they know the deal. Dealt with a nitwit a couple of weeks ago who knew that US Postal Money Orders are fraudulent. He "learned" this from his brother after I'd already mailed him the money orders. So his brother emails me this profanity laced missive with the welcome threat that he is taking the US Postal Money Orders directly to the local police station. And, he dared me to call him! What a pea brain. So, yeah I called him. Surprisingly, he didn't have nearly the balls or venom when speaking with me directly over the phone. He had "learned" via Craigslist that all US Postal Money Orders are fraudulent and therefore I had to be a fraud. He claimed the Postal Service couldn't tell the different between worthless money orders and good ones. What about the police, I asked, are they also incompetents? Oh no he yelped, the police are going to put me in jail. Excellent, I replied, please just take 'em directly to your local police so you can be a big hero and protect those who aren't as knowledgeable as yourself. Turned out he didn't even have the balls to go to the police----instead, he had his brother refuse delivery as the safest course of action. I've learned over and over that just because it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck sure hell don't mean it is a duck. :) It is easy for me to accept with a grain of salt the most stupidiest stories imaginable. The typical joe or jane knows these stupidiest stories must be fakes as if being suspect is the same as being fake. Anyway, after that experience I too feel all US Postal Money Orders are fraudulent. :) Yep, I already felt very weak. Yapping with him just added a few more nails to my coffin and now I don't even feel like answering the phone or speaking. It just took a lot more out of me physically than I realized. Gambling dancer is supposed to be stopping by tomorrow. She still is refusing to sell services and I haven't given her any money in about a year? I asked her if she needed money and her reply was that my broke ass can't do nothing for her financially. She just be taking pity on an old man who is too stupid to accept free sex. :( Oh well, with "friends" like that I don't need enemies . . . maybe she'll put the final nails in the coffin. :)
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Stripperchick, Don't worry, this is NOT another annoying post from Steve229 asking for your phone number again. I'm hot-young-guy, I'm just borrowing his account. Unlike my married, middle-aged PL buddy, I'm single, young and hot! Hey, I don't even go to strip clubs that much, I don't have to pay for it, if you know what I mean. Anyway, you sound hot (like me) so we should hook up for OTC. PM me your number, babe. Peace, out. hot-young-guy
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Damn! Looks like some crazy chick had some fun with my account while I wasn't looking. Serves me right for using a password that was so obvious for anybody who's watched 'Friends'. (Don't even think about it - I've fixed it.) Beats me who would want to pull this prank in my name, of all people. I mean, strippers have nothing but love, erm luv, for me! Oh well, on to further adventures... I wonder if this "stripperchick" will show up again? She sure got bored in a hurry, didn't she? Wild. Oh, and yes, this is Chandler & I am 4 real. lol!
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Bring back "stripperchick." :)
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    I hope nobody missed the central irony of this thread which is that in chandler's signature bitterly adolescent sarcastic style he attempts to take a shot at the strippers who post here seeking attention by... get this... himself posting a thread loudly seeking attention for himself.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Hmmm . . . and here I thought some super sexy slut stripper was using his account after wearing him out. :) Hey, that could be what happened. :) Strippers have used my computer. Perhaps they even posted on TUSCL. Mainly I was just afraid they'd download viruses by accident despite their confident assurances and my protection software.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    True: one must be careful when strippers have access to your hard disk. Despite their good intentions, assurances and your protection some virus could very easily get passed along.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    That applies to one's hardware as well.
  • pop
    15 years ago
    A few pictures and everyone would have bought it.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    chandler- You are a true master (bator, satirist, or both). You didn't fool me for 1 second, but you sure gave me some laughs. Good take on WG & JJ.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Wow, thanks, Minnow. No pulling the wool over your eyes. No siree. Hey, if anybody hears from Stripperchick, tell her I've got some freaky ass PMs to forward.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I thought about posting a message that chandler was definitely bored.
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    My dick is getting hard just thinking about Chandler ...
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    BG: "My dick is getting hard just thinking about Chandler ..." Sounds like something I'd expect parody or MisterGay to say.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Book Guy, I am beginning to worry about you.
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