
Champagne rooms.

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 12:58 AM
There has been a lot of talk on here recently about them. In my opinion only a fool would waste money in one. My favorite club has one. It opened about 7 years ago. It has 6-8 cubicles. I have only been in it once. That was with my then ATF and was only for 20 minutes. We were invited back by another customer. Sipped some bubbly and then left them alone. It has been remodeled once since then. Less privacy now. Too much fucking going on? I know that the clubs have a hell of a mark up on booze but Champagne must really be expensive. They keep their's in a locked refrigerator and take frequent inventory checks. At night they have a hostess/host (tip expected)but the bird dogs generally leave you alone. It doesn't get that much use. If it were my club, I would rent out the cubicles by the 1/2 hour. Of the 50+ favorites that I have had over the years, only one has tried to get me into the Champagne Room. Offered a lubricated HJ. The whole deal would have cost me around $500. I can get that in the regular couch room for $20-40. She is still on my favorites list but never tries to con me into it. The DJ's always plug the Champagne room as free. Yeah!!! After you pay $250+ for a bottle and tips and then pay a dancer. (They also get a free tip out). I know 3 that will give me an hour of FS in my hotel room for $150 or less. Be smart. Don't get suckered.


  • Philip A. Stein
    15 years ago
  • Notsosly
    15 years ago
    $100 at most of the joints here in SoFL. Depends on the club, but some are like you describe. But some offer ZERO privacy in the regular lapdance area, so if you want anything more than a regular dance, you need to hit up the VIP/champagne room, for privacy if anything. But ya, if it was $250 to the house upfront... that's nuts.
  • dallas702
    15 years ago
    Laxplayer has a point. I recently visited several clubs around Miami. In most SoFL SCs the lapdance areas are less than completely private and the extras are limited, but in the VIP areas there is a lot of privacy (Tootsies, for example, has curtains to completely close off the cubicles) and in that privacy the mileage tends to go way up! My experience was that the Miami VIPs were not cheap - at $50 to $100 for 30 minutes - but that certainly is cheaper than the (I agree) absurd $250 "champagne" room charge. The cost for VIP, and the amount of privacy offered, varies greatly in different parts of the country. Around Chicago most VIP rooms will be very expensive and big brother bouncer WILL be watching - not worth it. At several EastStLoui clubs the room charge is nominal and privacy is reasonably hi. And Shadowcat, many of us lack that animal vibe you use to attract a stable of willing ATFs who will work hard all week siphoning $ from the rest of us so they can give you a great experience without worrying about the rent! ;) My experience is that sometimes the VIP is a total ripoff and in some places it is cheaper and just as private as a motel room. The only consistant is that the dancer who pushes the Champagne room to the exclusion of all other options is likely a ROB.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I've been to a few and while they may be overly pricey, privacy was virtually guaranteed (at least to the extent that they aren't video taped), which was not true in the regular lapdance room. BTW, this may sound dumb, but do they actually have champagne rooms where they actually serve champagne? In Iowa, a couple of the BYOB clubs that have them call them champagne rooms, but being they can't serve alcohol, they don't have champagne. Actually, I believe one of the clubs in Des Moines does not call it a champagne room, but that's the essential purpose.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    [view link] Chris Rock - No Sex in the Champagne Room I try to keep that song in mind when I am being offered to be taken back to the champagne room.
  • snowtime
    15 years ago
    I have never been to a "champagne" room in all my years of clubbing. I consider it a waste of money in most clubs. I have had very good experiences in many clubs without paying the rediculous price for the extra privacy. Most of the reviews on this site will help you find "extras" clubs without having to spend up for the "champagne" room. I have had some very good dances in Shadowcat's favorite club for the 2 for 20 or 2 for 30 rate, just not as often as he has. I think if I was planning on spending $250 or more I would call an escort for a sure thing without the uncertainty of the club room. I will take Chris Rock's advice on this one and spend my hard earned dollars in the lap dance room.
  • uscue13
    15 years ago
    Dandy, at least my faves in SC all have champagne. Required to get in the room. I also never do champagne room, although last time I went to one of my favorite clubs I got a girl to give me a tour so I could see it. Cheapest bottle was $250. Any of the girls that care about you as a customer tell you up front ways to save money - don't do champagne room and if you use your card to get cash, only use the ATM, not the girls with the beer carts by the doors. There's only one dancer I've seen at PP regularly that her entire MO is to push champagne. Same strategy - starts off with a great VIP deal (3 for $30) and use those dances pretty much trying to upsell you. Once you decline and your time in the back is up, that's it for you. No more dances the rest of the night -- at least at the good prices like that 3 for $30. ROB
  • Tucker40
    15 years ago
    Hmm, all my favorite strip clubs in Florida don't serve booze. They do have VIP rooms. If you're planning on spending a lot on consecutive dances with one girl, it could be a wash, in terms of dollars for time. There's one club I occasion that goes $100 for 15 minutes -- compared to $20 for a typical 3 minute song, it's basically a wash but more privacy.
  • Notsosly
    15 years ago
    Most of the clubs I've been in do not actually serve champagne in the champagne room. Then again, they almost all call it the "VIP" room, so at least it isn't false advertising! Personally, I think if it's over $200 for 30 minutes, I'd definitely expect some Champagne! In my experience, Champagne is more common in the big super clubs that have tons of dancers and cater to the bachelor party and celebrity types (Scarlet's, Spearmint Rhino, Tootsies, etc). And it's also very common in the areas of the country that are full-nude-but-no-alcohol... and it's non-alcoholic champagne garbage. In my favorite club, it's $100 up front to the club for 30 minutes in the VIP, and then usually $150-300 tip to the dancer depending on what you two agree on (anything from a simple HJ to BBBJ to FS including greek). Sometimes you gotta tip bouncer/waitress too. But then again, there are a couple lapdance couches that are tucked into a corner where I've had all of the above for the normal lapdance price ($25) plus a little tip. As always... YMMV depending on club/dancer and your looks/personality.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I guess if I suddenly became a multi-millionaire and had money to burn I'd be willing to pay high prices for more privacy with the right dancer. Of course if I was in that situation and we both wanted more privacy, I think we would be both better off hooking up away from the club and seeing what develops without getting interrupted by waitresses, loud talking DJ's, bouncers, or whomever may want to talk to you or make a lot of noise or interrupt.
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    Depends entirely on the club and region. Some places have no-service in main rooms and very cheap available full-service in the private rooms. Some places require you to access a private room just to talk to the girls; others, just to get a lapper at all. There's absolutely no way to make a rule about whether in general champagne rooms are "worth it" or not. Frankly, anyone who starts pontificating about his own superior strip-clubbing "skills" based on his ability to avoid champagne rooms is, quite obviously and by his own admission, someone who hasn't been to a lot of strip clubs and has therefore very low strip-clubbing "skills." If you'd been around, you'd know that this sort of generalization is impossible. You might as well have said, "I never ever interact with the youngest hottest strippers, because they're always princessy bitches." That's a stupid falsehood, because there are plenty of good dancers who are also young and hot. Similarly, your generalization might have been true if you'd put it more openly -- "most younger hotter inexperienced dancers are often princessy bitches" or "most private rooms, in my experience, aren't worth the money simply for privacy, since excellent experiences can be had without accessing them" -- but to just throw out a blanket categorical statement indicates both (a) your lack of knowledge or open-mindedness and (b) your interest in self-aggrandizement. "I never vote for -party x-. All politicians who work for that party are selfish jerks and none of their policies ever work. Ever." Makes you look like you want to be the subject of the discussion. Congratulations, it worked.
  • 3LeggedMan
    15 years ago
    At my fave club in Central Illinois, there's an LD room, VIP area, and Champagne room. The difference between VIP and CR is $75 for the bubbly. Interesting, tho, one dancer whom I've done both with told me that her cut of the money is greater from VIP than CR. At my next visit I opted for the VIP when nobody else was in there and mileage was just fine! No more champagne for me.
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    I have experienced several clubs where the dancers' cut, percentage-wise or total profit, is greater at the mid-tier rooms than at the top-tier ones. I think the clubs (and dancers) know, that someone shelling out for the top tier is just someone figuring out how much money they can waste.
  • now_starring
    15 years ago
    When I was new I got taken once. She then tried to get tip money for the other dancers and the doorman and what seemed like every other employee in the club. That however did not take place. I guess some of these were her tip out fees. I was new, but I wasn't that new. I thanked her for the learning experience and left. To this day I wonder if she ever figured out what I meant by that.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    BookGuy is right. It all depends on the club and the region of the country. If you're a veteran clubber you can always spot the ROBs. The trick when visiting any club is to determine what the best value is. But what Shadowcat means is that the rip-off/no-value Champagne Rooms/VIP rooms should be avoided. And he's right about that. Now, as for Chris Rock--the PC answer should always be--he's right.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Results in the backrooms (or whatever they call them) will be extremely varied, depending on the local, the club, and the dancer. I've had everything for great down to walking out!
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