
Comments by Dudester (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Stripper stabs stripper, breaks arm
    Too bad they didn't work it out with a fully nude canola oil pool wrestling match.
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    14 years ago
    I saw one in Club Onyx (Houston) that was about 6'4" and 400 pounds. Got a lapper once from a real looker in St. James, 6'4" barefoot, but thin build.
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    14 years ago
    OTC Trip?
    First, keep the trip to three days and two nights, or less. There is truth in the adage, "After three days, fish and company stink". Second-read my article-Trip With the Stripper http://www.tuscl.net/b.php?AID=276
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The sight of a nude women does not excite me.
    Being a Houstonian, I take it as a given that a SC visit is to be a hands on experience. A couple of times in the past couple of years, I've had dancers try that air dance thing with me. It pisses me off to no end. Shadow, I think it might be time for you to stop going to clubs for awhile. Try shacking up with Gridget for a year or two. Failing that, pull a Charlie Sheen and pay a couple of Goddesses to be aroung 24/7.
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    14 years ago
    Ahh yes, Vegas
    Take it from a onetime cop, people will do the stupidest things-even in front of a cop. Drunk driver opens his car door in front of me and pukes. Teen male with warrant (theft of firearms) takes a swig of Jack Daniels from the bottle, looks over and sees me. Ooops. Man in car with naked fifteen year old girl wants to know why I want him to get out of the car and he's never heard the phrase "Fifteen will get you twenty." Pair of naked prison guards, married, but not to each other, in the midst of the act in a city park had parked next to the only other car in the parking lot-a car stolen and used in a kidnapping. and many more
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    14 years ago
    There's a swimming pool out in front of St.James. I hope you don't mind cold water.
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    14 years ago
    Girl U Want
    A couple of years ago, had gone to St. James to see a particular dancer. She had gone in the dressing room, telling me she'd be right back. I was approached by a dancer in a magnificent costume that looked like it belonged in a Broadway play or the Opera. She stood in front of me so I could drink it in. Me: Magnificent costume !! Her: Would you like to take it off of me ? Me: (in great pain) I'm sorry, I'm waiting for my date.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Male/Female strippers on stage together....
    Only place I know of is in Paris France. There areseveral there, but this one wasn't too far from the Moulin Rouge. Admitedly though, it was 20 years ago. I had gone to see a particular model from Poland. She started with the guy she came out onstage with, but after a little bit of 69, they went into the audience and found a replacement for the guy.
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    14 years ago
    Cell phones
    Do you take your cell phone into the club? Yes If so, why? Leave it at home ? Don't think so. Might need it en route for various purposes. Leave it in the car ? And get it stolen ? Don't think so. So, Bob's your Uncle.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    "Pornstars" Stripping (not featuring)
    Guage will sometimes turn up at a Little Rock Arkansas club. Lil Sinderella, who lives in Burleson Texas, will sometimes go to an unnamed local club. If you're into porn in a big way, so that you know them all on sight, and you actively troll San Fernando valley clubs, you can find a few.
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    14 years ago
    Sound Familiar ?
    The ancient Romans also loved to display erotic artifacts, with everything from lamps to garden statuary. Pompeii housed 41 places of prostitution and a public brothel in the middle of town, a two-story structure with five cubicles -- sparse tiny, narrow rooms -- on each floor containing erotic frescos. One, recreated at the exhibition, has graffiti on the wall that translates to: "Here I came, I had sex, then I went home." It's discretely tucked away behind other exhibits.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Woman Busted For Fondling Female Coworker At Waffle House
    It was only a few years ago, women were polite and demur. Not any more. To quote Bob Dylan:"The times, they are a changing."
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    14 years ago
    Current Event Question
    If I had Charlie's money, for me, it would be a really cute "B" actress.
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    14 years ago
    Former BYU QB Ty Detmer says school 'willing to stand its ground'
    The Mountain West division, especially basketball has a history of drama. To start off, the UNM Lobos have one of the greatest basketball arenas in the country. Called "The Pit", they took the top off of a hill, scooped out the center in a bowl shape, and built the pit. As the game starts, the crowd stands, claps, and screams. It's so loud that you can't hear yourself scream. It's arguably the greatest home court advantage in the country. In the 1970's, UNM Coach Norm Ellenberger somehow attracted great athelete after great athlete. The school somehow out recruited the other schools in the league. In the late 1970's, the truth began to leak out. Norm had created a junior college on paper that made otherwise academically ineligible athletes-eligible. Instead of ratting him out, other colleges wanted in on the deal. Soon some Pac-10 schools and a few other schools got in, then the NCAA found out. Norm has never coached again, but his assistant, John Wisenhunt, has coached in the WNBA and is now coaching in the NBA.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sex Ed was never like this when I went to school....
    My alma mater had a very interesting human sexuality class. The highlight was the survey, and the results were eye opening. Age (Median) Male :21.5 Female: 20.5 Number of lifetime sex partners: Male: 8 Female: 18.5 In short, there are a few guys getting a whole lot, and most guys getting just a lttle.
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    14 years ago
    Okay, now I know why Pothead is scoring for just a few drinks (lol)...
    It was easier to get laid when I was younger-young women provided access then, but the women often were disapppointed because I didn't pick up on some subtle signal. Fast forward one score and a few years, and it's harder to get access, but when I land one, it's hard to shake them when I grow weary of them. When I was young I didn't do and say the right things. Now, middle aged, they appreciate that their orgasm is given first by me and that I listen to what they want.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: "I have to change my panties because of you!"
    Happens often to me. On my most recent St. James visit, hand was in the panties. As she started to moan, I smelled an odor in the room coming from between her legs. The odor happened because she heated up and got wet.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Man Stabbed 20 Times During Strip Club Brawl
    Albuquerque-tough place to brawl. I grew up just south of there. In 8th grade, I was both stabbed and shot in class.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Your Fantasy Ranch strip club offering nude lap dances in a party bus?
    For the guys, you gotta take what's offered.If you get on a party bus with six heifers and an ROB, well..... If there's dark windows on the bus, I don't see what the fuzz can do, unless there's more than LD's going on.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    A Slip of the Shoe Leads to Lawsuit Against Strip Club
    Vince asked:"Damn, these clubs are dangerous places!! Who knows what might happen?" Dudester replies: We've had this discussion before here. If clubs don't begin to realze that impractical high heels are dangerous, in many ways, OSHA will get involved in SC's, and that will be bad in a whole bunch of ways.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    The Disconnect Between Our Real Lives And Our SC Hobby
    But, how did I get here? Like me, you buried yourself in your career. You were very good at it and that provided all the emotional nutrition that you needed-then, one day, you walked into a SC. Why do I like our peculiar little world so much? In the oil patch you were unchallenged. You were the king. You understood the rules and mastered them. Now you find yourself in a challenge where the rules change every five minutes, and you love it. How can I spend so much money on frivolities with few conscience qualms? It's like this-there's no narcotic as powerful as the applause of an audience, which is so many musicians, actors, and even strippers do what they do. Art too has found a narcotic that he likes to mainline-estrogen. Why is the SC farmerart such a different man than the oil patch farmerart? Because oil patch art had to be responsible. SC art doesn't have any responsibility.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Those Don't Count
    Someone will never have a decent job.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    No strip clubs in Phoenix?
    There are some really twisted people out there. Guys into shoes, feet, sheep, goats, little kids, guys who like to wear diapers, guys who like women or teens to wear diapers. Guys who like to be pissed on or shit on (I know-better pissed off than pissed on). And I'm just scraping the top of the iceberg.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Close Nevada brothels?
    I followed up on the story yesterday. Reid was laughed at as soon as he left the podium.
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    14 years ago
    Strip club restaurants
    Hoston's best kept secret is it's world class restaurants and chefs work in some of Houston's strip clubs.