Strip club restaurants

avatar for samsung1

Seems like several strip clubs around here have been cutting back on their restaurants. Dreamgirls used to stay open until midnight now closes their restaurant at 7pm and has a very limited menu when they are open 11am-7pm. Kahoots used to be open daily until midnight but now is closed on sundays and only open until 10pm Mon-Thurs (still stays open until midnight on Fri/Sat). Vanity has got rid of their menu/restaurant completely and has no definite plans to bring it back. Also Club X used to have a hot dog stand outside but no longer uses it.

The only good thing to say is that Kahoots has improved their menu but got rid of several upscale items like their filet mignon. Their website has not been updated to reflect their new menu though.


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avatar for sinclair
14 yrs ago

Having seen some bars' and nightclubs' balance sheets, food is generally a loss category or minimal profit at best. Alcohol is the cash cow. But these places still want to serve some kind of food because drinking gets you hungry and if there is nothing to munch, people will leave the club to go somewhere to eat. If you can satisfy the munchies, people will stay and keep buying marked up drinks.

avatar for sucker4ladies
14 yrs ago

I guess it doesn't usually make a difference to me whether a strip club has a restaurant or not. (I have never eaten a meal at one.) While in a SC, I am usually too preoccupied with munching on things other than food to care too much one way or the other. ;)

avatar for Prim0
14 yrs ago

I've never eat at an SC either. I don't go looking for LDs at Morton's Steak House and don't go looking for a fine meal at an SC. I say stick to your focus. Come to think of it, for the price of a couple LDs in Columbus I could have a great meal at a fine dining establishment!

avatar for sinclair
14 yrs ago

Meant to say income statement, not balance sheet.

avatar for joker44
14 yrs ago

Yeah, you don't go to an SC for food but for other good eats.

That said, in KCMO's Crossroads district and next to Bazooka's Showgirls SC is the Bulldog Restaurant & Bar. Both operations under the same corp umbrella.

Upscale, beautiful interior, well-stocked bar, and food definitely above standard pub fare. Not inexpensive but good enough that I've gone there for lunch or dinner even when I had no plans to go next door.

Here's a link to their website which includes a pdf of their menu.

avatar for vincemichaels
14 yrs ago

Nothing like a "free" buffet to fill the stomach while spending $$$$ on a babe.

avatar for txtittyfan
14 yrs ago

The St James serves food that is pretty good. They do a very good lunch business as a result. It is like eating in a nice restaurant with half naked women walking around, dancing and trying to entice you for a little dessert.

avatar for Gossage54
14 yrs ago

I as well have never eaten (food) at a SC. Something about it just doesn't link up. I eat before or after but once I'm in the club my mind is in a different mode. Sometimes the clubs put out food for happy hour or the girls order their take out and ask if I want to order anything, no thanks. For some reason my mind after all these years has been trained there are two scenarios, an eating one and a SC one.

avatar for samsung1
14 yrs ago

Yeah my favorite time for kahoots is during their lunch hour 11:30am-2pm. Free cover and busy unlike their night shift with cover and not as busy or mostly with amateur new dancers. Several dancers I have talked to say they prefer working the lunch/day shift instead of the dinner/night shift because the married men are their most profitable customers and mostly visit during the day.

avatar for gatorfan
14 yrs ago

Eat at a restaurant not where you are fucking the employees

avatar for Dudester
14 yrs ago

Hoston's best kept secret is it's world class restaurants and chefs work in some of Houston's strip clubs.

avatar for vincemichaels
14 yrs ago

Yes, Dudester knows of which he speaks. Last spring I very much enjoyed the food at some of Houston's fine clubs.

avatar for jackslash
14 yrs ago

The Flight Club used to have a free lunch menu between noon and 1PM, with good burgers and sandwiches. Then they stopped the freebie. I threatened never to come back because I only came for the free lunch. But they knew an idle threat when they heard one.

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