
Comments by Dudester (page 12)

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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Next generation stripper?
    YIKES !! Oedipus, if thine eyes offend thee....wait, I'm getting the forks.
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    13 years ago
    Beauty or the Beast?
    What is your preference? Getting some extras from a 4 or 5 at a stanky-ass club or getting a moderately-sensuous clean dance from a 9 in an upscale club? Sometimes you can find an 8 or 9 in a run down club. Take her in the back room and take her clothes off, who gives a shit that it's not the Playboy Club ? Do you frequent the shitty clubs because of the likely possibility of some extras? I go to the club with the intention of getting my dick wet. I am picky about where I stick it in-Elvis won't work on anything below an 8. Or do you prefer the eye candy and the clean atmosphere and the service? Have you been to Houston clubs ? Is it better to get almost naughty with a bombshell or to get your dipstick wet with the hard-working but a little skanky girl-next-door? wet-definitely Or do you tend to mix it up and make a choice based on the mood you are in that night? I go where I think I'll get laid.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My Baby's daddy
    Babbydaddy-translated into normal language-"I'm on public assistance".
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    NO, It's not Detroit again.
    I checked the club's reviews and it's not a ghetto club, more of a bikini bar where not much goes on. Looks like some guy was cut off from his pussy supply, and he thought that he'd rather have lifetime accomodations in the Ironbar Hilton, with a cellmate named Bubba, then to go another strip club or an AMP.
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    13 years ago
    Harassment over OTC/ITC?
    Fetish, it's a men from Mars, women from Venus thing. Men have built roads through jungles, fighting mosquitos, malaria, and hostile natives, not because a woman asked him to, but because it needs to be done. The road wouldn't have been built if the guys gave up at the first sign of resistance. Please understand that I'm not being crass. You have a code, and you live by it, good for you. Women in strip clubs are sex workers, no two ways about it. Part of your job is putting up with assholes. My company recently put me in a front office position where I deal with hundreds of people everyday. If you think you're the only one who puts up with assholes, think again. I'm applying to other companies to get away from it. If putting up with assholes is too difficult for you, do what I'm doing.
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    13 years ago
    DATY is a regular part of my SC experience. Most of the time I get it. Most of those who get it appreciate it very much. Most strippers are used to taking care of the physical needs of guys. It takes a mind change for a stripper to allow a guy to get her off. Up until a couple of years ago, I used to get discounts for that. A stripper and I would go at it for a couple of hours and she'd have at least one orgasm, sometimes two or three. When we'd finish, I'd ask her how much. She'd say "Whatever you think is fair, I lost track." One stripper, after a lengthy session, agreed to only 100, saying "I feel like I should be paying you."
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    13 years ago
    Media is gonna love this one
    I've seen the report on the news,but so far, most left out that the girl was a stripper. Tragic that they are so young and will likely spend at least twenty to thirty years behind bars. They could also go down in a hail of bullets in certain scenarios. Cops won't play nice with them, unless they surrender, or barricade themselves somewhere and are talked, and/or starved out.
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    13 years ago
    Music and Race and A Long Time No See!
    fetish dancer-this is relevant, although not about strip clubs. In the mid to late 1980's, Albuquerque was a happening club place. There were fifty some dance clubs, and all but two of them had live bands. The going rate for a club band was 3k per night. I know because I played in a band that sold out in every venue-and because of that, we got paid twice the going rate. With that said.... Two years ago, I went for a visit to Albuquerque. I had planned to show my date what it was like to be in a city with lots of live music. But once I arrived, it turned out that the live music scene had all but disappeared. It disappeared because in the early 90's, the clubs invested heavily in rap and went after rap customers. By the time the clubs figured out that rap customers don't pay, it was too late-the live music scene had died. In 2009, OTC Gal was my ATF. She was making 300-400 a night at St. James, then, for some insane idea, she decided to dance at a black club that only played rap. She was onstage five times as much, and was lucky to take home 100 a night, and often didn't make that. For that month, I also pulled away from her, so she wasn't making OTC money. She saw the error of her ways (in that respect).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    how long have you not gone to a SC?
    1980-late 1983-frequent customer. 1984-1989-couldn't afford to go. 1990-went once. 1991-1994-waaaaaay too busy to go. 1995-2001-about four visits a year 2002-present-sometimes go often, sometimes not.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How not to turn on a customer.
    In my young days, I had a way of shriveling, that the second some stripper told me a hard luck story, she'd see the answer in my eyes, and that was that, without another word. Once in the late 1990's, I was at a club and was talking to a stripper. Suddenly, she opens her heart and unburdens, not SS, real life stuff about some trouble in her family. She wasn't getting along with siblings, uncle found out that she was a stripper-and he wanted tail, and her parents were distraught about the death of her grandfather. Then, just as suddenly, she says "I'm supposed to be listening to you", and she clams up. I couldn't get her to open up again. As a writer, I was intrigued and wanted to know more. Alas. A few times in the past decade, I've instantly dismissed those with hard luck stories. With that said, I did once give 100, unearned, to a stripper just before Hurricane Ike hit town. I could more than spare it, so it was okay.
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    13 years ago
    New Batman movie: Cat woman is a stripper
    Well, she's not afraid to show her chest puppies-bless her for that, but I don't think they'll let her do it.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Listen up, farmerart.....
    Most likely, the oil employees are from the Houston/Beaumont area. Instead of spending the money there, they are: A) Taking it home to their families. B) Spending it on Houston area strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A black dancer told me that she prefers white customers because a black customer is too aggressive and is too cheap (overall).
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    13 years ago
    New strip club an unwelcome neighbor in northwest Houston
    Amend the above-the Rhino club operated WITHOUT permits.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New strip club an unwelcome neighbor in northwest Houston
    If the club is 1,500 feet from the edge of the stadium parking lot, then okay, if not.... follow me on this, A couple of years ago, the Mansion in north Harris County operated without a SOB permit. The last week was quite wild before it was closed by the county. Recently, there was a story here about a Spearmint Rhino club that was closed-after operating with an alcohol and SOB permit. Sunset Strip is advertising that it's latex free-meaning that it's flying in the face of city regulations, meaning...... The club owners know that it will be closed, so, I'm betting that a wild time is to be had in the LD area-panties come off, even though it's a topless club. In short, you got a few hundred bucks, everything is on the menu.
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    13 years ago
    SFW Porn, a little bit off topic.
    I guess it's an acquired taste thing.
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    13 years ago
    Question for Senior Clubbers
    There have been cases where a dancer goes informant in return for reduced charges. I don't understand the logic because the witness becomes impeachable. In these cases, I think the prosecution is using a shotgun fired in the dark approach-hoping they'll wing a few. A few will be enough to cause a stink and then try the club in the court of public opinion. I wouldn't want to be a prosecutor hung with a label like this. But, then again, a few federal prosecutors have been caught trying to win at any and all costs. When a porn prosecution would fail in a porn friendly city, they just make new charges and move the case to a more conservative area.
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    13 years ago
    Men, dogs, and which is Better
    I read a lot, and that doesn't help, but some things in human nature are glaring, and really haven't been addressed. With that said: Why men are like dogs: 1) Dogs are loyal mates (with one exception I'll address later). In contemporary American society, men are allowed by their woman to have one friend or less. Many men (not all lopaw) do fit into that stereotype. 2) Dogs are hunters, so are men. Men's bodies are built for combat. Men can take a lot more punishment than most women. Dogs will fight to the death, so will men. A bloodhound, once on the scent, will continue until they drop from exhaustion. Some men, on a cause, are the same way. 3) A dog can smell a female in heat from over a mile away. Once locked on that scent, they will go until they find her. They drop their seed, then return to their mate, or normal routine. Is this like any guys you know ? Why females are like cats: 1) A cat is also a hunter, but a different type of hunter. A cat will scope out an entire area (unlike a dog), before they pounce on their prey. Often, they will toy with their prey before they kill it. Know any gals like that ? 2) Although cats are considered domesticated, in truth they are quite feral. Once outside the family home, a cat goes into a different mode and becomes a dangerous hunter. American females consider a break from the household a vacation. If her vacation is long enough, she'll stray, but not with the intention of finding a new mate, just looking for a new experience, then she returns to domestic mode. 3) While a dog will make one home their home, cats will stray and adopt more than one home. By the same token, human females compartmentalize their emotions. They'll have one love for her offspring, a different kind of love for her mate, another love for her female friend, and another type of love for her male friend. Because of this compartmentalization, a female can hide an affair a lot easier than a man. 3)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Larger than two square inches, total, is a deal breaker for me.
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    13 years ago
    Lap Dances...........................'To Go'?
    Adding to pabloantonio, OTC Gal told me that she and several gal pals were ushered by limo to places rappers wanted them to go. I don't know about black strip clubs in the Great White North (eh), but that's a good place to start. Anyone in Canuck land with connections to hook up farmer art ?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Would you visit TUSCL if you owned a Club???
    1)If you were an owner would you listen to all the learned and savy individuals posting here or would you be to busy counting your money and laughing? It's good market research. I think that SC's are the only businesses that don't care. 2)Why are so many clubs run so piss poorly? I think we're all agreed that strippers are head cases. Dealing with them, day in, day out, one develops a hard skin and tends not to really give a shit, about a great many things.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Too many whores in NYC...
    The feds shut down one call girl ring, another one pops up immediately nearby. The only reason this happens is to supply a need. Conservative Republicans feel that sex should only be within the confines of marriage (Huh, you mean there's single people ?), and libs are fixated on property values-and when they hear about a ring being shut down, they question whether trafficking is involved. In both cases, both sides are woefully uninformed about the subject because they're too busy protecting their sacred cows. If both sides only realized that if the sex industry was regulated and taxed, many of society's ills would go away. The business would fund it's own medical needs, pleasing both sides, and the tax collected would drop property tax rates by 80%, pleasing conservatives-but also making them cringe because at some point kids would have to be told that schools are funded through the actions of sex workers.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another strip club shooting
    It appears once again, that most, if not all, SC shootings happen after 1:50 a.m.
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    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Taxi Dances?
    In a "taxi" club, you find older Asian women (30+ years). For a small fee they will dance and visit with you (drinks are WAY overpriced). If the woman trusts you, you can negotiate a sex act from her.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat for city council?
    Some old biddies aren't happy unless they're ruining somebody's day.