My Baby's daddy

shadowcatAtlanta suburb
I have noticed a trend lately of dancers refering to their boy friends or husbands as "My baby's daddy". The latest one told me that she was living with her baby's daddy until she can afford to get her own place.
Any one else hear this term?
last commentYes, I've heard the same thing - a lot. It may be a evolving realization that many babies are born out of wedlock, so developing a new name (like we do with "significant other") was inevitable. I continue to be shocked, however, at how many out-of-wedlock babies there are, considering every form of birth control available. I get the impression from some of these dancers that they don't quite know how it happened - whoops, another kid popped out. Darn!
Yup. I hear this a fair amount, but usually in the context of boyfriends with whom they have had children. In my experiences, when they are married to their babies' daddies they usually use the term husband. For some girls, I guess it is important for them to let you know that their current boyfriends are also the ones who knocked them up. I suppose they somehow feel that it makes the whole thing more respectable even though they are not married to the daddies.
I've noticed an uptick in the incidence of that phrase as well. I attribute it to either clarity because she has multiple babies by multiple men, or a reflection of the girl's attitude that the only reason she's with him, or interested in him at all, is because he's the babydaddy, otherwise she wouldn't have much to do with him.
Babbydaddy-translated into normal language-"I'm on public assistance".
I HATE that term. It's so fucking ignorant. Does it somehow take more time to say "my child's father" or "the father of my child(ren)?" And you don't have to be married to the guy to use this retarded phrase; I know dancers who are married and still use this term.
And I'm with Rod; through Title X, women can get any type of free BC, so there's really no reason that you should get pregnant if you don't want to be.
Yup,for a while, drives me nuts. And some dudes get to complain about "baby mama drama".
lol a baby daddy is not a husband.. its just the father of her children.. and some dancers have more than one of those .. i used to have a otc who lived with her baby daddy had to cut her off when she asked to move in with me
Lmao @ rell!!! "Edumacate" them on the slangs lol
I get corrected on this all the time from dancers - it seems most of them have moved on from their baby's daddy to some new boyfriend.
I was talking with a dancer in a club on Monday about getting together OTC and she told me if I call don't say anything to her baby daddy about what we were plannning to do if he shpuld ask since they were working on gettin back together. Then she said that he's married. WTF? Totally turned me off and i told he I don't need any trouble, just fun.
Hate the term "baby daddy", but I do hear it more and more, mainly from unwed mothers.
Shadowcat - was she talking about Vince?
steve - I dunno. Does buying a box of cigars mean anything?
I really don't hear that phrase as much as I do outside the club. I did hear it last monday, this dancer was telling me that it was first time dancing in 5 months since she had her baby. I preceded to ask her are you married and she told me no my baby's daddy is in jail and I'm waiting for him to get out. My thought was like great this LD is going to be tame as hell but she really liked me. So I got around 15 LD from her only costing 25 dollars and I had DFK,boobie sucking, playing with Kitty and shift sticking. I actually wasted more on the cover and stage tipping.
Oh, you mean like when the First Lady introduced her husband that way?
I hear it all the time. There was a Tina Fey movie from a few years ago called "Baby Momma". That got twisted into "baby daddy" soon after.
They want sugar daddy but they always end up with baby daddy
I can't stand this term. It drives me insane when I hear it.
The term "my baby's daddy" is a term used by ghetto type girls (of all races) to describe the father of their child. This father is almost always an ex.
I had a female friend years ago who went through a difficult divorce. After that she always referred to her ex as the "sperm donor."
Ahha, shadowcat!! Congratulations!! I'll take one of those fine cigars you bought.
I, too, once heard of the sperm donor.
yup, baby daddy is basically ghetto speak but it is becomming more and more mainstream as time passes.
I am younger than most on this forum, but I first heard people using this term and the equivalent, 'baby momma' about 10 years ago.
It's becomming more and more common, but it's still used mostly among trashy/ghetto girls. Oddly enough, it's often used with a sense of pride! Almost like they actually have a "baby daddy". Like saying hey, "I actually know the father." Or hey, "I actually found a man who knocked me up". I know it sounds stupid but it really is true. I doubt I ever met a girl with a high school diploma who used the term (I'm not counting GEDS).
Dropped $5,000
On 11- HOUR Stripper Bender
"Teen Mom" baby daddy Gary Shirley went on a MARATHON strip club session earlier this summer ... TMZ has learned -- dropping $5,000 on 11 hours of boob-filled butt-flossy awesomeness.
We're told Gary made it rain at a 24-hour gentlemen's club in Miami -- unleashing a constant stream of cash from 1AM to 12PM. Count 'em. ELEVEN HOURS OF STRIPPERS.
According to sources inside the club, Gary kicked off the evening in the VIP area -- and then moved the action somewhere more private ... the champagne room.
We spoke to Gary, and he had no comment.
IMO it makes the girl saying it sound very unintelligent. Its a major turn off.
I think tigerfan is on to something too..mostly when I experience a stripper saying that, part of the conversation includes "I'm working on my GED".