
Comments by TessieV

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    buying dancers drinks
    In a club where the drinks are real, buying a girl a drink can definitely pay off when it's time for the lap dance ;)
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    16 years ago
    Female patrons in stripclubs
    ^ wants to give lopaw a private dance ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Female patrons in stripclubs
    For those of you that think this practice is old...and don't understand why it still gets "cheered on:" You have to realize that the majority of the men doing the cheering aren't necessarily "regulars." So they have yet to figure out that (in most cases) the dancers do this BECAUSE they know men like it.( SOME of the true bi-sexual strippers DO enjoy this themselves, but for the most part you guys are right, it is an act.)Perhaps they haven't witnessed this girl-on-girl interaction as often as you have. So it IS new to them. ~~~I work in a touristy town, so many of the guys who pass through do not visit clubs on a regular basis. In fact, I can't tell you how many times I've had customers blown away by just how many female customers were in the club. They want to know why they come. Is it because they're bi, or do they just feel uncomfortable with their man going alone?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer "Most strippers are BI"
    I'm bi myself, but I have met just as many straight dancers as I have bi ones. I'm speaking from app. 8 years experience here.
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    16 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Tipping again
    speaking as a dancer, that is fukked up.
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    16 years ago
    The Dancer's a Lesbian--Does it Matter
    Casualguy: "Of course the dancers that tell you they are straight and only interested in dick don't leave any doubt in your mind about what they like." They may remove all doubt, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are telling the TRUTH. There are alot of bi/lesbian dancers who will profess to be straight because they know that is what alot of men want to believe. At least the admitted lesbians have the courage to be exactly who they really are.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Songs
    Dudester: I think that you mean "Wonderful Tonight?" Let me tell ya, if the DJs at the club I work at decided to play that song to a packed house, they would be fired on the spot. You want your patrons hyped up, not put into a coma. ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    dancer: "You smell Gooood."
    Perhaps some girls use this as a line, but I doubt it. If a guy smells really good, I'm gonna tell him so...If he isn't smelling quite as fabulous, there are always other things I can find to compliment him on that are more sincere. Bottom line...if a dancer tells you that you smell nice, she most likely means just that.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Traveling Strippers
    From a dancer standpoint: We would not travel if there was no expectation of profit. We go to areas that are in "season."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    dancer reviews online
    "k ok Ive regained my composure LOL I woulnt give a bbbj for free in the front at the bar. And he got pissed cause while i was dncing he "made it rain" which amounted to 20 singles. And he smacked my ass REALLY HARD and it hurt alot!" I am so sorry...BUT LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ROFLMAO Wondergirl-no such thing as bad publicity...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Should I ask for higher mileage and if so how?
    FONDL- You are exactly right. Respect IS a two-way street. But having said that, not every single dancer you have/will come in contact has not tried to rip you off. Believe it or not, there ARE some really good people out there who just happen to be dancers. My point is you should ALWAYS ask. Never take for granted that it is okay to grab someone else. You wouldn't dare walk up to a woman on the street and molest her...and NO..I don't care that she's already halfway (or even completely) naked on your lap. For some of us, our expectation really IS to dance for you, and NOT to have 100 different guys a night with their hands/mouths all over us. Strip clubs are supposed to = fantasy. If a girl wants to take it farther, great. But give her that option.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "Do you wanna dance ?": The ultimate answer...
    Wouldn't try this at any club you plan on frequenting...Chances are someone will be offended, and the girls DO talk, as I'm sure you know.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer confiding in you she's about to get evicted, what would you do?
    From a dancer standpoint...sounds like a scam. Now, if you were a regular in the club she worked at, and she was comfortable and familiar enough with you to share something like that, maybe not...but the first meeting? Doubtful
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Should I ask for higher mileage and if so how?
    Whatever happened to personal boundaries? ASK
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Regulars in Love
    And the moral of the story is...?!?!?!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New ROB Listing ! ! !
    CasualGuy- Just curious...How did she pull ROB with you regarding her drinks? If it's asking you to buy them...say no.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer's Song Selections
    I work at a club where we do three-song sets. Even with the shorter songs, this is still a long time to be on-stage. However, I'd much rather dance to 3 long songs than I like that a short song that I don't.
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    16 years ago
    Conversations with Wondergirl
    Hmm...Wondergirl, you decided all of this regarding dancers based on one audition at a club? Let me tell you, there are girl who feel "dirty," and/or "ashamed," but really this applies to a very SMALL percentage of women in the industry. For the most part, we understand that nudity is natural and would not ever have begun stripping if that were not the case. Also, Girls don't label other dancers as "Extra" girls because it makes them feel better, they are "extra" girls because they provide extras. It's really that simple.
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    16 years ago
    Curiously strong
    DandyDan...I've heard of that, too. I guess I'm just kinda wondering what would be the point, though?
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    16 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Shot Girls
    SuperDude, you sound like a nice guy...maybe too nice? The reason these girls are doing this to you is because they know they can. You let them get away with it. Instead of leaving and writing the manager a complaint, you should have just told the girl no. IMO, the shot girl was being unprofessional when she put her child into it. There's nothing wrong with the dancers trying to help the girl out, but they should be able to take no for an answer, if they don't ...do what jimmyblong said, and find another club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    My first audition and they way girls danced
    FONDL- I totally agree with you, she can be a perfect "10," but if she seems to be wishing she was anywhere else, she won't make anything. I wasn't saying necessarily that dancing skills aren't important-they can and will earn you bigger tips BUT was just stating that you can't always judge how LDs are going to be merely by watching a girl onstage.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    My first audition and they way girls danced
    Guys- sometimes its better not to judge what a girl does on stage.I have seen some "dancers," who could not perform on stage at all--but give awesome LDs. By the same token, I have seen girls who kicked ass on-stage, but get them in the couch room and they are totally devoid of any type of sensuality. Sometimes a girl could be having a horrible night, and you might be just what she needs to get going, so to speak. Wondergirl, until you find your own "groove," it is much better to focus not on your moves, but on being sensual, having a good time, and finding the rhythm. The rest, for most will just come naturally.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    South Carolina SC's
    I did stop in to work at PP very briefly years ago. I'd always heard that it was a fun place to work, and the income potential there was great. When I was there, though, it was very slow. I had already considered going back, but wasn't sure how business is this time of the year. shadocat, I know that MB clubs can be expensive, and the thing is, as dancers, we really cannot lower the price because then we would make nothing. Believe me when I say that it is not just the customers these places make their money off. Every single employee there depends on the girls for income...and the house fees are high. This is not bad when we are actually making money. Right now, if you didn't have regulars, you would practically starve. POP, I have worked all over much of NC. I used to work in Raleigh, at THEE DOLLHOUSE, I think they have changed the name now, as it's under new management. Also worked in, Cary at PURE GOLD, and TEASERS MENS CLUB in Durham for close to 4 years. Also, CHRISTIE'S, and CHESTERS in G'boro. I stopped in Charlotte for a night and tried out THE GENTLEMEN'S CLUB.