
Shot Girls

Detroit, Michigan
I have probably worn out this topic, but I got hit again. Visiting a major club on a slow Monday this week, the shot girls kept buzzing my booth like flies. Every time a gave in a bought a shot for the shot girl, the dancers in my booth and paid a tim, the second shot girl shows up and repeats the drill. Dancers claim that they have to help the shot girls sell as part of "team spirit." Don't they realize that I am spending money that I want to give to them buying this flavored water that is being pushed on me. I have had more than one occasion where things almost got ugly when the shot girl would not take no for an answer and just leave. On this last visit, the shot girl, at the end of her shift sat in my booth and begged me to buy up her last five shots in order to "feed her daughter" and complained that none of the other customers would help her out. This happens after I spent a good deal of money on her during her shift. I left the club after tipping her and wrote the manager, telling him what happened and telling him I will not be back, nor will I bring my friends and clients. The club buys the shots for about $0.50 each, the girl pays the club $2.00 each and forces them on stupid and wussy customers lilke me for $5.00 each, two or three at a time. I bend over backwards to avoid public fights in clubs, but the shot girls are pushing my limits. Either make a scene or leave. What would you real men do?


  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    ..paid a tip..like me..
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    Maybe Nancy Reagan had a point..."Just Say No"...
  • jimmyblong
    17 years ago
    Tell them that you're driving and would hate for the responsibility of being over-served bring the club and the shot girl into a legal fracass. That usually scares em off. You of course can't be drinking alcohol to keep your story straight ....or just go to another club.
  • TessieV
    17 years ago
    SuperDude, you sound like a nice guy...maybe too nice? The reason these girls are doing this to you is because they know they can. You let them get away with it. Instead of leaving and writing the manager a complaint, you should have just told the girl no. IMO, the shot girl was being unprofessional when she put her child into it. There's nothing wrong with the dancers trying to help the girl out, but they should be able to take no for an answer, if they don't ...do what jimmyblong said, and find another club.
    17 years ago
    "... none of the other customers would help her out." So why should you? Are you getting something in return? Do what the other customers do.

    Or do what I would do - don't go to clubs that hustle you like that.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    I only have good associations with shot girls, because the only club I have seen them at are Oasis Goodtime Emporium in Atlanta. I find the dancers at that club to be sort of hard, pneumatic, "uber-Barbi" types, whereas the shot girls are the cute little "girl next door" types, a la Jennifer Love Hewitt, that I like--so they are the ones I go back to VIP with when I am at that club.

    However, the experience you describe certainly does sound annoying.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    I was going to start a discussion topic titled "Buy Me A Drink", but SuperDude's topic is close enough and very similar.

    I've been going to my regular club here for some time now, anywhere from once to twice a week. As regular as I am and they know me as a regular and make me feel at home, some of the dancers (not all of them) still ask me to buy them a drink. I only buy drinks for my one FAV, and that's not all that often when I do.

    The club drinks range from $10 on up at my club. I know the dancers make $4 per $10 drink. They don't have a quota to have purchased for them. My question is, why don't they try and push LDs more than drinks, and make a higher profit? They get $20 per LD, the house $10, a rip off for the girls. But, like my brother Shadowcat, as a regular, all my LDs are 2fers, where they are announced or not. His are a bit cheaper. :-)

    I know one thing for sure, if you visit Kentucky clubs, BE READY, as ALL the clubs really push the girls to get drinks bought for them.

    The thing I hate most about club owners is (and I know they have to make a profit), why the hell do they have to use the dancers to push their liquior profits up? Leave that up to the bartenders and waitress. Leave the dancers alone to make their own living, as they already have so many damn payouts!!!! :-(
    17 years ago
    Bones, here's how I've handled situations like that. I tell the girl up front that I only have x amount of money to spend and I'd like her to get to keep as much of it as possible and the house as little as possible. then I ask her what's the best way to do that - buy her drinks, buy LDs, etc. That usually gets them to stop asking for drinks in a hurry because they usually make a higher percentage off LDs.
  • rob0411
    17 years ago
    I've found that if you are very clear to the first shot girl (I usually say "I don't drink shots and I don't believe in them so I don't buy them for others"), they don't come back around. Usually the first girl mysteriously communicates with the others and none come around. Conversely, I've seen a guy buy the first one, then they all try him out to see how many they can sell. I've been told by the dancers that they (the dancers) are not allowed to turn a shot down, but they don't particularly like them so they'd much rather I say no for them.
  • harrydave
    17 years ago
    As near as I can tell, the shots are basically colored water with a single molecule of ethanol in each shot. The only thrill I get from these shots, and it is a cheap thrill indeed, is when the shot girl and my dancer do some sort of simulated testtube-shot=penis blowjob thing (you know, both girls have their mouth on it, oh it tastes so good, etc).

    I feel sorry for the shot girls; they have been suckered into a lousy position. But not that sorry. Say NO THANKS!
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    What really sucks is when the shot girls, waitresses, and/or bartenders are hotter than the dancers at a club IMO.

    Bones...you are a scholar, a poet, and a gentleman. :)
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    FONDL - Good idea sir! Thank you. I'll use that line on my next visit.

    MG - You're too kind sir! Since I have so F*C*I*G time on my hands, my twisted and perverted mind begins to wander! Thanks for the comps. But, you are right on the Gentleman part....................... I always say "Ma'am" before I fuck 'em! LOL

    I used to buy my FAV a body shot, and have another dancer lick it off her stomach and abs. That shit has ceased! I now buy her a body shot and she licks if off my stomach and abs. No shit! We use the satelite stage near the bar so we don't cause too much attention.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Detroit shot girls are lame. My longtime favorite Lansing club had the right idea. Their shot girls served real shots in shot glasses, usually after pulling their tops down. And, if you weren't interested in that, they also did the same lap dances as the strippers. However, they had a few advantages over strippers. The bouncers didn't watch them much at all, and they never had to go onstage. They would go around doing lap dances while all the strippers were up on stage for roll call or bachelor bashes. It's a wonder the strippers didn't all hate their guts.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Often times shot girls won't even bother me if they noticed on occasion I will tell a dancer no thanks if she asks for a drink. If the shot girl looks better than the dancer but I still don't see hardly any value in paying 5 bucks for a tiny little cup, then I may just tell her "maybe later" or "not right now". I even have returned to the same club 2 to 5 weeks later and the same shot girl said "but that's what you said last time". I just smiled and said again "maybe later". I heard some people give up after a while. Maybe she has hope in me or something. I think I did buy a shot 2 or 3 years ago after I had been drinking a bit. Actually I think I tasted 2 or 3 drinks. Then the waitress was flirting with me and gave me one drink to try out free. hmmm, I don't remember clearly if the waitress was giving me drinks for free or if I paid for the first two. It was too long ago to remember.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I do occasionally buy a drink for a dancer. However for most dancers that suddenly sit down at my table without hardly a word spoken and then a waitress comes immediately over and asks if I would like to buy her a drink. My answer will typically be not right now or no thanks. I don't care if the dancer and waitress is upset and if they both look good. I think that is just rude to immediately ask for a drink when I have barely even spoken to the dancer and I don't know her. Maybe if I was in a pick up club I might do it but not in a strip club.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I have seen a few shot girls I thought were worth it. Maybe I had lots of cash at the time too though. Unless you're trying to hook up with her later, just say no. I just thought of one idea if she looks good. Question her. Ask her if she has a steady boyfriend or is in the market. What does she do for fun? Where does she live? How often does she work here? If she still seems interesting, ask her out and see what her reaction is.
  • Jpac73
    17 years ago
    Superdude I am surprised at you. I didn't think you would let someone push you around like that. I try to stay away from clubs that have a high hustle. Clubs like that seem to want to prey on guys who come alone to the club.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I find sometimes the shot girls are more amenable to OTC activity than the dancers. The shot girls are newer at the business of strip clubbing, generally; they're often in the situation of being "paid to drink" ("buy one for me?") so they're inebriated earlier than most; they're often younger; management doesn't slap as many petty restrictions and observations and tip-out fees on them; generally they're more impressionable. You get less of the "jaded professional" and so you can really woo them more effectively, with or without money changing hands as part of the bargain.
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    Yes, maybe too nice a guy. I am usually alone. I say no two or three times, politely but firmly. Usually the begging continues. Sometimes I can see a tag team forming. A dancer sits down uninvited. Before the seat gets warm a second dancer lands, someone I may have bought dances from on an earlier visit. Seconds after names are exchanged, the shot girl lands asking me to buy shots for her and the dancers as well as myself. When I say no, all of this "why not" or "we're having a bad day" stuff starts and I'm seating in a booth flanked by these whiny females. You guys have helped me understand that in some situations a firm and polite "No" doesn't matter to people with bad manners. Next time I'll just say "go the fuck away" and let them figure it out.
    17 years ago
    This whole shot girl-discussion is largely academic for me - I haven't seen a shot girl in many many years and I don't know of a single club that even has one. Maybe it's a regional thing or maybe I just don't ever go to places that are that classy. Are shot girls common in your area?
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    At least three per shift in almost every club in Detroit.
  • wondergrl5
    17 years ago
    tell the girl you getting a dance from that the shot girls are draining your cashflow. then let her handle it. LOL
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I have seen shot girls. Especially in Atlanta clubs where there are no lap dances. When they ask me if I want to buy a shot, I just say I don't drink. Then they say, well buy me one and then I just say no thanks. They don't come back.

    At my favorite club, I can't remember ever seeing one but I could be wrong. Dancer drinks are priced the same as customer drinks and that includes during "happy hour". I sometimes buy drinks for my favorites but never for a dancer that I don't know well.
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