My first audition and they way girls danced

avatar for wondergrl5
Ok so I got back from my first audition and as harrowing as it was I did notice the way the girls danced. Some were all over the floor, while some spun on the pole, meanwhile others just kinda swayed a little. The standing there and swaying slightly was what most girls did. Most didnt smile and would talk to each other while on stage (one cracked her knuckles and redid her hair).
So my question is what do you guys prefer to see on stage? does the dancing really matter? Or did I nearly break my ass trying to dance for no reason?


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
If she isn't smiling, she has lost me as a customer.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Well I noticd that the the ones that dont dance were making fun of the ones that do.
BTW swaying was being generous, they were just shifting weight from one foot to the next in a bopping motion like when you wait for a bus.
avatar for ClevelandTom
17 years ago
I love eye contact with a dancer, especially during a $1 dance.

I sometimes surprise a dancer at the stage when I approach her by looking in her eyes when she is shaking every part of her body in front of me and she expects me to focus on her boobs or kitty.

avatar for crizgolfer
17 years ago
Stage presence is one of the first things that catch my interest in a dancer. How does she move? Does she make a connection with the audience? Does she smile? These things make a BIG difference to me.

The dull ones that sway and act bored. They don't make much off me.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
Tom, Always strive for eye contact. At my favorite club $1 will get you more than a $10 table dance in Atlanta but if you just keep the eye contact the body will get next to yours. Nobody does it better than N****!

wondergrl5: dancing on stage is not a requirement at my favorite club. 90% of them do so just to advertise their wares. Of those that don't, most do not have any thing to show.
avatar for Jpac73
17 years ago
I think the girls that were making fun of the ones that were trying to dance are childish and don't need to be dancing. They seem like the type that want to have a job but don't wanna put any effort into and then try to make fun of the girls that do take it seriously.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
They made fun of the girls that danced and said that "they didnt need to dance to get money" only the fat girls need to dance. LOL
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
No reason to break your ass wondergrl, especially when no one if really playing attention...but a few pole tricks & doing things that you think show off your great body will be appreciated I think by your patrons.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Wondergirl, I think you saw a different side of the business - the girls can be really catty in most clubs, it reminds a lot of us of Jr. High. There's also a lot of jealousy especially toward a new girl. How are you at cat fights - those north Philly girls can be tough (LOL).

Just remember, eye contact and smile - most girls do neither because it requires effort, so doing them really sets you apart. And I think they both come naturally to you because you're interested in people.

Was your friend who gave you the lap dance there? Better watch out, I think she has the hots for you (LOL).
avatar for minnow
17 years ago
wg- Pick a style that you're good at and comfortable with. Attitude projection & demonstrated interest in customer is the key. If you're comfortable with gentle sway/sensual style, do that. If you were a breakdancer or poledancer competition winner, do that. I've seen so many dancers just twirl around the pole, or just half assed sway by far mirror that a dancer that can actually dance AND interact well with customer truly stands out. But, neither do we expect a breakdance competition- I've seen some of the other extreme that are TOO into their dance that they ignore "audition audience". During audition, just imagine there's a dozen guys by stage EAGER & WILLING to get LD, and you're making sales pitch. Best wishes..
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Thats not the otherside of strip clobs. Girls are catty most of the time. I heard the same talk in suburban middleschools. You should hear some of the stuff on myspace MEOW.

Ive yet to find my "style" since I love dancing but those shoes are a bit awkward. I was just shocked at how some girls didnt even pretend to try. One at a chicken wing for christ sake LOL

Oh my friend wasnt there LOL but the one who gave you a lap dance was. She helped me get dressed hee hee.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
If I'm sitting down comfortably in a chair, just seeing a dancer stroll across a stage with no dancing ability isn't going to make me want to get up and tip her. Dance and you may get my attention. Otherwise I may start thinking the dancer just thinks they don't have to do anything except stand there and wait for guys to drop off money. I try to stay away from dancers who seem to show that attitude. I guess if she's really hot, she might be able to do that though.
avatar for Jpac73
17 years ago
Hey Wondergrl I would also not entertain getting a lapdance from a dancer who didn't try to put on a good show while on stage. If a dancer doesn't think she has to dance on stage, what does that say about her giving a lapdance where she would actually have to put in some work. Nonactivity on stage is a big redflag to me in asking a dancer for a lapdance.
avatar for bigdawg_1
17 years ago
Unless a dancer is super hot I won't pay attention to her if she is just walking around a pole. If a dancer does alot of pole work I will watch her no matter what unless she has alot of tats. BTW Wonder I go to Philly Strip Clubs, I'd love to see you dance and contribute to your education Give me a pm with your schedule.

avatar for SuperDude
17 years ago
The vast majority of dancers can't or don't dance. The stage dances are boring. They are just a lame ad for LDs.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
I don't care if she's a sway-er or a dancer... it doesn't matter to me. Being physically attracted to her is the main thing. After that, eye contact is high on the list. If she throws in some flirting and friendly contact (a nice hug is usually enough), I'm probably going to ask her for a dance.

At one of the clubs that I've spent a lot of time visiting, the majority of the girls do not dance. Instead, the dancers there refer to it as Stripper Strutting; basically they sway a bit, then strut their stuff over to the other side of the stage, sway a bit - and repeat. However, my prev-ATF is probably THE best pole dancer that I've ever seen... she had some amazing tricks that she performed, some of which would have me catching my breath thinking that surely she will take a terrible tumble from the top of the pole one day. She was beautiful, though, and pole dancer or not, she'd have been the dancer of choice for me.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I don't care if they dance or not either, as long a they interact with the customers, smile and look like they're having fun. If they act bored or stuck up, I don't care how good looking they are, I'm not interested.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 years ago
I like a mixed bag, pole tricks, few dance moves, and the crawl. I love the crawl, a good crawl shows off that butt! And I like hanging boobs. It's all about the boobs after all.
avatar for rootman
17 years ago
Most of the replies cover it, smile, act sultry, eye contact etc. Personally, I don't care about the dancing at all, If anything, it serves as a way to see how she moves. If she's bored, going through the motions etc., no way will I try dances. I'm there strictly for the laps and it's quite a game to try to figure out who is worth it. I get most of the signals from table conversaton though. I've been doing this too long to worry about whether she can pole dance, who cares. Sorry, I know some of you do.
avatar for pop
17 years ago
Like FONDL says, you've got to look like you're having fun and the best way to do that is to have fun. So, dance in a way that's fun and watch the guys. When you see a customer looking look right back and smile.
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
why should i care that a dancer is there if she doesn't care? Show some enthusiasm, smile, don't over do the gymnastics or the dancing. be sensual, be sincere. be real
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
Don't overdo the smiling, either. It's nice to smile when you make eye contact, if you can make it seem sincere. However, smiling through your whole stage set can look a little disturbing.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Crawling does a real number on your shoes though. I've had many stripper friends wear out a pair of shoes from crawling and scraping up the front of their shoes.

I agree that if a girl isn't you "type" or attacrtive at amount of dancing skill will make up for that fact.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
1. SWAYING - There are some ultra feminine long legged beauties that can get away the swaying, really a pose of sorts. for example just leaning on the pole, and it can look very nice, particularly when combined with a nice dress of some type

2. shuffling - if its that quick 2 step thing - it looks sort of rediculous with some heavy girls

3. regular dancing can look good, but is somewhat music dependent, looks better if they are coordinated

4 pole work ok for athletic type girls. I saw a girl fall twice in a row from about 8 ft, she might have been drunk
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
did she get hurt?
avatar for TessieV
17 years ago
Guys- sometimes its better not to judge what a girl does on stage.I have seen some "dancers," who could not perform on stage at all--but give awesome LDs. By the same token, I have seen girls who kicked ass on-stage, but get them in the couch room and they are totally devoid of any type of sensuality.
Sometimes a girl could be having a horrible night, and you might be just what she needs to get going, so to speak.

Wondergirl, until you find your own "groove," it is much better to focus not on your moves, but on being sensual, having a good time, and finding the rhythm. The rest, for most will just come naturally.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Rythm and a good time Ive got down. Those blasted shoes arrgghh LOL
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Tessie, I agree that dancing skills aren't important. But how she relates to customers and her overall attitude while on stage do matter to me. A girl who seems bored or doesn't appear to be having any fun isn't going to get attention.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
"Guys- sometimes its better not to judge what a girl does on stage.I have seen some "dancers," who could not perform on stage at all--but give awesome LDs."

exactly and the particular girl, just sways and barely moves on stage, looks russian but is brazilian (with the usual incredible and shapely but not over-large ass) - and she gives a super engegetic super sensual type private dance, plus she always smells great and has great breathe, and a great accent and speaking voice too
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
David I agree to some extent. You can't judge a book by it's cover. But over time I have found that I realized my expectations from stage tipping a lot more times that I have been disappointed. The biggest disappointment was Angela. On stage she will put her leg between yours and rub against your cock. In the back room she won't even let you touch her tits. Best surprise (no name)was a dancer that was so lame on stage that she wouldn't even take her top off. Said she was too inhibited but get her alone in the back and a whole other person appeared. It's still a crap shoot.
avatar for TessieV
17 years ago
FONDL- I totally agree with you, she can be a perfect "10," but if she seems to be wishing she was anywhere else, she won't make anything. I wasn't saying necessarily that dancing skills aren't important-they can and will earn you bigger tips BUT was just stating that you can't always judge how LDs are going to be merely by watching a girl onstage.
avatar for harrydave
17 years ago
I once saw the "walk and sway" style of dancing referred to as "shoe modeling".

I will agree, the skill on stage does not translate into skill in VIP.

But I do like the eye contact; windows to the soul and all that. When I tip at the stage, I look her in the face. There are some adolescence-arrested dudes whose eyes stayed glued to the kitty. It's not that interesting fella!
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
In some clubs I believe its almost completely irrelevant how a dancer actually moves.

I've noticed club to club huge variations in the design and importance of the stage itself, and its not always an upscale vs a low class club issue. Some stages are very dark, not high off the ground, sometimes few in the room can see the dancers from any distance, and the intent of the club in those clubs seems to be to encourage the 2 dollar cheapskate (tip rail pervs) to come up and fondle the dancers so the dancers via accumulating small bills will at least be able to pay (min) house fees each day - and (supposedly) then sell private dances -when in fact many buy less dances for that precise reason. With these setups, it doesn't matter what kind of dance a dancer does, because few see the dancer anyways, and no one really cares.

Now with some better lit clubs they have high stages with good stage lighting and at times 100 to 200 patrons could be pretty much watching a dancer's every move - from nearly anywhere in the main room

avatar for David9999
17 years ago
"There are some adolescence-arrested dudes whose eyes stayed glued to the kitty. It's not that interesting fella!"

I've noticed that too, That should be called the "pussy stare", its more typical of the lower class patrons - and at the tip rail its usually characterized by an outstreched arm handing over the (cheapo) cash, with the patron's head completely still, virtually frozen - with the eyes intensely focused on the cookie

I entered a club a month back during the afternoon with relatively few patrons, one with a real showcase stage, and I happened to see one of my favorite ATFs on stage by herself, and she's quite a sight on stage, a true latin beauty, a real class act nice girl type, but she hates the stage, and I see this cueball bald headed puke criminal type (standing up) doing his stare down on her pussy -from about 10 ft away - but he didn't have any cash in his hand or was hiding it - and she was (desperately) trying to figure out what he was up to, so she's doing her usual ulra-feminine slow sway thing while looking at him watching for any bills, and this went on for about a minute or 2. Its a good thing I've have multiple ATFs and we have assuault laws, because this piece of human garbage should have been clubbed on the head
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Wow, sounds like that baldy, "criminal-type" creep really dodged a bullet there Dave-o...I'm sure you would have creamed him if the entire criminal justice system wasn't holding you back... :)
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
When I tip at the stage, I like to make an obvious point of frankly checking out her whole body and lingering on her pussy and ass, then returning to looking her in the eyes. I figure walking in the door marked "Strip Club" shows how adolescent-arrested I am. Only making eye contact and not looking at her body whatever I do would seem needlessly evasive and in denial about why I'm there in the first place.
avatar for harrydave
17 years ago
I think the eye contact thing is complex. I like to do it, because female bodies are nice enough, but female minds are often intriguing (for good or bad). What I am realizing is the cultural differences that give different meaning to prolonged eye contact. A few months ago, I was happily looking at a latin american girl in the face, and she said "why are you looking at me, is there something wrong?" Then there was the German girl who delivered a nice string of sexual comments while staring into my eyes (and providing a good lap dance). When I matched her stare, her dancing went up a notch. But then, I'm 2/3 German. Hey, anybody know about those sex clubs in Germany? ;-)
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Why is it that whenever I hear someone speak German, they sound mad, even if what they are sayin' isn't mean? One of my ex-bosses lived in Germany for a while, and he said that at Halloween, the German kids would go around sayin':
"Trick or treat. You must give us candy, it is the rules..."

Sex clubs in Germany sound scary to me...I'm not sure about the German sense of humor...that plus the "mean-sounding" language thing makes me leery. :)
avatar for Raincoat
17 years ago
Thanks for asking, Wondergrl5. If dancing isn't strength then find what makes the guys sit-up on their chair and go with that. Remember, most of us came in to get cheered up or to escape our lousy existence. Just act interested and look at us like you want us. Crawling towards us like you're going for our zipper is a huge turn-on.

You may not like hearing this, but what we want to see most is you flat on your back and your pussy moving slowly about an inch from our nose. Fancy one-of-a-kind move aren't essential but toe or any body part (even hair)that dangles off the stage and touches our dick will almost surely get our attention. Some girls roll over on their knees and give a good ass shot - that's a nice finish. The whole rubbing tits on our forehead or creative dollar taking is boring.

Good luck with your new job. The fact that you care what we think ensures that you will be successful. Are you going to tell us where you're workin?
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
"You may not like hearing this, but what we want to see most is you flat on your back and your pussy moving slowly about an inch from our nose." I'm just the opposite, that doesn't do a thing for me, it's way too clinical, I much prefer some mystery. Which is an important pint for a dancer to remember, every guy is different. The secret to success is to figure out what a guy wants and give it ot him (within reason.)
avatar for bornloser
17 years ago
If you are hot, and you dont have to be beautiful to be hot, the customers dont really care if you can dance on stage. The other dancers will make fun of the girl saying shit like "Shes got white girls disease" but I dont care if she is a skilled dancing pro.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I don't like looking at pussy, itself, just as an object, either. I don't DISlike the act of observing, but it's rather clinical to me. I like female bodies. Here's the best way I've ever figured out, how to describe the bare-bones PREMISE behind "moving sexily":

1. Imagine your spine is a snake. Try to picture a long tube or garden-hose-like object which stretches from the spot between your knees, up to the center of your crotch, to the center of your hips, through to your spine, up to the center of your neck, and straight out the top of your head. Think of that as "your line."

2. Now make your line gyrate like a cobra rising from an Indian snake-charmer's basket. Make it into an S-curve, of varying degrees of bend. Change the radius of bend from wide to narrow and back, in a variety of locations. Make it a C curve, then an S, then a three-humped-S, then a double-S, then back. Vary, not wildly, but within reason, all the aspects of the curvature of "your line." Never allow your line to remain idle. Most bad (sexless) stage dancing comes from girls who don't bother with their line, and think that stamping feet or moving arms in unison to the music constitutes dancing.

3. Make your movements mimic sexual ecstasy. If you can think of masturbating, and move your face, and "your line," and your hips, and so on, like what it would be like to be in the middle of the neediness of near-orgasm, then you can imagine the rate and the "attitude" necessary. "Fun" or "upbeat" has the effect of causing the audience to feel fun and upbeat, but NOT NECESSARILY HORNY. Seductiveness -- the road to our wallets -- involves sexuality, not gleeful playtime, no matter how gleeful.

It's really easy to describe. Know your line, snake it around rather than leaving it straight, and think of sex. It's not AS easy to do, but you'll be surprised to find that snaking-the-line is actually quite natural, once you have the consciousness-raising of realizing that THAT is what you OUGHT to be trying to do, rather than all that armsy-legsy-beat-beat-beat stuff.
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
Please, God, tell me there is no video version of Book Guy's "Guide to Moving Sexily".
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