Just a question for you guys. Do those reviews in some sites that name names harm a girl? Cause I noticed a couple references about me.(all good so far) But if i saw no to a guy and he blasts me online will it be bad for me?
Wondergrl5: I get so much high mileage including BBBJ's at my favorite club and more but I surely would not bust a dancer in my review for doing less. Only if she promised more and didn't deliver. Wanna fuck?
ok ok Ive regained my composure LOL I woulnt give a bbbj for free in the front at the bar. And he got pissed cause while i was dncing he "made it rain" which amounted to 20 singles. And he smacked my ass REALLY HARD and it hurt alot! So I said back off and he got pissed.And grabbed my arm after that the bouncer was on him pretty quick. so if a guy like that bad mouthed me online would it be bad?
First thing is to not respond to it. Don't "set the facts straight". You'll never win that battle. Besides, it's probably not all that bad to be known as the stripper that won't suck cock in the middle of the club.
wondergrl5, thanks for being a part of TUSCL. The thing that complicates my answer to you is that you are part of a very select few who not only patronizes strip club sites like this, but gives a damn about her reputation. That's not a bad thing, but if you don't check places like here, would you really care what people say to you?
I make a point to single out dancers that have done me wrong. When I say "done me wrong," I mean being rude to me, or being stuck-up, or taking my money off the tip rail without dancing in front of me, or taking my money during a lapdance and giving me an air dance. I will never rip any stripper solely because she doesn't suck my dick, for example. But that's just me.
I don't know if you can "set the facts straight" to just anybody, but you can if you're a member of a trustworthy site and you've earned the respect of the others -- like TUSCL! People who put the time into sharing their experiences in titty bars are straightforward and level-headed and won't smear anybody with bias without at the very least acknowledging it. Also, I think most people going to a club aren't doing research online, they're just going to go to a club they've heard about. In that case, the main thing that'll inhibit your take-home pay (which you can control) is your attitude that night at the place, not any reputation you may have on the Internet. And besides, I doubt me calling out strippers is going to result in them being fired, even though I'd love for that to happen.
Bottom line: You should be fine. I trust that you were in the right and that asshole deserved to get thrown out. This guy sounds so dumb that he probably doesn't know how to use the WWW. Don't worry!
Well, if you got to tell your side of the story especially...it wouldn't sound bad to me. That's a guy that doesn't know his boundaries and needs to be shown them instead is all.
Im sure you guys have seen this guys type Yelling rowdy. Actually tried to go on stage!Telling everyone he was a high roller but bumming ciggarettes of patrons cause he didnt want to spend the $7 bucks in the club Alot of customers complained about him.
wg- (for those of us in this somewhat exclusive club who've been enjoying your mental assets) RU willing to reveal the general whereabouts of your act for those of us who may be in the 'hood and would love to scope out the rest of you? We love Jersey gurls in the Delaware Valley.
Wondergrl5: Since I'm not getting any younger, I look for high mileage situations. Given that, I look for positive reviews that imply that. I get a kick out of some of the posts because guys are thrilled they get to touch tits or something. I'm just bored unless I can get off. A product of doing it too long I guess. I'd only consider a bad review if it was an attitude or ripoff situation. Other than that, there are a lot of girls who will won't, I just seek the wills!
Wondergirl, don't worry if someone bad mouths you here on a review. Only the tiniest percentage of strip club customers read this site, and those who do aren't likely to even remember your name from the review. And most of those who do remember your name from a review are just as likely to figure out that the guy is a jerk. So you aren't likely to be damaged by him. And I agree that you shouldn't bother to respond to someone like that.
And why do I have this feeling that the next TUSCL convention is going to be at your club?
"k ok Ive regained my composure LOL I woulnt give a bbbj for free in the front at the bar. And he got pissed cause while i was dncing he "made it rain" which amounted to 20 singles. And he smacked my ass REALLY HARD and it hurt alot!"
Here's something to think about. I need to modify my earlier statement about always looking for reviews with extras. There's a dancer I see once in a while, 20 years old (don't usually mess with them) and she is so polite and accomodating that I give her a 10 even without heavy extras. She's gorgeous, let's you pet around etc. but what I remember is she truly appreciates the good tip I give her. I always get a rather genuine thank you, hug and kiss (mouth style) and I think it's a model for other to work on.
FONDL: That will never fly. The next convention will be where the last one was. Because I have a following. Next one will be late Apr or early May. Better start thinking up excuses for traveling. You dancers will be invited too as well as our resident lesbian.
WonderGrrrl: Yeah... put another tally in the "don't worry about it" column. I think most readers are savvy enough to read between the lines when there is a negative review about someone. Also, a tally mark goes into the "he's a dumbass jerk" column. He made it rain with $20 singles... whoa, what a big spender and high roller (err... he MIGHT have been high, I s'pose).
No dancer should put up with shit like an uninvited slap on the ass, especially when that hurt. (of course, in a different scenario, this could be quite enjoyable for BOTH parties, if there was some chemistry between the two - chemistry obviously lacking in this instance)
I wouldn't worry about it. Most of the people who read the other sites (whichever one it was) either have an ax to grind themselves or are like most of the TUSCL members who know that most of what's written in those reviews is bogus.
As a customer, I prefer days too. Less rowdy customers and more quality time with the dancers.
I want pictures. Then I will assess my own personal opinion on the matter.
I do sometimes wonder why women who have rather attractive breasts insist on getting work done on them. What is the motivation? I've seen plenty of unattractive breasts which do improve (to my preferences) when worked on; but I've also seen very young, vibrant, pert, perky women who wanted LARGER or BOLT-ON breasts; they seemed to have an impression that HEE-YUGE and FAKE LOOKING was somehow more desirable (for them; or to men). And these women weren't JUST porn-star-wanna-be's, or dancers. Some were club managers, waitresses, people in normal life. There's just this odd "gotta be as unreasonable as Pam Anderson" thing going on out there. I find Pam Anderson's breasts unappealing, personally. Much too fake-looking.
Well the things is in my opinion I want them done. And Im doing it for me not for others. In fact its not a small chest going bigger its a big chest going fuller and higher so my back doesnt hurt anymore.
wondergrl5 in one of your early posts you said that your chest measured 37" and that you were 4'11". That is way out of limits. If you redo your boobs, when they drop, you will have the same problem. I think that you need a breast reduction. In spite of all the raving men do about big tits. The fact of the matter is that mens favorite breast size is 34B. That includes me. I have one favorite with fakes and everybody, dancers and customers all agree that they are the best looking and feeling of any. Reason? She did not go overboard and obviously had a good M.D.
THEY ARE REAL I need to be able to not stoop anymore. Will I go to a 34 B NO!!!! I wasnt born with that.I dont want to loose who I am just want less back pain.Men like smaller? Hmmmmm my husband likes ME! Inspite of the horrific mutation of large breasts LOL
BTW, dancers or any women don't get boob jobs just to please their men. I asked one favorite why she did it? Did it increase sensitivity or decrease it because I had heard that it decreased it. She replied that it depends on the women. In her case it increased it because she loved to play with them and having others playing with them.
last commentI woulnt give a bbbj for free in the front at the bar. And he got pissed cause while i was dncing he "made it rain" which amounted to 20 singles. And he smacked my ass REALLY HARD and it hurt alot! So I said back off and he got pissed.And grabbed my arm after that the bouncer was on him pretty quick. so if a guy like that bad mouthed me online would it be bad?
I make a point to single out dancers that have done me wrong. When I say "done me wrong," I mean being rude to me, or being stuck-up, or taking my money off the tip rail without dancing in front of me, or taking my money during a lapdance and giving me an air dance. I will never rip any stripper solely because she doesn't suck my dick, for example. But that's just me.
I don't know if you can "set the facts straight" to just anybody, but you can if you're a member of a trustworthy site and you've earned the respect of the others -- like TUSCL! People who put the time into sharing their experiences in titty bars are straightforward and level-headed and won't smear anybody with bias without at the very least acknowledging it. Also, I think most people going to a club aren't doing research online, they're just going to go to a club they've heard about. In that case, the main thing that'll inhibit your take-home pay (which you can control) is your attitude that night at the place, not any reputation you may have on the Internet. And besides, I doubt me calling out strippers is going to result in them being fired, even though I'd love for that to happen.
Bottom line: You should be fine. I trust that you were in the right and that asshole deserved to get thrown out. This guy sounds so dumb that he probably doesn't know how to use the WWW. Don't worry!
Alot of customers complained about him.
And why do I have this feeling that the next TUSCL convention is going to be at your club?
I woulnt give a bbbj for free in the front at the bar. And he got pissed cause while i was dncing he "made it rain" which amounted to 20 singles. And he smacked my ass REALLY HARD and it hurt alot!"
Wondergirl-no such thing as bad publicity...
I just figure Ill work days because I like the crowd better.
Tessie- glad you liked it :)
FONDL-It wasnt a review on this site it was that bootleg one that shall reman nameless LOL
FONDL: That will never fly. The next convention will be where the last one was. Because I have a following. Next one will be late Apr or early May. Better start thinking up excuses for traveling. You dancers will be invited too as well as our resident lesbian.
Yeah... put another tally in the "don't worry about it" column. I think most readers are savvy enough to read between the lines when there is a negative review about someone. Also, a tally mark goes into the "he's a dumbass jerk" column. He made it rain with $20 singles... whoa, what a big spender and high roller (err... he MIGHT have been high, I s'pose).
No dancer should put up with shit like an uninvited slap on the ass, especially when that hurt. (of course, in a different scenario, this could be quite enjoyable for BOTH parties, if there was some chemistry between the two - chemistry obviously lacking in this instance)
I wouldn't worry about it. Most of the people who read the other sites (whichever one it was) either have an ax to grind themselves or are like most of the TUSCL members who know that most of what's written in those reviews is bogus.
As a customer, I prefer days too. Less rowdy customers and more quality time with the dancers.
I do sometimes wonder why women who have rather attractive breasts insist on getting work done on them. What is the motivation? I've seen plenty of unattractive breasts which do improve (to my preferences) when worked on; but I've also seen very young, vibrant, pert, perky women who wanted LARGER or BOLT-ON breasts; they seemed to have an impression that HEE-YUGE and FAKE LOOKING was somehow more desirable (for them; or to men). And these women weren't JUST porn-star-wanna-be's, or dancers. Some were club managers, waitresses, people in normal life. There's just this odd "gotta be as unreasonable as Pam Anderson" thing going on out there. I find Pam Anderson's breasts unappealing, personally. Much too fake-looking.
In fact its not a small chest going bigger its a big chest going fuller and higher so my back doesnt hurt anymore.