
Comments by crazyjoe (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Best Strip Clubs in Colorado?
    I would agree with the clubs mentioned so far. My first choice would be Centerfolds. Red rocks would be a great place even to just go hiking of you can't see a concert there. If you are out towards red rocks you could go to Twin Peaks Colorado Mills if you want to see some scenery. Sam's No. 3 is great! It was recently ranked best place to eat in Denver. The green chilli is good there. Another thing to do is go downtown to the 16th street mall. There are lots of restaurants and regular clubs there as well as Lodo. Diamond and LaBoheme are near there also.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Or do you eat at your favorite club?
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    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Would you join in with their game?
    I guess strip poker would be more interesting than what was described as was going on at the time. They must have been bored... lol
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    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Ending a Dance Short
    I did this once with a dancer that I had agreed to do a 3/100 if the first dance was good... $40. I ended with one because she had such a foul odor from her pussy. Omg it was disgusting! Too bad because she was really hot too
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Even been called gay at the club?
    Thank you nicespice. Good discussion heaving. I like your thought process. Keep up the great posts
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    5 years ago
    It has come to my attention that my people are no longer welcome here
    ^^^ You dumbass. You and I are the same account. Stop denying it and get back to playing with turds
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Even been called gay at the club?
    @ heaving... I get what you are saying. Lets analyze this some... Earlier you said this... "I have been asked if I was gay once 😁. Below is how it happened. I was there with a friend, we just wanted to hang out so not much was happening, then a dancer sat on my friend's lap, they started talking and I joined, it went on for a while and it was fun. Then at some point she asked "Wait, are you guys gay?" 😁, I think she asked that because I'm assuming they don't expect someone else from the same group to engage with a dancer who is already in conversation. We laughed quite a bit and corrected her by pointing out that we were just close friends 😁. We were not offended, and I don't think she had an underlying motive for asking it. After that, she complimented us for being nice and upbeat, I actually felt quite flattered because of her comments 😁." Seems like you nor your friend were offended by the cancer suggesting you two were gay. In fact you found it funny. You seem to be a completely straight guy with no doubts as to your sexual preference for women. You seem comfortable with your orientation and don't seen to have any need to hide who you are so you felt okay with someone asking if you are gay. If you were gay and were comfortable with that, you would have owned that in that moment and admitted or even flaunted your gayness. However, if you were gay or having gay tendencies and have not come to terms with that yet you would have reason to hide the fact and would see questions as to your orientation as a threat and you would become mad and feel accused. Then you may feel a need to "prove" yourself and do anything possible to prove you are straight. In nicespices scenario, the guy got visibly mad to the point that his friend had to stick up for him and say he had a beautiful wife. He carried that even farther by getting dances from another dancer, and not just one or two by the sounds of it. He got mad, then he tried to prove he was straight by going overboard with getting lots of dances. If he were really trying to play some sort of moral ground, he may have gotten mad, but he would not have tried to prove himself. Dude was gay. and not willing to admit it yet.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Schiff warns that acquitted Trump might sell Alaska to the Russians
    Let's take back Mexico and give it back to Texas
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Even been called gay at the club?
    @ heaving, if he is not gay at all or has no gay tendencies, what reason does he have to get mad? If he is truly completely straight he would be confident in who he is and have no reason to get upset. The anger comes from incongruent self talk.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Even been called gay at the club?
    I did have that conversation with an ex favorite dancer once. She brought up how she did not understand why some guys go into a strip club because they were obviously gay. She wondered what they get out of it and how some of them were putting up a thinly veiled front to try and act straight. After that the conversation went like this... Me (jokingly)... am I gay and trying to act like I am enjoying the club? Her... hell no! You are as straight as a guy can be. Then she paused. Her... on the other hand your friend (a buddy of mine who also gets dances from her) I wonder about him. Me... what? You don't think he is straight? Her... well, not totally. Me... what do you mean? Her... I think he has aaah "tendencies". This was an interesting conversation, because this buddy of mine kept mentioning he was pissed at her for not telling him what she and I talk about when I saw her. I got the idea he was asking her about me and she would not say anything. Smart on her part...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Even been called gay at the club?
    His *glaring* not flaring
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Even been called gay at the club?
    I don't think I have had a dancer call me gay. That seems like a good sales technique though. If a guy is questioning his sexual orientation, or even having thoughts of trying out dudes, it may work out well for the dancer. Lmfao @nicespice. Sounds like he was visibly upset by your joking. You mentioned he was flaring at while you were saying goodbyes to boss man. You probably hit the nail on the head. He may not be gay, but he definitely sou ds like he is questioning his sexuality? Possibly his beautiful wife is a cover to make him appear straight? He may be bisexual or at least bi-curious?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    Thanks to all the Dancers who Post.
    Keep up the good work dancers! We like having you here
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    What makes a stripper decide to come sit by you?
    The bingo comment is hilarious though
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    What makes a stripper decide to come sit by you?
    Bingo sounds like fun! Ypu could probably ealily be the guunwoth the hottest girl on the room
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Recently moved to Trenton, NJ
    Dennis hof Died
    When did this happen? I must not get out much
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    5 years ago
    God Bless America
    Hmm Deep subject. It is too bad that some find a need to mock or belittle this subject. I have came in contact with this sort of thing quite a few times and it is no laughing matter... The first one was a sibling who I shared a room with as a teenager. One morning I woke up to him puking his brains out over the side of the bed (we had bunk beds and he slept on the top bunk). Both of us were out partying late the night before and I was asleep before he got home. Later I found a brand new 500 count bottle of Advil in the medicine cabinet that was mostly gone. He had taken between 200 and 300 Advil. At the time he was puking he was completely disoriented and could not speak clearly. He fortunately got enough of it out that it did not work. It scared the crap out of me because I was usually the one who woke him up every morning, and I would have been the one to find him had he been successful. We also had extremely shitty parents who refused medical or psychiatric treatment. Not too long long after that he had another attempt. At that point in time I rarely saw him because of schedules being so different. I ran into him in another city while hanging out with friends. We were both with separate groups of friends that night and crossed paths in the other city. We spoke briefly as my group was entering an establishment and his group was leaving. It was snowing hard with blizzard conditions that night so I ended up staying with friends instead of going home. The next morning I got a phone call that my sibling was in the hospital from an auto accident. Later I found out that he had slid around in the snow and could have prevented the accident, but he went for it and made it worse. The crash was fiery and so bad none of the emergency crews believed he was driving the car because nobody should have survived it. He happened to say in a disappointed tone, " Oh, I am still alive..." to a paramedic in the ambulance and they ended up admitting him to psych care where he did get some good help. Our parents had no say in this because it was mandatory under state law to be admitted for at least a 72 hour hold, which was a good thing. I remember going to visit him there and was included in a group therapy session with him. The group was asked to each tell the others something good about themselves. My sibling could not think of anything at all good about himself. I mentioned something to him about his work ethic and he was shocked and excited to find that there was something good about himself. This situation improved when this sibling decided he would no longer have anything to do with the family. I also had another good friend that was suicidal from time to time. She found a friend of hers that she had confided in and wanted to end it all. Her friend agreed to stay with her as she drank and took some sleeping pills until she was gone. Her friend had a bout of conscience before it was done and rushed her to the hospital. She is still alive and well, and has new meaning in life. I have had others but those two had the most impact on me. A couple tips for dealing with someone who has severe depression... -Never call their bluff if they are threatening to commit suicide. It may seem tempting call someone out on their threats and say go ahead or you don't believe them if you think they are doing it for attention. -If someone you know is severely depressed and they suddenly seem happy and nothing is wrong... WATCH THEM CLOSELY AND STAY IN CONTACT WITH THEM! Severely depressed people have a hard time seeing hope for the future. If they are suicidal they are in a decision making process and will not just suddenly turn happy unless they suddenly have hope. When someone makes the final decision to end it, they have hope. This decision will give them hope faster then figuring a way out of their situation will. If someone is suddenly became happy they may have made that final decision to end it.
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    5 years ago
    Deal breakers
    Welcome back Phoenix! Good to see you posting again! And Haha i saw this thread and I thought of the Jerry Springer show. Biggest turn offs for me are bad breath, stnky pussy, smelling like she didnt wipe her ass, bad attitude, money hungry instead of service oriented, Turn ons include friendly, able to carrynon a great conversation, light touching
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Small Cap Stocks
    Kick that markets ass juice!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Unofficial PL Poll
    One out of the 3 for sure. Income may be boarder line, I have 2 years of college and a lot of self education, so dont know if that counts
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Best Opening Line?
    One dancer walked up to me ans told me she liked to jack off. But she needed my dick to do it with
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Fucking Foyer Leech
    I do hate this however, it does seem to work sometimes. My buddy I mentioned in this story...https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=69042, has issues saying no to one dancer in particular who does this. She is higher mileage than usual for the Denver area and she seems to be somewhat of a door vulture. Every time he goes to the club she works at, he says he will never get dances from that dam vulture again... EVER! And he emphasizes EVER! because she took all his money. Next time he goes he complains about this again because he got dances from her again. He swears she will never get another dollar from him ever again... then the cycle happens again.... and again.... and...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Classes of Dive Clubs
    Thanks for all the great comments everyone!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    About to rent my house out
    I am going to stop by and destroy the shitter...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Juice! Juice! Juice!