Deal breakers

avatar for Phoenix133
Everyone has different tastes so I was wondering what ate deal breakers for you. What turns you away from a girl? Hair color/length? Clothing style? Tattoos? Waist size? Small breasts? Small butt? Giant breasts? Giant butt? Plastic? Stretch marks (maybe you are fine with this to a degree even), loose skin(again maybe you are ok to a point, but where would be the line?), bad teeth? Voice? Talk too much? Etc.

Also the vice versa what do you like in a dancer?

For me I would say heel banging is a big turn off. I don’t mind once maybe twice if I’m in a decent mood but any more is annoying. (Though I don’t mind a little heel clacking and find that impressive as long as it’s not done excessively)

I’m overall not too nit picky on physical appearance though think long legs and bubble butts are the most ideal look for lower body.


last comment
Bad hygiene.
+ wearing too-much clothing (an outfit that covers most of her body) - not necessarily b/c what it might hide, but I don't want her taking half-the-song taking the outfit off - and worse yet she only takes it off partially b/c it takes too-much work to take off an on

+ fake tits - not a 100% deal-breaker but ~90% of the time it's a deal-breaker - there needs to be something else about her I can't resist in order for me to get dances in-spite of the fake-boobs

+ super flat-ass - I like'm big, round, and juicy Sir-Mix-A-Lot style - not having a big round ass that sticks out does not necessarily mean it's a no-go, but it her ass looks like she got rear-ended by an 18-wheeler then her tits better be incredible

+ straight-hips - don't like non-curvy hips - even worse when her midsection is actually a bit-wider than her hips

+ don't like super-thin lips - like very full lips - not a deal-breaker but if I'm on the fence, the very-thin lips may tilt things not in her favor

+ girls that say dances are $20 (club price) but I charge $30 - 99% deal-breaker w/ very rare-exceptions and will usually blackball her indefinitely

+ dancers wanting payment upfront - deal breaker 99% of the time w/ rare-exceptions - IME dancers that push for payment upfront have often either been ROBs or just sucked as a dancer - I can understand a dancer being wary of getting ripped off, so I'll show her I have the $$$, or if she wants I can pay her after every dance, but not upfront

I tend to judge overall -- is she sexy, fun, and gives me the experience I'm looking for. I'm willing to overlook many things, if the whole package is working. There are a few things that are difficult to get past for me

- Some piercings, some tats. Piercings on her face other than ears, and tats on her neck or face, and full sleeves, are examples of the things I have trouble getting past, regardless of how great she is.

- Flat ass, fat ass, augmented ass. I'm an ass guy. The further you get from bodysize proportional, heart-shaped, firm & projecting ass, the harder time I have overlooking this to see your other attributes

- A jaded, hustle, or high pressure attitude. These are instant dismissals, no sense in wasting either of our time. 90% of the time I'll move her on if she doesn't drink (drinking with the stripper is a part of the experience I'm in the club)
Bad hygiene - for the obvious reason.

Big tats, like arm sleeves, full frontal displays, etc. - I find them painfully jarring and I'm always baffled about why the fuck an attractive girl would ever do that to herself.

Fake tits and asses - I don't know why, but I just hate them. Give me all natural itty bitties any day on a pretty girl over saline.

Too fat - I like them curvy to be sure and don't mind a little thickness, but no huge pot bellies, rolls on rolls, chunky pock marked asses, etc. And yes, it is fair for me to criticize despite my own flaws because I'm not the one getting on stage and asking others to pay for it.

Obvious drug use - just no bueno. If I can tell that she's fucked up or if she has obvious signs of hard core drug use, then I just move her along.

Those are my automatic no-fly types. I have other preferences and dislikes, but they are a little more flexible if the girl is otherwise fun to be with.
- fake breasts
- fake ass
- rocking a butt plug
- flat tits
- charging over the norm
- bad hygiene
- too skinny
- too fat
- too sweaty
- does not tease my dick
I like large sexual body-parts

+ big natural breasts - I don't think I've seen a pair of natural breasts that were too-big for my liking, assuming the breasts are not sloppy
+ big round asses
+ wide meaty hips
+ big full lips (also like a large tongue, both wide and/or long)
+ big pussy lips and clit

i.e. I'm into brickhouses/voluptuous women, and I emphasize *women* - I'm more attracted/turned-on by the womanly-look than the girly-look; I like for her to look like a woman and not a girl - not necessarily b/c of the pedophyle thing, I just like the womanly vs girly look in terms of what turns-me-on/attracts me

+ also like touchy-feely dancers - she doesn't necessarily have to be stroking little-Papi although I *do* like that, but a friendly back-rub or hand-on-the-thigh for me is a nice-touch

+ she needs to respect my BFF (aka my penis) - if the club is a 2-way-contact club and she tries to avoid my johnson while grinding on-me, then it's one-and-done - I'm paying for a service and paying to get the type of dance I like, not paying her to do the type of dance she likes

+ 2-way-contact - if the club is a contact club, then I expect for their to be grinding on her part, and groping on my part (breasts, butt) - again I'm paying for a service and paying for the type of dance I like - I'm willing to spend but expect to get what I'm supposed to get w.r.t. what I'm paying for
Oh yeah - I forgot - I HATE - HATE - nipple-rings or studs - I wanna feels boobies, not metal
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Bad hygiene. Don't like.

Bad lap dancing. Don't like.

Bad clock management. Don't get mad if the hundreds you didn't know I had got spent somewhere else.

Not knowing to sit on a lap. You have to know your tailbone is digging into my thigh. Learn to distribute your weight.

Begging for dances. Go away...unless you're very hot and I'm bored.
I know it when I see it!
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Many already said above but One for me is too controlling. She’s not there to please you, she’s there to get your money and do whatever she does. I like dancers who are nice and want me to leave feeling happy not ripped off. Too many dancers take it all way too seriously and get bitchy about the whole thing.
Lots of good points here!

It's hard for me to put into words, as my strip club choices are usually due to my brain losing blood to another part of my body

first words: 'Wanna dance?"
bad hygiene, obviously
scary tats
bad fake tits
Also - don't like smokers - as a non-smoker, not a deal-breaker but a turn-off when a dancer walks up to me puffing-away (since smoking in the clubs is still allowed in many areas in the south which I f'ing hate)
Last time I was in a club a girl approached me with a mouthful of bad teeth. That really made me want to leave.

Dancers that are too aggressive.

I am relatively tolerant of different body types as long as the dancer seems to take care of herself.

What attracts me is a dancer that approaches me in a non aggressive way and is engaging and intelligent.
Good sense of humor is a plus

Someone who gets close and can read my body language on how to move forward.
avatar for GoVikings
5 years ago
i'm not too picky, but two deal breakers for me are EXCESSIVE tattoos and cig smoke smell.

as far as what i DO LIKE---dancers who are friendly/have a good attitude. some strippers are just better at this than others. as far as physically, i like girls who are all natural--even if they don't have the biggest boobs. my current fav is only a B cup and her breasts are beautiful. an olive skin tone is sexy too. that's about it
What type dancers I like?

My dick usually lets me know

^^thats better than not knowing until you get your face covered in ashtray scented hair

avatar for Phoenix133
5 years ago
@pap_chulo I agree with the smoking and man you’d hate most girls in my area then cause majority have their nipples pierced. It’s honestly rare to see a girl in a club that doesn’t!

Personally all I can think is damn that would hurt if they snagged on something when I see them.
avatar for Phoenix133
5 years ago
@heaving as a stripper for me it’s hit or miss. Somedays I really am enjoying myself and having a good time. I love customers that come in and just want to have a good time!

I do have days where I’m not into it as much though (but I try my best to not let it show cause I mean people come in to have a good time and get away from drama they don’t want you killing the mood.)

I also have some customers I don’t care for as much as others. Maybe at first they were ok but they later just made me no longer comfortable with them thus ruining my genuine good time vibe with them
avatar for GoVikings
5 years ago
@phoenix133 "Maybe at first they were ok but they later just made me no longer comfortable with them thus ruining my genuine good time vibe with them"

what did they do to you/do wrong?
Bad attitude & bad hygiene. Working in a strip club is customer service 101. If you can't get a dollar twice an hour from every man in the bar, you need to up your game or move to another club. Bad hygiene is just trifling
I only have two complete deal breakers.

1) bad hygiene - should be a given but apparently it isn't.

2) bad attitude - I can get passed a girl that just seems to be having a bad day and is a little bit of a bad mood but I can't get passed a girl that is constantly pissed at the world or a girl that is so stuck up and entitled that she things men should just give her whatever she wants just for being her.

There are a few other things that I can get passed if everything else about her is worth it.
1) too many tattoos - a few are good but if most of her body is covered in ink it can be hard to get past
2) fake personality - wether it is playing the dumb bimbo, overly aggressive bad ass or any other fake persona I would prefer she just be herself, but if the body and dance style are right I can get past it.
3) smoking - I can deal with a girl smoking around me as long as she isn't doing it non-stop or blowing it in my face
4) over done plastic surgery - implants can be nice if done well but some girls take it too far. I won't turn a girl down just because they went a few sizes too far on their implants but it makes me less likely to choose her over the competition
avatar for Phoenix133
5 years ago
@GoVikings well the most recent case they got kinda stalkerie and just the whole night their word choice and tones and body language were red flags. I played it off and acted nice (and how I usually did with them)and was cautious with my words. But it was 100% an act at that point. I didn’t want to end things abruptly for my safety but also plan to slowly taper their interest off of me. I saw this person other nights with no issue but they crossed a line and were getting too personal. I know that’s kinda vague.

OT response - enjoyed your article about being on the Jerry Springer show. Amusing and interesting.
I had a coworker a few years back that told a similar story, her friend made up a scenario about a three way (MFF) relationship going bad. They got into a tussle on stage, but the 'bouncers' broke it up before any tits exposed. She enjoyed the hotel, food, drinking, and moment of 'fame '.
avatar for Phoenix133
5 years ago
@gSteph thanks :) it was an interesting experience for sure. I’d do it again if I went with other people.
Turn-offs: piercings anywhere on the face (ears okay), fat, zero energy on stage, air dancer in the back.
Phoenix133 said, "For me I would say heel banging is a big turn off."

Interesting that you're the only one to mention that so far. I can usually get past a few things I could do without (lots of tattoos, nipple piercings), but heel banging is one of the few deal-breakers for me. Comes off to me as too aggressive. In my view, it's not conducive to a GFE, which is often what I'm looking for in a dance partner. Of course, to each his own.
As others have mentioned:

Deal Breakers:

Bad Hygiene
Serious Drug Abuse
Nipple Piercings

avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
Turn-Offs (Deal Breakers):
-Bouncing during lap dances
-Getting hands swiped away from boobies when getting set of multiple dances (totally understand dancer not wanting to get groped for single dance, but I never get open floor dances or single dances - always multiple dances in VIP, and hands getting swiped away by 3rd dance of a 3 dance set earns a never again rating)
-Getting glitter or spray tan on my pants
-Fake butts
-High pressure hustle (I get it dancers are there to make money, and I am not a time waster or cheapskate, but high pressure hustle gets a prompt adios. Sit with me a few minutes, and if you're fun and quasi my type, I'm spending money).
-Telling outrageous lies (so unnecessary)
-Bad breath (mild cigarette smell not a deal killer)
-Snatch stank
-So high that can't carry a coherent conversation
-Overcounting songs
(BTW, tattoos and piercings not a problem. Don't prefer nipple piercings, but not a deal killer)

-Slender or athletic (age is not a factor, some of my faves are mid to late 30s)
-Natural boobies of any size
-Fun or funny during chit chat time
-Sensual stage show
"Wanna dance" girls. I know the girl is there to make money and wants to find out quickly if they are going to make something off me. But if the first words out of their mouth is " wanna dance", then I'm probably not interested.
Deal breakers:
Like so many others, bad hygiene, bad attitude, entitlement, and ROB behaviour.

I don't mind the tats and piercings. In fact, I'm usually highly amused by others' rejection of girls with them.
avatar for Ch3ll
5 years ago
My 99% deal breaker is if the dancer says she only does VIP dances. I have yet to come across a dancer that was so hot that I took her straight to VIP after her saying she only does VIP. There has been a couple of dancers I immediately took them to VIP, but they weren't on that I only do VIP.

No certain thing attracts me to a girl, but to name a few, natural breasts, butt, attractive, skimpy outfit, and if she takes the time to actually talk a little before asking for a dance.

"... My 99% deal breaker is if the dancer says she only does VIP dances ..."

Yeah - that is a deal-breaker 99%-of-the-time for me also

Sure - there's a chance that "she'll be awesome" - but often times it comes across as mercenary
I've never been into tattoos - but I've kinda warmed-up to them w.rt. strippers as long as the tats don't make her look like she's part of MS-13; but some make them look-sexy in a bad-girl kinda-way - usually don't like the big tats like arm-sleeves (whether partial or full); and dislike them in certain areas like back-of-calves; back-of-hands; upper-stomach; in b/w her tits; forearms; etc - some areas I think look-sexy on a stripper is the lower-back; hip; maybe a small-one above her breast; sometimes some in the ass if the tats are not too-big or ugly.
No sexy curves of any kind is a turn off. Also despicable hygiene is an automatic no. But fortunately never came across that.

A turn on however is a big butt with an in shape waist. Or boonies. Real or fake. I'm not fucking her (probably) so it's all about visuals. Especially in her dress
Dont get why you guys hate tattoos so much. Especially on white women, it creates a pleasing visual, brings color and decoration to the skin. And allows you to have an excuse for wandering eyes 😉
avatar for GoVikings
5 years ago
^ i just don't like excessive tats. a few don't bother me one bit
Turn offs (absolute deal breakers no matter how cute they are)
Bad Breath
Shitty Attitude

Turn ons:
Long puffy nipples
Excellent conversation
Smiles and laughs
Appears to enjoy herself
Will engage in fun and drinks 🍹
Touchy. Very, very touchy.
Good solid eye contact
Put the phone away
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
I’ve gone as a customer a handful of times. I guess friendliness is the main thing I prefer. I haven’t done that enough to really have a “set” dealbreaker because I just find the whole thing novel and find something new to learn, whether the interaction is positive or negative.

I’ve noticed that the few times I’ve went as a customer, black dancers in mixed clubs are above average in being engaging. I hear about them providing better mileage but I’m not really a beneficiary of that and that’s not what I’m talking about. I just mean in starting a conversation and holding it well. And at least pretending to be enjoying themselves. But then again, I’ve heard time and time again the industry is rougher on them so maybe it’s a sink-or-swim thing. There’s other races that are good too don’t get me wrong, but it’s just an averages thing.
to me it’s much easier to list turn on’s than it is to list turn off‘s.

main turn on... sexy.
Fat ass;
Heel Banging;
Bad teeth;
Most of mine have already been mentioned, but here's something: a Trump supporter or an Obama hater. Can't get turned on if either is stated.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Things I like: It's all case-by-case, and depends on where the dancer is. For example, I was at a club the other day and a dancer kept banging her heels on stage, but that was when she was sticking her landing after doing a forward flip in stripper heels. She had the whole room, dancers and customers, watching her. Standing still she wouldn't have been a standout although she was girl next door attractive and made up well, but on stage she was clearly the best stage performer on shift.

In general, this is what I like:
- Dancers who are friendly and open whether they think I have money or not.
- Gals who drink because that gives us something easy to do while chatting.
- Gals who don't smell like cigarettes or weed. I don't care if they smoke, just prefer if they don't reek of it head to toe.
- Dancers who go with the flow during lapdances.
- Dancers who can be patient enough to let the game come to them. If I haven't mentioned dances, it's because I haven't decided I want them yet or I'm deciding about how much I'm willing to spend.

Dancers can't necessarily control their look, but they can control their behavior as entertainers and salespeople.
Given some of the very long lists of deal breakers here, it's amazing that any money at all gets spent in strip clubs.

I suspect that with the right combination of booze and boners, a lot of these unforgivable faults get forgiven, ignored, or rationalized.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
^Perhaps. Or there’s just lots of good hygiene, non-ROB, fun dancers in clubs.
avatar for crazyjoe
5 years ago
Welcome back Phoenix! Good to see you posting again! And Haha i saw this thread and I thought of the Jerry Springer show.

Biggest turn offs for me are bad breath, stnky pussy, smelling like she didnt wipe her ass, bad attitude, money hungry instead of service oriented,

Turn ons include friendly, able to carrynon a great conversation, light touching
I guess I was never that picky in my customer days. My dealbreakers were girls who just completely disregarded me when I was ready to give them money like wtf. Or girls who are just overly fucking entitled/presumptuous. I mean it's good to keep your head up high and not deal with bs but idk some girls just really don't get it? I haven't been a customer in a while though. I rarely work the clubs it seems and have to spend a lot of time detoxing from the environment so I personally wouldn't go as a customer these days.
I keep seeing posts about girls with bad hygiene?? Now that is 1 thing I don't get. How the fuck can you be so lazy to not take care of various smells??? The first thing going through my head as a customer would be well what else is wrong with her? lmao. not trying to be a cunt but it literally hardly takes any time to fucking make sure your cooch doesn't smell, put on some fucking deodorant, and brush your teeth or at least pop listerine strips or something. This is a lot less effort than anything else a stripper can do to be desirable, shit...
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Obvious sales techniques where she is trying to manipulate you rather than offer a straightforward transaction.
- “ The dances are much better in VIP”
- “ I’m so horny”
- Just starting to dance without asking you
blah: I'm sure there's some people who are just noseblind to their smells. But, here's a conversation I had with my CF from a few years back, a smoking hot Latina. We're in the VIP room by ourselves; she knows I adore her body and she had just finished waving her various charms in my face -- waaay in my face, like I was face deep in her from every angle

Me: You smell amazing!

Her: Do I? (she's clearly delighted)

Me: Yes! Not all the girls smell good down ther--

Her: (ethnic group redacted) girls!

Me: What? (I'm now frantically looking around. We're in the VIP alone but I take a quick glance to see if I can spot the video cameras, to see if they have a mic)

Her: Yeah, the (ethnic group) girls! They come in in the morning, without having showered, and just babywipe themselves.

Me: (nervously) Are a couple of white people allowed to have this conversation?

Her: I'm not white
Bad hygiene, an unpleasant attitude and a gut that her saggy tits rest on. Those are my deal breakers. After that it it’s a case by case thing with the individual gal.
Bad or too many tats, hard uncaring demeanor, body out of shape, front entrance cock blocker, not taking the message I am not interested, smell, saying nothing and/or not attempting to engaging in any conversation. Asking me for a drink or $ out of the blue.
"... Given some of the very long lists of deal breakers here, it's amazing that any money at all gets spent in strip clubs ..."

It's a give and take - you can't always get exactly what you want so you work w/ what you got - analogous to the guy that would like to drive a new Mercedes-S550 but can only afford a Toyota-Camry - the answer is to not bother buying a car, but to get what he can get.
Some girls just have their heads up their asses, very difficult to even talk to. Think they are above other people, think they know everything, think their view of the world is the only right way.

And these sorts of girls, they always look very superficially at things. They get by in life just because they have two X chromosomes. If they had to actually do anything or make any real moral choices, they would be lost.

Otherwise physical looks things are not going to be deal breakers. A girl's limitations will always be the ones found between her ears.

I have never been judgmental about how women look. It is has never been to me a moral issue.

Welcome back Phoenix133, hope life is treating you well.

Something I JUST realized the other night is that 3 of my favorite dancers in this one club NEVER have a drink in their hand and this is a pet peeve of mine when I see some females who every time I look up ALWAYS are holding a drink or going bottoms up. It’s like the glass is glued to their hand. Subconsciously, I honestly think a big reason I regularly get dances from these 3 females because they always seem focused on the job and not low-key alcoholics.

Another pet peeve is dancers who ask if I want another dance after EVERY song. If I’m not saying anything that means I want another one. I stopped getting dances from this one girl because of this. Totally kills the flow and mood.

Other things I don’t like: your last two are virtual deal breakers for me. Loud, obnoxious dancers with annoying voices are a major turn off. If they’re loud on the floor, then that means they’ll be loud during the dances. I find myself always stuck next to booths or couches where the dancer is literally talking the whole time she’s giving dances. If a dancer starts the 20 questions thing WHILE she’s giving dances, I’m out. And on the note and cycling back to the drinking thing, when they do obnoxious things like slam their glass on the bar like it’s an Old West saloon.

Things I like are opposite of everything I said: quiet girls with manners and class...major turn on. Also, great body doesn’t hurt. But if she’s got a great body AND follows all my pet way, no day. There’s always someone better around the corner,
"... Another pet peeve is dancers who ask if I want another dance after EVERY song ..."

Personally I think this is a good/polite thing to do - a lot of inexperienced custies ask for a dance and since they are inexperienced and not paying attention, pretty-soon they're down 100-bucks in dances when they were intending on a dance or two but the dancer just kept going - also many ROBs will inflate the count at the end thinking the custy did not keep track or was not paying attention - I personally prefer her telling me as we go along rather than hitting me at the end with "yeah we did this many", and we not being on-the-same-page w.r.t. the dance-count - most dancers are honest but a good # are not.
^^^^ Front Room Generosity, Front Room Friendliness, Front Room Makeout Session until the girl you have selected just completely gives it up and is ready for TLN.

:) :) :)

Tbh I've gotten better about asking dudes if they wanna keep going when doing multiple dances because so many dudes either are too fucking stupid to count songs or literally going out of their way to jiff me and other dancers. But then I still get retards who I ask if they wanna do another 1 after the first then they get upset when I hit them up for 2 dances and act like it was 1? Ok now u just going out of ur way to try and scam fuck off loser pos. So like I prefer selling a million floor dances cuz less mileage and mgmt cant keep track of my money to ask for a lot of handouts.. but then sometimes I'd rather just sell rooms because u cannot rip me off that way.
So I find dudes bitching about getting ripped off interesting. Maybe tusclers are more honest? But there are an awful LOT of royal POS customers who really just wanna fuck a girl over moneywise.
^^^^^ FRMOS, back room FS, then take her home with you.

Period stains, shit stains, or hole on her bikini. Dont act like it hasnt happened to you
Believe it or not I have probably spent more hours in strip clubs than most of the people here.

Never have I seen and of the above.

Getting more into the actual physical and away from the other things, I favor brunettes over anything. For me to really REALLY like a blonde, she has to be like Marilyn Monroe type perfect. Maybe not that far, but gorgeous is required. I give a lot more flexibility in looks when it comes to brunettes. And I definitely prefer thick girls over skinny ones. Like someone else said thick but curvy, in shape, and fine. I will go for a thin girl with a curvaceous body, but skinny stick figures do nothing for me. And I’m a big fan of great legs.

I also like outfit variety. I’ve had dancers who always seem to be wearing a different outfit when I see them and some who seem to own only one stripper outfit. Nowadays, all I see are bikinis and that’s conformist and boring. The bikini divine of those outfits where I think a female should have an almost perfect body to flaunt. Gowns, dresses, skirts, wraps, etc tend to hide bodily flaws and also leaves something to the imagination.
I much prefer dancers to ask after every song. Back when I first started going to clubs, I could recognize the music and tell when one song ended and the next began. Now most of the time I have no idea what they are playing and it all runs together.
One of our underground places had had Front Room Clandestine FS. After they got busted, which was after LE had fully partaken for over 6 months, they went above ground.

But it was still basically girls who worked just to do OTC, and they would come and go as they liked.

One girl I liked especially, she was so good about it. A whole suite case on wheels full of outfits, including foot wear.

She would do her set, then sit at a bar stool, dressed as she had been on stage, as about 5 other girls did their sets. So you could OTC her, dressed as she had been on stage.

Then when it got down to the two girls, she would off to the dressing room to change outfits.

She was really good about all this, and she kept her face painted just so, real turn on. Strict rules, but perfume in the har getting in my face. She was a trip.

Deal breakers would be ROB, GPS, or hard hustle come on. Also dancers who ask for upfront payment in clubs where it isn't customary. A bad lap dance goes without saying.
I can be flexible with physical traits, but too many "deductions" that makes dancer non-competitive with most other dancers would effectively put her off my list, even during slow shifts. Some deductions for me are tattoos, nipple piercing, being too fat, too skinny, sagging tits, a bad boob job. I don't mind enhanced breasts as much as some prior posters as long as their well done. Butt jobs are mostly out for me. I'm with Papi on too much clothing- they tend to get in the way of enjoyment, and takes time to remove if dancer isn't too attached to her special outfit. (stockings, high boots, body suit, elaborate corset, etc.)
Select the one you want to be waking up in the mornings with. Approach her yourself. FRMOS, Back Room FS, then take her home with you.

avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"or hole on her bikini"

Do you mean just like something got frayed or an actual hole in the panties? So this is the front room and all, but some dancers will have two pairs of panties on, one with full coverage of her girly bits and one without. As for clothes that are a little frayed, sometimes a dancer will just let someone finish them off. Fishnets are a good outfit to get the "just tear it apart" treatment from your lap companion.
To piggyback on someone from an earlier post, PATIENCE has proved to be a huge virtue for me. In my early days, I wanted dancers to be hot and heavy from jump, but then I realized once you start at the top, there’s nowhere to go but down. In fact, I’ve had some dancers start out hot, then cool off after. I guess they were just trying to reel me in. Dancers that start off coy, shy, and indifferent, but then slowly over time get to know me and start to really like me and enjoy the dances to the point she becomes hot and heavy are way more satisfying than the ones who are like that from the beginning. I’ve actually had a lot of dancers that are like that. Deep down, they want to be turned on, but they want you to let them get there at their own pace.
Deal breakers: Bad breath, BO, decidedly drunk, too large, big belly.
Dislike: facial piercings, too 'raunchy', a dancer too clearly being 'about the money', bouncy on lap. Too much makeup.
Eh: Opinion on tattoos varies, some look awesome, some detract, learned to accept most. The rare beauty without can really WOW me.
Pluses: long hair, mischievous smile, pretty eyes, can dance, can do some graceful moves on the pole.
Really like: shapely, can be kinda skinny or kinda thick, but must have a distinctive waist and curves. A friendly manner.
Nice boobs. A cup to hand filling DDs, I like them all. With perky B-Cs the sweet spot. And nips.
And permission to play with them. Gently of course.
Gotta spend time to get to know them.

But also, best if you select the girl you like and approach her yourself.

Smoking cigarettes
Drug addict
Floppy pussy lips
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Messaging me day and night.
Bad hygiene
Pierced nipples
Pierced clit
Too fat
Thinking she’s better than the rest of us
I’m down with breast augmentation so long as it’s a decent job and proportional (detest fake DD + larger)
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Still messaging me days after I stopped responding.
^^^^^^^^ Pick the one you want and approach her yourself, that way you don't have anything to be bitching about!


Squatting in high heels…

Peter Frampton Do You Feel Like We Do (2019, quite interesting)…

Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Heard It Through The Grapevine…

Amy Winehouse/Paul Weller - I heard it through the grapevine.Hootynanny 2006.……
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"^^^^^^^^ Pick the one you want and approach her yourself, that way you don't have anything to be bitching about!"

What are you spamming about? Is this something I'm supposed to be paying attention to, or is this directed at someone else?
avatar for jjaires
5 years ago
I don't like full body nets thing. I like to get a little feel of skin at a lap dance.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
@jjaries - The full body net thing isn't a deal breaker for me, but they're definitely annoying. I often wear dress shirts to clubs, and the buttons on the front of my shirt and the sleeves will get caught and tangled in the fishnets. Then we spend a few minutes trying to get untangled instead of doing dances. I tend to avoid girls wearing those things as a result, but sometimes I'm not paying attention to what she's wearing until we're already in the back.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Ooh...yeah. Um, I'm gonna have to go ahead and sorta disagree with you there...

Fishnet is amazing. "Just tear it," is a great solution. Whoever decided that women should wear it should be in the hallowed annals of history. No matter how perverted that sounds as I read what I just typed.
Turn offs-
-smoker stench
-poor hygiene
-not shaving their pussy!
++I knew a dancer who was cute and fun as hell! One night last summer in. Nude establishment she started complaining that she wasn’t making good tips. I just looked at her and said “flossing is not fun”. She gasped and quickly left for the dressing room. Next set she was smooth and totally bare. I tipped her and asked for a nude lapper. After acouple she went off to make the rounds - came back quite a while later smiling from ear to ear. Told me I was right.
some pubes is not a deal breaker for me... but i definitely prefer bald and smooth.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
The other day one of my favorite dancers stood facing me after a dance with her panties off. She used to be totally shaved, and now has a little patch of pubes just above her clit. It wasn't a landing strip or a Chaplin, just something like a little Hitler stache in the middle of one of the happiest places on earth. I must have looked too long at it because she made a comment about having a little bit of hair down there. I smartly didn't say anything, just looked up and smiled that stupid man grin.
absolute no gos for any of the following
- nose ring
- unattractive face
- nipple rings
- non-perky breasts
- bush
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
I found one. So the other night I was waiting for a dancer to come back after giving some lappers to another customer, and got a little restless so tipped a dancer that had really nice tits and a passable face. Her ass was okay. Would have gotten the job done. This was not a great club, but it was open and surprisingly had three 8's. One of them was the dancer I went to see, but alas the girl on stage was not.

She comes to sit down after her set, so I offer her a drink and we chat. I'm wearing a mask and she's not. The mask is its own story, but here's the problem. Her breath. There's bad breath and there's her breath. I'm in a mask and I'm literally trying not to breathe every time she speaks. I don't know if it was something she smoked or chewed, but it was worse than stank pussy. That's really bad by the way.

What's worse is the dancer I was killing time waiting on came back but didn't want to sit because halitosis girl wasn't wearing a mask. Then she walks s few feet and gets snagged again for dances. So the breath monster was there even longer before figuring out dances weren't happening and moving on. Please let her have a friend that tells her to brush her teeth. Or gargle. Something. Wow.
avatar for NAAAASTY
5 years ago
Deal Breakers

w/in stripper's control:
bad hygiene, too hairy (esp armpits or full bush), awful hairstyle (too short, mop top etc), annoying personality (phony, entitled, or pushy), terrible tats (choice, placements, and/or size), and overdone enhancements (breasts/butts).

out of stripper's immediate control
appears to be over 35 (loose skin, pronounced wrinkles and skin discolorations), obese (a little pudge is ok, but overhanging gut or arms as thick as my legs are not), and certain clothing though not deal breakers are turnoffs including fishnets and slingshot bikinis.

avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
For me, blatant attraction to wealth and success, when they have no achievements of their own, is a nonstarter. Call it revenge from when I had neither, but now that I have some of both, I’m not sharing it with one of those types ever.

Women who have literally always been with a man from youth until now. Dependence and codependency are gross as fuck to me.

Hygiene of course. Body weight. Other than that I have like literally no other standards haha
Plastic surgery in most cases is a deal breaker for me. There is one favorite of mine in Pompano Beach enhanced top and bottom. Scratching my head to figure out why I'm so attracted to her.
I hate hate fake butts.
Bad breath, or any funky smell is an instant killer. I walk in freshly showered, shaved, and wearing a little cologne, it's common courtesy.
When I first started first started visiting strip clubs and Mongering in 2017, I had a few deal brwakers and a few preferances but the more time I spent at strip clubs, bikini bars, bikini Coffee Shops and TJ brothels the less deal breakers I had and the more I would look for a reason to spend with a DS or BG.

I do not mind piercungs and tatoos, I like all hair styles and colors, body typees, nationalities, and personalities.

My only deal breaker was of I knew she has a significant other, it was not a subject I would broach but if she mentioned it or I saw evidence of it, I would bail and move on.

I have no delussion that sexy, young women would not have a significant other, I just did not want to know about it.

Fortunately for me, most of the DS and BG I wanted seem to know this information is best kept private.

I can only remember a handful of girls who mentioned a signicant other or (accidentally) showing pictures of one.

One BG who I really enjoyed my time with and was going to be a regular until I saw on her significant other on her WhatsApp posts and I dropped her.
It was fun finding BGs to replace her
No sucky - no fucky - is a deal breaker for me.

If her breath is bad - put her on all fours and just pound one out in her.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"If her breath is bad - put her on all fours and just pound one out in her."

Dude, that breath was so bad the other night I didn't want anything else that came out of her body anywhere near me.
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