
Ending a Dance Short

Knight of the Round Table Dance
Monday, February 3, 2020 12:18 PM
For both PLs and strippers, when have you ever cut off and ended a dance short, either before the song ended or before your paid time ended? Less than a year ago I cut off a second song with a stripper that kept all touching to her hips at a high mileage club. But more importantly I started smelling ass which I guessed was from her not cleaning herself up from an earlier #2. Other reasons over the years, but not often, have been from mileage not getting any better than limited two way and also once from LDKing in pants that didn't stop the wetness. Rookie mistake on my part.


  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Not common I just get one dance - if I do it usually has been bc the mileage has been subpar for the club (e.g. won't allow breast touching in a 2-way-contact club or didn't grind in a 2-way-contact club) - I guess a time or 2 in my PL-career I walked away mid-dance bc of the dancer's attitude - and maybe a time or two I stopped the dance as soon as it began and I didn't pay anything
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Her: "Thanks for sharing your preferences. I prefer not having my breasts touched" M
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Oops. Me: I'll pass on the dance then. Here's a few dollars for your time. To self: (Ahh, now I remember you). 6 months before I'd gotten a dance from her, she started mid-dance, I said shouldn't we wait for next song to start? She said we are, just warming up, this half won't count. Mileage was progressing normally, I'd nuzzled cleavage, caressed under, side boob, had a nipple brush my face by time 'paid' dance started. Then she stated her "preference". Went with it that time cause her dance was quite sensuous . But not again.
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    In one of the few clubs in Louisville that used to have per song dances where you could get away with some extra activity, Her: I'll blow you for a $50 tip plus the songs. Me: OK get back to the dance area Me: unbuckle pants Her: What are you doing? Me: Preparing for you to blow me. Her: I'll need $100 up front for that. Me: Buckling pants and leaving Her: You owe me for coming back here. Me: No I don't. I have no fucking idea what she was thinking. I could see pulling that kind of stunt if I'd pay for a VIP, but this was lap dances.
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    High mileage club. Took a dancer to VIP after some decent floor dances. Second song I gently cupped her breast. She immediately brushed my hand away saying that wasn't allowed. Reached for my wallet mid song, paid for two and never gave her another dollar. It's baffling some of the stupid shit some dancers will pull ruining what could have a lucrative relationship.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    ^ that's why it's better to gauge the dance-mileage in the first-song so one does not burn thru a 2nd-song
  • IHearVoices
    4 years ago
    Did this once at Savannah's. She actually asked for a tip. I predictably said something to the effect of "if I'm paying full price for a song 'and' telling/showing you that you're so bad I don't even want it, what in the world would possess you to think I want to tip you". Actually, there was one other time it happened - also at Savannah's. This has reminded me why I hate that club.
  • elmer
    4 years ago
    I've stopped dances a couple times in mid song. If by halfway through it's an air dance I'm done. If after requesting a slow sensual dance I'm being bounced on or if they climb up and put their knees hard on my thighs I'll end it right there. I'm not paying for discomfort
  • Tiburon
    4 years ago
    Never. If the first dance is no touching and I'm in the mood for touching, I'll wait the song out since I already sat down, but you can bet your bottom dollar Nary a tip or second dance will be had.
  • FishHawk
    4 years ago
    I recently paid for a 15 minute dance. Dancer allowed my hands to roam but seemed to do it because she was afraid to say no. I stopped after about 10 minutes. I really couldn’t enjoy myself because she was so passive.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    Oddly some people actually DO pay for discomfort lol. I’ve never ended a dance early, I’ve never had someone end a dance early, but like Tiburon, if it’s blatantly going bad for me I’m just finishing the song and then ✌🏼
  • etsutwigg222
    4 years ago
    Many times I have negotiated and she was not following thru by mid 1st song, I will end it pay for the one and continue my search.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    @Tiburon and PSD I get your point in that you might as well finish the song out, and I do that most of the time. But...there are just some rare times where I want to send a message that the dance is terrible and ending it short is the most diplomatic way. It's above and beyond bad. And in my first example the smelling of ass is terrible and not something I wanted to endure.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    Yeah the smells like ass thing happens to me with customers like every other day. So yep. That’s one of the occasions where I just finish it and don’t ask for another. I don’t know how the person can’t smell it themselves. But yep, I hear ya.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    It's been a long time since I stopped mid dance because at my favorite club even the worst dances are better than just about anywhere else. But I can remember many years ago getting up from the sofa in a semi private dance room. tossing $20 on the sofa and walking out because the dance did not meet expectations.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    4 years ago
    I heard that if you end a dance early you’re allowed to go find another dancer to finish it off for you
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    "I heard"..... that if you put a quarter under your pillow the tooth fairy will replace with one of your baby teeth.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    Back On Topic: I'm certain I've done it in the past. Just can't think of a specific instance. Majority of my 'early quits' are 'one&done'. Bad dances abetted by notoriously short songs.
  • crazyjoe
    4 years ago
    I did this once with a dancer that I had agreed to do a 3/100 if the first dance was good... $40. I ended with one because she had such a foul odor from her pussy. Omg it was disgusting! Too bad because she was really hot too
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    that’s when I’d be ignoring my nose. I’m going on what’s the dances.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
  • crosscheck
    4 years ago
    I had an experience once in a VIP dance where the dancer waited until halfway through the 15 minutes to bring up the subject of extras, clearly with the intent to get me to extend an additional 15 minutes. I was not happy and my response was to basically go limp, hands at my sides, no interaction from my part at all, wait out the rest of the 15 and get the hell out of there. You better believe she noticed the complete change in atmosphere and knew she'd fucked up.
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    I've never ended a song mid dance. I've had some abysmally bad dances where I couldn't wait for the song to end but I'll stick it out till the end and let the girl do her thing. I've walked out of a 30 minute VIP early and that was because the girl's mileage was way less than every other dancer in there. It was my fault for not doing the usual 'get a couple regular dances first to test her out' routine. I had been going to this club for a long time and got great mileage with every girl I had dances with, over 8 different ones, and figured this girl would be the same. She was HOT, easily the hottest girl there IMO. Learned the lesson that day that the hottest girls absolutely need to be tested out in regular dances first. Thing that upset me about this girl was I go to touch her boobs and she brushes my hands away. She tells me she needs a tip for that. I'm cool with that, I was gonna give her a tip at the end anyway but I usually do it after the dance. Anyway, I ask how much and then she asks 'how much do you have?'. I fucking HATE that question. Dancers sound like straight ROBs when they do that. If they ask that at the beginning of our first encounter I'm fine with that, they just want to see if you have enough for VIP or just regular dances. But to ask that after I've already paid the VIP price just shows she's trying to take me for every dollar in my wallet. I get it, that IS the agenda for most dancers but damn, don't make it so blatantly fucking obvious. Anyhow I don't tell her but just keep asking her to give me an amount for the tip so I can touch. Then she asks if I have a thousand dollars. "What?!" I exclaim to which she says she was just kidding but she's just trying to see what I'm working with. I ask her to get up for a second, then I stand up and tell her I'm done, I won't waste any more of our time. She says "so you're gonna waste $150 just because I won't let you touch my boobs?". I say I'm leaving instead of playing this silly back and forth. Girl was hot but I knew to avoid her every time I set foot in that club. Had a great time with every girl in there before and after her.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    I've done it a handful of times. I have no patience for silliness or games. I've ended LDs when the dances are sucky and/or boring. I just get up, thank her for her time, pay her what I owe for the dance(s) an walk out. In timed VIP/CR rooms, it's almost always because of attempted up-selling for silly things like more contact. In one other instance, I walked out before it even started when the girl kicked things off by talking about her rules. IME things always go downhill once this behavior starts, so I don't throw good money (or precious time) after bad. It sucks to burn the initial room charge, but at least I save myself the irritation of dealing with her further and limit her dip into my pocket to her cut of what I paid the club. Goofy shit like this is one perhaps a dozen reasons why I rarely end up in a club LD/VIP area anymore and take it OTC instead. I have no interest in tracking songs, negotiating ITC contact, deciding what pants are best for a grind, etc., etc. If she entertains me ITC, I tip her on the stage and barside. If she's looking to entertain me even more, I take her OTC. Simple.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    If OTC is only what you want, more power too you. But it does bring new and different complications. Like maybe you get to the OTC rendezvous spot and, much like not getting the expected mileage from a lapdance, she's not going to give you the experience you negotiated. So you end up cutting the OTC experience off, drive her home, and later get into issues with seeing her ITC. To me it's simpler just to end the dance early. OTC has complications on it's own when things go awry.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Too much drama going on here for me, if I’m not happy with the service I just won’t be a customer.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    It’s very, very rare that I actually end the dance short. Even when the customer does something silly like pulling his dick out, I will usually just move three feet away and air dance until he gets the hint.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    ^^^Ok so that’s what that was. Now it makes sense.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    @nicespice what if he's just gesturing that his dick is out?
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    @SLD: I don't disagree that OTC brings its own set of considerations, but on the whole my % misfires are far lower than they ever were with ITC services. I think there are a few reasons for this: (1) A girl is never confused about why you want her alone in a bedroom (except on here apparently); (2) She doesn't want a bad OTC encounter to spill over into the club any more than I do; and (3) If she decides to play games she risks not getting paid. For these reasons and perhaps others I can count on one hand the number of truly bad OTC experiences I've had. Over the years I've posted about a couple of these rare meltdowns for the amusement of the board, but they are definitely the exception rather than the rule. Now I'm not trying to encourage anyone to treat dancers as escort targets. Each guy should enjoy clubs as he sees fit. I'm just expressing my own preferences, which in large part have evolved from an increasing lack of patience with certain goofy ITC nonsense as I get older.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    "on the whole my % misfires are far lower than they ever were with ITC services" @rickdugan I created this thread for similar reasons. It's probably mostly due to the fact that I have a couple of really reliable faves, but to me my % misfires are low relative to my total number of club visits. I don't care for goofy OTC myself, but I get it that we all want our lowest failure rates with strippers how ever we define it.
  • BocaOnt2019
    4 years ago
    Not as of yet I have not. Been a couple of times where I thought about it, but always stuck it out til the end of the song, and said thanks thats my last song. Figured you do not know which dancers are friendly with others, and I rather not end any interaction on bad terms.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    4 years ago
    Rarely, but it happens. Reasons: hygiene, being a ROB, and one time for drunkenness.
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