The Fucking Foyer Leech
You find yourself in the club, pay the door girl, and turn to enter the main room when 💥 BAM 💥 there is a Front Door Leech all up on your shit walking next to you, fast talking you, escorting and waiting for you to use the bathroom, offering you a tour, saying let’s go do an hour VIP room now—and you’ve only been in the place for 2 minutes.
Does this behavior bother you?
I hate this kind of girl. HATE. I feel they are so aggressive that inexperienced guys don’t know how to shake them or say no and they get ripped off and don’t return.
I also feel like they won’t leave a guy alone and persist and persist until he eventually gives in, gets overcharged, and leaves without having a chance to interact with anyone else.
They piss off and turn off our regular and not so regular, but returning customers.
In my old club our management wouldn’t do anything about this behavior but they forbid it where I work in Vegas. I do not know why girls act like this and I don’t think anyone likes being treated like this.
Does this behavior bother you?
I hate this kind of girl. HATE. I feel they are so aggressive that inexperienced guys don’t know how to shake them or say no and they get ripped off and don’t return.
I also feel like they won’t leave a guy alone and persist and persist until he eventually gives in, gets overcharged, and leaves without having a chance to interact with anyone else.
They piss off and turn off our regular and not so regular, but returning customers.
In my old club our management wouldn’t do anything about this behavior but they forbid it where I work in Vegas. I do not know why girls act like this and I don’t think anyone likes being treated like this.
SirLD, “like” 👍🏼
@PSD - I think you're supposed to say that you are "Smashing that like button!".
1. Be polite and direct and just say ‘No offense, but I don’t fuck with gals that stalk the front door.’ Sometimes they get uppity, IDK.
2. Walk straight to the restroom, he’ll even ask them where it is, even if you don’t have to go. There is a 50-50 chance they will be waiting when you come out at which point you can tell them that the restroom was a nice way of saying no thanks.
3. Walk to bar and order a drink. When bartender asks if you’d like to buy the girl a drink or she tries to order something, shut it down and tell her you didn’t invite her over, then point out a hottie and ask the girl if she knows what that hotties name is?
Gotta ditch these DVs fast!
I’m not going to even mention what club I was thinking of when you said that 😂
I personally find the practice distasteful, but I won’t argue against its effectiveness.
At clubs that are new to me, I'm not above wasting their time. "Sure, I'd love a tour" but I'm not buying drinks for them, and unless they really, really, impress during that tour I'm not buying dances or rooms. I can't recall even a single instance where I've spent anything on a door vulture, once I learned that wasn't how strip clubs worked after those first two visits or so. I'll take a 10 minute tour, get the run down on dance/room prices, then do a variation of what was mentioned earlier: Head to the bar or a table and ask the vulture the name of a hotter dancer I saw while we were on our tour, then ask the bartender or waitress if she can invite her over for a drink when she's free.
I figure the best way to squash the behavior is to help make it non-profitable. Taking the tour then blowing her off comes at little cost to me, I was gonna sit down and look around for a few minutes anyway.
I don't know about other clubs, but the main offender in mine does it because she knows she won't stand a chance if the poor victims get a look at the rest of the menu.
It reeks of desperation, but so many guys are just so darn nice that it keeps the practice alive. 🤷♀️
Door vultures have hardly registered on my Richter Scale, but a close cousin of Door Vulture is the drink vuture. During the 6 years I visited SR-COI, waitress would follow me back into the cubicle and hit me up for a dancer drink. Happened every frigging time, regardless of crowd level. I said "no thanks" every time. I hate the blatant hustle to squeeze extra $$ out of you every time you turn around.
That sentence of Minnows sums up why I sometimes stay home when I otherwise might be inclined to club. I’m there to spend money so I don’t mind that. And I’m a grown up so I can easily say no to the hustles of any sort. But it’s the volume of hustles, for large dollars and small amounts. For fuck sake, I’m out to relax and have fun. And I spend money for that reason. Getting pounced on just gets old and makes me think of other ways to seek fun.
I firmly but politely tell them that I don't need their company.
Muddy's system to vulture them on their way out of the club is not a bad idea!
If they are rude I may dump a load in their basement. I make the shit truck is full after a hard day of work when I go to the club 😁😎
Best if the guy selects and approaches the girl himself. But if the girl approaches, that is not wrong. It just means that the guy needs to decide quickly.
And always in P4P venue, first thing to do is to get your girl off script, so that you are now the one driving it.
But the same principles about how to handle this apply all the more. Guy has got to decide quickly. And if it is yes, then he takes the lead and gets the girl off script.
Might even just head off with her to a motel without going back into the club.
You got the girl outside, so a Side Walk Makeout Session then is not out of the question.
If your customer is meeting you, you SHOULD wait for him by the front door so he doesn’t have to hassle with any of that bullshit.
Don't try a sidewalk feel up, as that would generally amount to lewd conduct in a public place, a crime.
But back yourself up against a wall for safety, and see if she will follow you and let you embrace her.
This is where practiced charm can really pay off.
Doncha love pay backs?
But the places I have heard of strippers getting out beyond the front door in the US are NOLO Bourbon St., and San Francisco North Beach, Broadway and Columbus.
She will be trying to get you to come inside and buy dances. Decide if she is one you want to be waking up in the mornings with. If the answer is yes, then demonstrate generosity charm and see if you can lead her by the hand as you back yourself up against a wall.
Joe Bonamassa "Midnight Blues"…
In most social-settings one is conditioned to be polite and attentive to a person, especially a man towards a woman - and in the strip-club many dancers often exploit this angle - most inexperienced custies are gonna react as they would in a "normal" social-setting b/c that is mostly their (perhaps only) frame-of-reference, so they don't know how to react (e.g. the infamous "tour of the club" - most inexperienced custies will see it as a club-employee (dancer) being polite and going-out-of-her-way to be friendly and provide customer-service - where in reality it's a pure sales-pitch/hustle 99% of the time).
The door-vuluturing is bad for both custies and the good dancers - they both get cock-blocked from each other (the vultures cock-block the PL from the other dancers, and the vultures cock-block the other dancers from the custy).
Strip clubs are often the wild-wild-West and everyone is often left to fend for themselves (custies, dancers) - and this is where many of the unscrupulous actors are able to operate since there is a "power vacuum" per se - i.e. it seems only the club is the one that is able to set a particular tone/vibe for what type of behavior is tolerated - the more hands-off management/ownership is, the more stuff people will try to get away with (this can be bad or good).
If the answer is yes, take the lead and get her off script. Make it like you had selected and approached her. Demonstrate generosity and charm.
The more forward she is being with you, the more forward you can likely be with her.
What I see more common than door-vulturing is dancers "attacking" custies as soon as they sit down - I'd call these "lap vultures" - they don't ask if you'd like company nor even the "wanna dance", they just force themselves onto your lap uninvited as soon as you come in and sit-down and haven't had a chance to even look around nor order a drink nor even take a damn breath LOL - I find it uncomfortable dancers plumping down on me/my-lap b/c it feels like forced-interaction that I may either not want from her, or not want at that moment - I see many PLs in the club letting a dancer sit-on-them and talk them up and interact w/ them even if they (PL) know they are not interested in her from the get-go and eventually turn her down - I "assume" some PLs do this b/c they feel uncomfortable shooing-away a dancer,and some do it to get some free time w/ a dancer - these days I avoid letting a dancer I'm not interested-in sit on me although some sneak in b/f I'm able to "defend the paint" - the way I see it I don't wanna waste my time nor waste theirs (many dancers get pissy if one lets them talk you up for a while and then you pass, but many seem to get as pissy if not more when they aren't even given the chance).
I recall about 5-years ago I went into my local black-dive on a late-afternoon after a long-day and just wanted to unwind for a bit and eventually get some dances - anyway I go in and sit at a table and literally even b/f my butt was fully-placed on the chair I already has a dancer backing up onto my lap (I literally was not even fully-seated) - I was so frustrated (it had been a long-day) that I just put out my forearm out "like a power-forward defending the block" and blocked her from sitting on me - she said I was rude and I could've handled-it more "diplomatically" but she wasn't being diplomatic herself.
There are also accounts at these 3 SF places of credit card fraud allegations. I think that is because they are getting guys not expecting to go into the strip club, and hence not having the cash. So the idiots hand over their credit cards and let the girls go and make charges. Very stupid.
Again, decide if you want to be waking up with her in the mornings. If yes, demonstrate generosity and charm and get a sidewalk makeout session going.
Then either go in the club with her, or let her get her stuff and check out with you for spending the night wearing out a mattress.
Your job is to annoy paying customers? Nice. Can I have that job? I'd be much better than you at it.
It does mean that you do have to decide. Do you want to spend your time and money with her.
If it is a yes, then you just have to slow her down, not for free, but still slowing her down. So you are back to the FRMOS.
It is consistent with what I had seen in the seamless flowing between dancers and street hookers in and around SF Pink Diamonds.
It is also consistent with all that is reported of NOLO Mardi Gras. Sure, you can throw beads at a girl. But I can think of better ways to convey them to her.
In my AMP experiences, the more forward girls are the ones who deliver the best GFE and who most want outside meetings.
And in our underground circuit, it pretty much the same. The aggressive girls want OTC regulars and they are the most GFE friendly ITC.
You don't know how flexible an aggressive strip club girl is willing to be, until you try her out, try to slow her down. And money and some flattery are likely to help.
No you don't want to let her sell you dances, cause that is a chump's game. But if you like her, getting a FRMOS going could be feasible.