
Comments by quimby (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    girl from a local club in miami weve been dating she wants to move in ??????
    Showpan - Just read your original message and you know the answer.... Jealousy and possessiveness are poison to any relationship, so what do you think the chances really are? If the dancer in question has real need, you can offer her a place in your house, but you have to keep things light (and positive) - if this dancer's emotions are developed only to the level of a 14 year old, that is quite a task....
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    more std talk
    No, but it is a moot question since you (almost) never know....
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    16 years ago
    RolLexx and the Obnoxious DJ . . .
    Jablake - Meddling local and state governments exist all over this country. The worst club in NE Ohio is in Lake County and it is grandfathered in - a guarantee of no other competition for the next 50 years... I still can't bring myself to give money (no matter how reasonable) to jerks; this means that, currently, my usual club is 51 miles from my house (and that's fine by me). I take the 4-Cylinder car...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    RolLexx and the Obnoxious DJ . . .
    Jablake - Look no other business can treat its customers as poorly as a strip club can and if you continue to give them your business, it only encourages them... I think that the approach is a (short) polite chat with the manager entitled: " Why I am not coming in here again "
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    16 years ago
    Ginger or Mary Ann?
    Ginger looks pretty high maintenance to me...
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    16 years ago
    Asking You for a lap dance, what techiques are there?
    7) Just dance on stage with some skill, make eye contact, and act like you enjoy what you are doing.... Just this will get dances...
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    16 years ago
    The Handbook
    I agree with Yoda on two counts: 1) $200 to $300 an hour is pretty standard. (not that I partake....) 2) the key to success seems to be very vigilant screening of potential customers coupled with no reluctance to turn down potential business... And look at the numbers: If you can book twice a day - 3 days a week - you have beaten the median income in this country (and you can put away 20% of the income in your retirement fund) The downside seems to be that dancers that I know who have tried it - universally (REALLY) hate at least 1/2 of their customers....
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Addicted to the Little Dog Story. Plus $35 per lb Stone Crabs Claws . . .
    My memory of stone crabs is that it was a lot of work for a very little meat. (New Zealand bluff oysters are less work) On the dancer front, I think that you are getting the feeling that I sometimes have - that I am the only one supporting about 5 or 6 dancers; I do draw the line at listening to the little dog stories....
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you play cards or games involving dice? In S.C. it's illegal in your home.
    Jablake - My impression from some short time in South Carolina is that "true believers" run the state government. If you are convinced that your viewpoint is the only correct one, and that you are the moral force in a sea of iniquity, then you start forcing your enlightenment on the non-geovernmental masses... (for their benefit, of course)
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    16 years ago
    Black Gold . . . Club VIP . . . Secrets . . .
    Jablake - I liked reading your thread; it has several subjects on the business side of gentleman's clubs that I am always interested in: 1) The relationship between dance and drink prices and number of customers. 2) How owners try to run their individual clubs. 3) What seems to be a natural cycle of build-up, decline, and rejuvenation in just about every club I that I know. (very few can stay on top) I haven't ever been to Miami (I picture the club scene as upscale; full of men with gold jewelry and open shirts and slightly different from life in NW Penna) but you can see from your thread(s) that the problems of finding (or running) a club seem to be somewhat universal. Lastly, I am suprised how critical people are to other posters on this site...
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    16 years ago
    Stripper quality AMP girls
    Gee, in the age of the Internet, if this girl has any business sense, she will go independent and get a website. The fact that she is working for an AMP makes me wonder if there is something else going on... (not necessarily white slavery....) Next time, take along some brochures for "Setting Up your own Internet Business"
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Move to the Private Area ROB . . .
    JLake - Well, it IS a business for the dancers and not a hobby, and many of the dancers are too "in the moment" to consider that growing a base of regular customers is a better strategy... It is no different that buying a car - most of the money-making car salesman have a base of regular customers that they treat well.... The glib, slick car saleman has to work his hustle on a new customer each time - so does a slick, hustling dancer have to continually find new 1-time customers. As for me, the only private dances I get from dancers that I have not already met happens when I travel... When I travel, I always (out of principle) get a private dance from the best (most talented dance/pole moves)stage show performer, and I treat it pretty much like a dinner party waltz with someone I just met... (Yes, I am old...) (A good future topic for this board is : "Where have all the good dancers/ pole twirlers gone??)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Jablake - I think that customers and dancers meretriculate each other on a regular basis (as do a fair number of lovers) and have since the beginning of time.. Its just better when each party keep the meretriculation on a funny, friendly basis... But look, these are pretty desparate times (you've heard me say that like a broken record)... So, It's no suprise that real life sometimes duplicates the old Reba McIntyre song... "Here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down...." (And I suppose that that is nothing new, either....)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer's Plays are a Partial Pay . . .
    Jablake - Kudos (again) on some very interesting posts. I am always suprised at how poorly many clubs operate night to night; I have said before that no restaurant or bar could stay in business with some of the atrocities that strip clubs perpetrate on their customers. And you are dead right.... Many of the testosterone-fueled customers have lost all common sense - but not all of them have - and a portion of the easy marks will finally figure it out the next day (or week) and remember. So screwing customers (figuratively) does NOT seem to be good business; nor does extreme YMMV... My impression is that every chain restaurant from McDonalds to Buca di Beppo gets 1/2 of their business because customers know what they will get. (and that idea made Holiday Inn a billion dollar business) Having said that - I HATE chain gentleman's clubs and never go to one... But each club that does the hard hustle and cheats customers drives business out of all independent clubs.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer's Plays are a Partial Pay . . .
    EvilCyn - Fantasyland West (Bucyrus) is where I got really screwed by overcounting and the dances are $25.00 per song. Showtime in Mansfield is still $20.00. These clubs seem to both be struggling and my guess is that they would do better by lowering their prices. I once went to the Palace in the Pines (outside of Youngstown) where they (allegedly) have $10.00 dances, but no dancers showed up, so I had no dances... I still have that uneasy feeling that the gentleman's club business is in a slow decline and that the escort business is in ascent... I would really like to find a club that could become my regular place... Any ideas ??
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    16 years ago
    Dancer's Plays are a Partial Pay . . .
    Jablake - Never mind - I found your review list.... (The original search that I made for "Rolex" gave me a club in the Detroit ghetto, and a club in Quezon City the Phillipines...) By coincidence, it seems that the table dances are $5.00 both of those places too...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer's Plays are a Partial Pay . . .
    Jablake - Where, oh where, is a club with $5 and $10 dances ? These are at your table, or private ? Even in backwoods Ohio, the going rate seems to be $25 per song.... (up from $20 per song) BTW, I really hate the overcounting scam and usually have a long (polite) chat with the manager and the dancer about it when it happens to me - my experience is that both dancers and managers have reasonably short attention spans, and will give you your money back after about 10 minutes just to get you to shut up and go away..
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Longest Visit to a Stripclub?
    I think that all of the records for longest time at a strip club are in clubs near airports, and have to do with delayed flights.. My personal record is 8 1/2 hours (Thank you Air China for running your plane off the runway, and having to get it towed out of the mud and mechanically checked for six of those hours...) If you think that you never get tired of looking at tits.... you are mistaken....
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    16 years ago
    For those who travel to Mexico ...
    Rikk - thank you for the excellent post. I have to travel to Mexicali or Monterrey a couple of times a year and my impression is that it is NEVER SAFE. If possible: Never Travel Alone. Always dress like you are too important to shake down or rob. (This protects you from the Federales and the NarcoBoyz, my impression is that most kidnappers are associated with the Federales) Always have someone know where you are and where you are going... (A problem with clubbing activities?) NEVER be alone and intoxicated. Chitownlawyer's advice is the best: Be quiet and respectful. And know that the US Embassy will do virtually nothing to help you or to prompt an investigation if something does happen - for reasons that are beyond me, the US embassy staff seems more concerned with not bringing up anything bothersome in meetins with their Mexican counterparts, than it is in helping any American citizen. (Canada squawks pretty loudly when one of theirs is murdered or arrested on phony charges; this happens about once a month) Mexico has its good points, but operating under the rule of law is not one of them.(unless you are important, or look important...)
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    16 years ago
    New Jersey
    Stripping the stripper
    d120 - I (also) have trouble just getting the damn things unhooked... It felt like I spent 1/2 of my lapdance trying to get my CF's boobs out.... (She was laughing...)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    Thanks Jablake, an interesting tale.... Becoming middle aged and finding out that your remaining years are going to be tough financially is becoming the standard story in this country. A few months ago,the New York paper had a long investigation of how many 50+ year old men are not working these days - it was eye opening... (some 50 year old men cited in the story had moved back into their parents home !!!..!?) This dancer could always sell herself into marriage (how many millions of women do just that?) but doing that successfully long-term and avoiding depression, strikes me as VERY tricky (no pun intended).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why is the website so slow?
    I have a lousy dial-up system and I don't think TUSCL is slow at all...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Boring Conversation???
    The best times that I have had in clubs involved having deep conversations with intelligent dancers. Think of it... most dancers get to talk with other dancers (pet talk ?), or with men who are too busy chatting them up to make decent conversation. I have NEVER met a stripper who was interested in my body (sigh), but have met quite a few who responded to conversation. And, I think of a dancer talking about her little dog for a 1/2 hour as a (very) effective method of birth control (Little Quimby gets even littler...)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Budgeting or spend crazy?
    I always go to a club with the idea of spending all of the money that I put in my pocket. (The definition of a good strip club is one that I walk out of - broke and shoeless....)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    Jablake, my hat is off to you for your very interesting post(s). Yes, the concept that "right is right and wrong is wrong" doesn't really seem to describe the issues involved here, and (yes) I agree with you that the main problem with the StripperUserofMen - is how little time and effort she put into chatting up the old man. As an earlier post noted, the parallels between the StripperUser and today's televangelists are striking; my guess would be the feeling of the old man that he had a babe fiance, and the feelings of televangelists' elderly victims (thinking that they are the prime force of good in the fight against evil) are very similar. As I get older, I am less sure that this sort of stupid delusion does not have its purpose/pleasure for those with little else going on in their lives... (May I please be lucky enough to escape their fate)