
Dancer's Plays are a Partial Pay . . .

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 12:22 AM
I visited RolLexx earlier this afternoon. Lots of dancers, but no one buying any dances or tipping. Bad economy; perhaps. I buy a dance from an agressive young hottie. Plenty of 2 way contact and she is doing a good job so I figure I'll buy 4 dances for a total of $20. I'd planned on just getting 1 dance because there were a few other hotties that I wanted to buy dances from. At the end of 4 dances I say thank you and hand her a $20. She says thanks and starts to turn away (very important detail) and then turns back and says but it was only 3 dances. I smile and say that's great let me have another dance (it was definitely 4 dances, btw). So she gets into it and does very well and I'm happy and have already decided to spend another $20 on her. I'm 100% sucker for a dancer who is trying to give me a good deal. The dance comes and goes and she doesn't say anything, which is a bad sign. Remember she is just supposed to do 1 more dance. I don't mind because I've already decided to "reward" her with the purchase of additional $20 in dances. ***This play---the pretend undercount--at least with me generally results in me spending more money on the dancer.*** So she does 4 more dances and I thank her and hand her another $20. This time she has a totally different attitude. Says that I owe her $50. I ask how she figures that. She says 5 dances at $10 a dance is $50. I say wrong on both counts. It was 4 dances AND they're only $5. She says oh no it has always been $10 and you owe me $50. I laugh and say sorry, but I'm a regular and the dances are $5 and you've been paid in full. She says but, these dances were better than $5 dances. I said you should have told me you wanted $10 and I wouldn't have bought any dances. She wasn't perturb at all and just left after thanking me. She started out real smooth with the undercount. And, could have had herself a regular. Instead, she goes for the overcount plus the doubleprice and loses any future business from me. Oh, she did bother me for a $1 tip for her stage dance, which is supposed to be against the rules. I paid the $1 to get rid of her. A surprising number of hot babes, but there was just NO money for them. When I'm the big spender that is sad bad news. :(


  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Oh yes. If I was recquired to give a numer rating, then it would have been 10. :)
  • quimby
    16 years ago
    Jablake - Where, oh where, is a club with $5 and $10 dances ? These are at your table, or private ? Even in backwoods Ohio, the going rate seems to be $25 per song.... (up from $20 per song) BTW, I really hate the overcounting scam and usually have a long (polite) chat with the manager and the dancer about it when it happens to me - my experience is that both dancers and managers have reasonably short attention spans, and will give you your money back after about 10 minutes just to get you to shut up and go away..
  • quimby
    16 years ago
    Jablake - Never mind - I found your review list.... (The original search that I made for "Rolex" gave me a club in the Detroit ghetto, and a club in Quezon City the Phillipines...) By coincidence, it seems that the table dances are $5.00 both of those places too...
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi quimby, I don't think that is generally appropriate in a $5 club. The feeling being is you a man or is you a mouse? Dis is a ho we yabbering about. Treat 'er like one. O, she and 'er lasses be laffin an looing down dey long noses at you. Having said that if I know management or security then I will have a little pow wow in extreme circumstances. For example, ho has 7 or more different separate personalities or ho threateningly places sharp object near family jewels. Besides, the poor girls, isimo, get cheated far more than the customers. Remember it may very well be club rule that she is supposed to collect her money first. If n she don't then she be screwed unless she's been smart enough to grease security regular like.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    BTW, I think the phoney undercount is more intriguing and profitable; profitable especially long term as well as short term. The stripper overcount is probably best matched with a customer undercount or worse??? Perhaps put a little fear in her that she won't even get the $5 per dance due to her mendacious "hustling."
  • evilcyn
    16 years ago
    In my backwoods area of Ohio, they are 10.00.. I hate when girls overcount, it gives all of us a bad name....
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    FWIW, you can get the price down lower than $5 (ITC and OTC). One of the dancers I liked worked at some fast food joint during the day and told me she me she'd be happy to charge $10 an hour at her apartment, when she wasn't at one of her two jobs.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    $10/hour for what??
  • quimby
    16 years ago
    EvilCyn - Fantasyland West (Bucyrus) is where I got really screwed by overcounting and the dances are $25.00 per song. Showtime in Mansfield is still $20.00. These clubs seem to both be struggling and my guess is that they would do better by lowering their prices. I once went to the Palace in the Pines (outside of Youngstown) where they (allegedly) have $10.00 dances, but no dancers showed up, so I had no dances... I still have that uneasy feeling that the gentleman's club business is in a slow decline and that the escort business is in ascent... I would really like to find a club that could become my regular place... Any ideas ??
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    $10 for whatever I wanted. :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    More upsetting to me than the dancer overcounting is the DJs complicity. One song will cut into another randomly. This gives the dancer a pretext to claim it was a new song. Of course, under that reasoning there may be 5 new songs within 3 minutes. (DJs get paid by the dancers for this BS.) Everyone has different tastes and a lot of customers prefer a DJ to a regular jukebox. Hell, I prefer a silent strip club where the dancers don't even dance such as the old Angels. Visited the RolLexx again this afternoon and there was a very large number of attractive dancers. Didn't have as much fun as yesterday because the music was loud to keep conversations between dancers and customers to laconian portions.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    I'm sorry, but I don't believe that for a second. How stupid do you gave to be to sell your body for $10/hour? Street whores get more than that! 5 songs in 3 mins.?! You're exaggerating...most clubs either have a song length cutoff (at say 3 or 4 mins.) or they just let the song play through all the way to the end.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    You might be pretty smart. :) You ever consider the quality of the customer? (You ever hear of bait and snag? There is also that possibility if the deal is too good.) Not if you're in the crowd whose mantra is it is all about the money. Now, in a white club . . . naw that isn't even true. In an expensive white club such as Tootsies (yes, I consider even $10 and $20 songs expensive for my budget) the mantra could very well be true. He's mixing the songs. Could be more than 5 songs in 3 mins. It is part of the scam and the dancers pay the DJ for it. That is why you need to insist the dancer give a count at the end of *each* song. I had a dancer at Angels who billed me $5 for a "song" that was less than 15 seconds, but she was upfront about it. I paid and got rid of her (she later gave me a couple free songs; on a different visit). Another dancer was at the other extreme where the "songs" where being billed at about 4 an hour. Of course, I spent a lot of money on her. And, please remember the dancers do get their share of deadbeat customers who never intended on paying or intended on paying only part of the bill. At Angels some of the customers are getting dances for $1 and $2 a song. At the other extreme you have customers tipping $20s like they $1s. I'm talking big money spread freely. Thus, I see dancers getting 4 and 5 $20s in the space of less than a minute. Of course, then the owner had to slow the club down. :( If you think $10 is stupid, then what do you think about free? That is "easy" to do and had that offer just a few weeks ago OTC. What the dancer wanted was oral. I would *love* to do that for her, but I'm overly concerned about disease. She says you do oral you'll have as many bitches as you want over here for free. Sounds wonderful if you're into free and you enjoy oral (I enjoy doing that). The problem is in my experience the dancers and customers seem to have NO fear of disease. I strongly believe either *free* or too cheap is bad news. Perhaps I know the wrong people, but non-hooker or non-stripper relationships don't seem too wonderful unless the man is getting more on the side or his sex drive is tiny. And, I don't see non-dancer morals as being genuinely superior so all the negative shit about dancers doesn't seem realistic. O the dancer did this and the dancer did that . . . and I'm thinking yeah and the regular woman did this and the regulae woman did that . . . Lastly, as far as stupid it definitely seems like at Angels the dancers are usually more intelligent than the customers. :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I did forget. At Angels and some of the other low cost clubs the DJ will sometimes be doubling or tripling the song, which can piss the dancer off. He may do that to get the money flowing. Customers start hearing how long the songs are going and think damn I can put out $5 because I'll just need one song. As money starts getting spent the club can come alive and stay alive even if the songs are shortened. Or, the DJ may be doubling or tripling the song to show his power. Or, sometimes to extort tips from the dancers. A lot of "game" being played.
  • quimby
    16 years ago
    Jablake - Kudos (again) on some very interesting posts. I am always suprised at how poorly many clubs operate night to night; I have said before that no restaurant or bar could stay in business with some of the atrocities that strip clubs perpetrate on their customers. And you are dead right.... Many of the testosterone-fueled customers have lost all common sense - but not all of them have - and a portion of the easy marks will finally figure it out the next day (or week) and remember. So screwing customers (figuratively) does NOT seem to be good business; nor does extreme YMMV... My impression is that every chain restaurant from McDonalds to Buca di Beppo gets 1/2 of their business because customers know what they will get. (and that idea made Holiday Inn a billion dollar business) Having said that - I HATE chain gentleman's clubs and never go to one... But each club that does the hard hustle and cheats customers drives business out of all independent clubs.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Trying to get people to pay for songs that the DJ is mixing is ROB behavior, period. Some of this sounds like simple table dance/mini-lap action as well, which is only worth a small tip anyways IMO. Free OTC isn't selling your body...it's just sex...lol...
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Well, the girl claimed that she thought that's how it is supposed to be done. A whole unmixed unshortened song for $5??? She was a perfect 10. At Tootsies she would have been charging $25 for a pitifully short song. Do I believe her when she says she didn't know? I don't really care as long as she gives good service in the future. If she could work at Tootsies, then I believe she'd print money. The more experienced dancers will only do that with a dumb dumb or rookie or etc. But, an overcount is often fair game regardless sometimes if nothing more than to see if you have a pair. The $1 dances are for a full song PLUS. Hell, they (the low income or cheap patrons) don't want to be giving up that $1 or $2 without the dancer really working. Remember usually a customer like that really worked hard for his money and the dancers know that. And, they also know that it can be good business to showcase their wares or do charity work. Well, if the dancer is willing to do me for free why wouldn't she want a little financial help? (She may not see it as selling her body even a little or if she did it would probably be and how is that negative?) Especially, if I'm not willing to go downtown due to a fear that just seems absurd or stupid to her. I have a dancer who gives me "free," but she has a very different concept of free than I do. And, it causes problems because she either wants a straight customer relationship or a real relationship. BTW, her "free" services are definitely different than her paid services. She claimed she could provide the same regardless of cash--that paid GFE is no biggie. She failed, but her performance was very good. If you pay, then you get X. If it is "free," then you get Y. I would rather pay and get Y. That Y option doesn't seem to be on the table as a paid option any longer although she is one of the best at delivering it; imo--the problem seems to be the relationship is muddled--thanks to her! Of course, she says that I shouldn't be treating her like a girlfriend unless in fact she is a girlfriend. I've explained too often to her that it is fantasy!!! She says a person can take fantasy too far. And, NO "free" even really "free" isn't a wonderful idea, imo.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi quimby, I'm glad you liked my posts. :) Here in Miami the normal free market rules don't readily apply to strip clubs because it isn't a free market. I would LOVE to open a club near The Trap, but the government won't allow it. In fact, if The Trap dies the government won't allow a new strip club in its place. Also, clubbers can have extremely different ideas about what a good club experience is. Seems like the majority favors Tootsies and that place is way too upscale for my tastes. I want a small quiet inexpensive club with a few regular dancers that I can visit again and again. The government won't allow that so I get whatever happens to be on the menu or nothing or alternatives like bringing hos home. It was amusing and distressing how hyper some of my neighbors got when they saw me bringing hos into my home. OTC, I LOVE IT bad or good. :)
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Dude...you're way overanalyzing this stuff IMO, but what else is new, eh?
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    That is part of the fun, but more importantly when the behaviour doesn't follow the words or mold I feel compelled to find possible answers. Also, somethings are just mind blowing, which cause me to start thinking and thinking some more. A dancer who pretends to undercount is interesting, imo. It gets even more interesting when she attempts to double the price after-the-fact for the second set of dances. So the first set is fine at $5 per dance and yet an identical second set should be $10 per dance? A dancer who takes money out of her own pocket to give me dances is also interesting, imo. I searched for answers and the answers, true or not, were thought provoking.
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