
Comments by quimby (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ohio Cubs after the No-Touch Law
    Re: How did the "Tuff Girl" break her nose ? I don't know, but I hope that it was a car accident, and not from having a (losing) career in the fight game.... (Not really the sweet girl that you take home to Mum, is she ?)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do hard economic times mean more women become dancers?
    I don't know - you hear it both ways... In my area of NW Penna and NE Ohio, I see a lot of clubs filled with too many dancers; only the ones with regular customers make any money. The number of men who sit away from the stage and nurse a beer all night seems to be rising.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ohio Cubs after the No-Touch Law
    FONDL, yes that seems to be what happened here... Someone else pointed out that in the six months since the Ohio law passed, Cleveland has lost 4 more clubs: Motion,Cleveland PM, the Hustler Club (redevelopment) and Monroes (fire). Some of the clubs on BrookPark seem to be just hanging on. (The BibleThumpers win ??)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Tip every dancer? Or are you picky?
    I tip every dancer two dollars but always tip higher for someone who can really dance. (I also always try to get a private dance with the best dancer (technical skills, not boobs) as a matter of principle.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Rhode Island
    The Bottom 40
    I am always suprised that the Blue Moon has a "Top Ten" lock as one of the worst places in the country. Yes, the Blue Moon is a dive in the bad part of town near the airport. Yes the dancers are about 2/3rds Latina and the customers are about 4/5ths Mexican - BUT this is a friendly low-life club with talkative, flirtacious girls. NOBODY would confuse this place with Christies' or Larry Flynt's but it is not a bad night out... I still say (as I did in my review some time ago) that the biggest problem here is private dances (pretty good)that are just too expensive...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    Google help needed (again)
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    16 years ago
    Governor Spitzer to Resign
    and I almost forgot : " To the Staten Island escort services that I prosecuted in 2004 - OOPS, I WAS JUST KIDDING.... (Hope the jail time wasn't too bad) and finally you CAN'T expect the law of condoms to apply to millionaire sons of millionaires... We're just better than you... "
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New Jersey
    Strip Club Violence
    Pennsylvania seems to have its share of problems in clubs. Last year in Club Erotica (near Pittsburgh) a bouncer was choking a customer and he died (somewhat suprisingly -no charges have been filed by the Allegheny County detectives). Last month, there was a throat slashing in Partners Tavern outside of Erie (ag assault charges WERE filed) I think that many clubs are becoming hangouts for twentysomething punks who view themselves as "gangstas"... (They're really just little small town punks)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Tales from the dark side - part 2 (the sad conclusion)
    NJSCFan - We have traded (almost simultaneous) messages tonight... I am sorry for the unhappy way that this turned out; just recognize that this is almost certainly not your last contact with her, and resolve that you will only do helpful (and healthy) things for her, NOT enabling things for her... At the end of the day, she will either get better or will continue to sink, and it has very little to do with you...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is the traffic and the strip clubs a lot more crowded where you live at?
    I agree with David9999 - in North East Ohio, SC attendance is only down a little, but the money spent per customer appears to be down moderately. (My source for this: dancers that I talk with at about 8 different clubs.) A lot of the dancers seem to be working more days and more hours because the money is down, but this is just self-defeating. Aren't you noticing that your favourite club seems to have more dancers that it did a few years ago ?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any drug experts here know the signs of heroin use?
    NJSCFan - In my experience, there is no hard and fast rule to identify a horse addict. Just like there are (many)high-functioning alcoholics, there are high functioning addicts. In some ways it is easier than hiding alcoholism; junk users can be normally energetic and engaged when they are not (recently) high, and not too long since high. (It also helps if your not long-term, using huge amounts..) The biggest tip-off of heroin use is being broke all the time; sounds like she has that one. The 2nd biggest tip-off is to take her somewhere and stay with her constantly for 36 hours; she will sick and twitchy, and have a great story to get back home soon enough. Lastly, even if she is currently high-functioning, she will, at times, just crash for a few days. Of course, since most strippers (those not on heroin) are also up and down like I have described, maybe you should just wait for her to steal your television...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I got a PM from a dancer that I don't even know...
    Or, to continue a thread from below, she could be bipolar and not thinking very clearly. (My CF is bipolar, and I have to periodically dissuade her from some wild money-making schemes....
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer choice: sit idle at the bar or discount dance prices
    Thanks, Shadowcat, I am glad that your were able to dig yourself out - my only explanation with how these women sleep soundly at night with their astronomical debt levels is that there must some wiring in the brain missing; these women have no ability to see the relationship between wild spending and poverty... (w/o getting too personal, how will your ex get by ? )
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    16 years ago
    Dancer choice: sit idle at the bar or discount dance prices
    David9999, I have the same experience that you have regarding how dancers manage money. (and we're haveing discussions about dancer's vocabularies ?) A dancer that I date occasionally is/was under them impression that she was doing fine and that she could manage her money like she had for years... One look at her bills and I am helping her file for bankrupcy... The credit card expenditures in the last 3 years could stock a small country... No matter how long I think about this, I do not understand it...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer choice: sit idle at the bar or discount dance prices
    I agree with the previous post that the real Las Vegas is much harder and nastier than the image the image that it has. Tell your ATF to ALWAYS have one or two people with her, that know where she is all the time, and that can raise an instant and effective alarm if need be. Just assume that you are dealing with people who are capable of anything and (given the constant need for money) just might do it... Boffing Asians and Middle East gamblers @ $1000 per night is one thing but you have to be very sure of the people you work with... Making a baby with your David 9999 (would this be David 10000 if it was a boy?) is much easier and much safer..
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Funny Things Dancers Say...
    My favorite expression is when one dancer will say of another dancer : "She's sitting with her ass in a tub of butter".... This sort-of-strange expression means that the person in question has fallen into a sweet deal that she did not really deserve... To my suprise I have also occasionally heard "sitting with your ass in a tub of butter" spoken occasionally in business meetings Pittsburgh Area), again meaning a sweet deal...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Suggestions for Tampa?
    If you like high mileage dives - go to the 7 Seas.. (No artificial cheerleader blonde princesses there...)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer ass-kissing "toadies"
    Yoda - In the interest of fair play, if you (indeed) don't have time for assholes, you should set your ignore button to ignore your own messages...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Pennsylvania clubs
    FONDL - Wow, you really get around... I agree with your recomendation for Partners Tavern just east of Erie Pa. Lately with club business everywhere on something of a downturn, Partners has had as many as 24 dancers chasing about 20 customers...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A Strip Club Catering to Truckers
    The best place catering to truckers (including a place to park the rig and free showers) is the Interstate Body Shop in Emlenton Pa (Interstate 80 - about 50 Miles east of the Ohio Line) The girls ain't bad either....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A long unanswered sex problem...
    When the girl I was with fainted during sex (scared the hell out of me), it turned out to be caused by her (priviously undiagnosed) lower-than-normal blood pressure.