
Move to the Private Area ROB . . .

Thursday, April 24, 2008 10:42 PM
I usually only buy the cheap dances of $5 and for some dancers that is unacceptable, which is fine. Sometimes they will sneakily try and increase the price by asking to move the dance to a more private area. Some aren't sneaky and say upfront the price goes to $10 per dance and others will come clean only when you ask does the price go up? The negative comes when the dancer doesn't want to come clean and intends further meretriculation. She'll say oh no $5 is fine when she'd been thinking to double her price---the downside HITS here in that with the increased privacy the quality of the dance goes down! :( That dancer gets written off by me for future dances in the private areas or open areas. Now, the fun is when the dancer asks for a move to a more private area and actually delivers a better service: Hotter more intimate dances once she has more privacy and yet at the same price with perhaps a dance or more thrown to make you feel special or etc. I don't know if this privacy ROB is common or not. Because I was primarily an Angels customer it was never a main issue. With Angels under government attack it has pop out on to my radar screen. When a dancer starts asking about taking it to a more private area I'm now more on guard for meretriculation; and probably need to ask better questions or explain what I expect. I sure as heck don't expect to get less once we are in the private area, but it is easy to understand why that might happen. A very few dancers at Angels will try and try charge more for better seating in the open areas and lie about club policy in that regard. I will get in their face real quick if they don't get real and call 'em on their very weak attempt at a ROB.


  • quimby
    16 years ago
    JLake - Well, it IS a business for the dancers and not a hobby, and many of the dancers are too "in the moment" to consider that growing a base of regular customers is a better strategy... It is no different that buying a car - most of the money-making car salesman have a base of regular customers that they treat well.... The glib, slick car saleman has to work his hustle on a new customer each time - so does a slick, hustling dancer have to continually find new 1-time customers. As for me, the only private dances I get from dancers that I have not already met happens when I travel... When I travel, I always (out of principle) get a private dance from the best (most talented dance/pole moves)stage show performer, and I treat it pretty much like a dinner party waltz with someone I just met... (Yes, I am old...) (A good future topic for this board is : "Where have all the good dancers/ pole twirlers gone??)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi quimby, In the case of the Private Area ROB, I don't think it is always perceived as such by the dancer. She might be thinking of course he would prefer to pay more to get a lot more. It is like people who think of course a customer would pay more for full service. When I clarify that I just want the $5 dances her feeling depressed might result in low quality dances. Again she may not see it as a ROB at all. To me is a ROB not only in that I'm getting reduced quality from high quality, but also in that the chance I will do future business with her is slim. And, most customers may not even have experienced a Private Area ROB because they're eager to pay more for more service or the dancer doesn't think he can pay more so she doesn't even attempt it or etc. Another dancer that I know will basically stop giving good dances after she has reached the dollar value she wants for the night. She can give out of this world dances, but unless she seems very eager I just pass. A few times I've given her a test of 1 dance and then say goodbye or start spending money, but even that gets old especially since I know that if she reaches her monetary target the fun is over for me. I prefer more consistency and she can't or wont deliver.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi Pythagoras, Well, I don't have too much love for the gentlemen's club crowd or snobishly wealthy. If you can afford $25 per song, then more power to you. Any dancer that thinks $5 is too cheap that is fine also. But, jimminey crickets those on a lower budget may want a $5 dance or a $1 dance and you know what is truly minding blowing? There are some dancers who look forward to making that money. Sorry buddy, but even $10 is too much because I like to buy a lot of dances and go *frequently*. A mere 10 dances at $10 per dance is a $100. Yes, I know for many men that is pocket change--more power to them. I remember this nitwit making a show at Angels of all places about me not purchasing any $10 dances. I said bright eyes how many times a week do you come to Angels? Bright eyes was lucky if he was able to come twice a month. Meanwhile the other dancers at Angels were fairly aggressive with him explaining the facts of life: A customer who buys a lot of dances and comes in morning, noon, and night diurnally (?) is a lot more valuable than a bright eyes who buys a few dances and comes in twice a month. Another nit wit, but with money, was complaining at The Trap. The Trap at that time generally had high class wealthy old men. This old fart was the exception. He was yapping he wanted me to tip $2. I asked the wealthy asshole how many times he visits The Trap? I hadn't seen his ugly mug before. He states with superiority that he come once a month! I said look here brainiac I've been coming in almost every day for the past couple of months because it is so convenient. The dancers will choose me over you any day. He was shocked to learn that was the case not only with the dancers and employees, but the other old customers too. He ended leaving soon thereafter. And, NO I don't believe that wealthy asshole even went to The Trap once a month; more like once every 6 months. If a dancer wishes to charge $100 a dance, then heck it may be cheap to the right customer. I'll stick with the $5 or less thank you very much. :)
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