
Comments by DougS (page 39)

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    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Vicarious VIP room experiences
    My previous favorite club did not have a VIP room, so the "private" dances were done in the open, along the outside walls. There are tables within four feet of the "wall chairs", and so it is very common to have an audience. I never liked it at all, and I've had girls that will tell the guys to mind their own business. My biggest complaint about being watched is usually, I would be with my fave girl and she always gave me a much better dance than other guys received. She also gave me special treats that the normal guy would not receive. When I wasn't there and she was working, she'd tell me that guys seeing what she did with me, expected her to do it for them, too. Not that she did, but she'd get more than her share of guys trying to take liberties with her. As for watching, I don't watch. If I'm getting a dance, my concentration is solely on the girl I am with. There IS a disclaimer though. A few times, I've entered the club and found a girl of mine giving someone a dance. One dancer in particular would make a game out of it. I'd sit at a nearby table, and once she noticed me, she'd give me a show by licking her lips (and or nips), or flashing me, all without her current customer noticing.
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    18 years ago
    Most Unusual Stage Dance Bits..
    On a little tamer note... Two dancers' "routines come to mind. Maybe it's not that unusual, but still, they are the only two that I've seen doing this; Dancer 1 (Babes West in Indy). During her stage show, she commonly would lean over someone's beer bottle that was sitting stage side, and procede to give the bottle a "blow job". She took a lot of it in, too. I thought it was pretty hot, but my friend that I was with (happened to be HIS beer) was none to impressed. In fact, he told her that she owed him a beer 'cause there was NO way he was going to drink out of THAT. Dancer 2 (April at Hip Hugger , Kokomo). When a guy got on stage and layed on his back, she would come over, unzip his pants, undo his belt, then she would take the belt (non buckle side) and stuff it down his pants and out the now-open crotch hole. She would then play with the end of the belt like it was a cock sticking out... pull on it and suck it... It was a pretty hot display. I've also seen a "fire show" at a club in London, Ontario (I think it was at Flesh Gordon's). The dancer lit batons and twirled them. Not a bit entertaining.
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    18 years ago
    SC drama
    I don't mind drama in the club, as long as it doesn't affect me and my evening fun. Shadowcat: the drama that you mention would all fall into that category of not affecting your fun, so that'd be fine... maybe even good. Especially the juicy gossip like who's fucking whom. However, when my fun is compromised, it's time to leave and/or not go back for a while. Of course I'm talking about "club drama", as opposed to the normal individual drama (affecting just one dancer). Over the years, I've only had drama curtail my fun on maybe three occasions. Once, there was a thief about, in the locker room and several girls had their night's earnings stolen. All of the girls were too upset to be much fun that night. Another occasion, my fave at the time was fired for some bullshit in the dressing room. Although I wasn't present, it affected me quite a bit. Without her at the club, I think I've only been back three or four times in the almost two years since it happened. This was also part of the reason that I have a new favorite club.
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    18 years ago
    Little Red Grinding Hood
    I do not like the tats or the piercings. I will typically shy away from the girls that have either. I can overlook the belly piercing, which is so common place now, you'd think girls are now born with them. I can also overlook one, or very few tats, as long as they are fairly small, and somehwhat inconspicous. My prev fave had NO tatoos and and the only piercings were the single hole in each each and a belly piercing. I really liked that about her. To me, I sort of equate the amount tats and piercings to the level of sleaze. Maybe that's a bit unfair, but usually it seems right on. My current fave just has the ear and belly piercings, plus a tatoo that is probably about 3" wide that surrounds her belly button. Although bigger than I'd like to see, I can live with it.
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Chandler: Yep, the Bernoulli Box was a drive with removeable cartridges. I don't think they ever caught on too much 'cause they were on the expensive side. The cartridges, if I remember correctly, were of the size that made storage an issue... Then came ZIP drives, which were faster, cheaper, smaller... way cool! Now you have "thumb drives" that you can just plug into your USB port that'll store as much, or more as any ZIP drive could... smaller, faster, cheaper. It's truly amazing how much and how fast technology has changed. I can still remember my first computer (Radio Shack Model III). It had a cassette drive for storing info. I was SOOO excited when I finally got a floppy drive that could write on floppies holding 360k - yes "k", not "mb"! I was REALLY moving up in the world when I got my first hard drive, which had more space than I'd EVER need... 10mb.
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    18 years ago
    What are your favorite stripper Halloween costumes you've seen?
    Book Guy: It doesn't seem to me that wearing such a costume would be any fun at all, unless you're trying to scare/gross out your dancer of choice. As I've mentioned, I do not want the dancers to dress in costume, but it seems like it would be more interesting to wear a costume, being the customer. For instance, dressing up as a flasher, comes to mind. You wear socks, a hat and a long rain coat (with nothing on underneath). Just think of the possibilities during your dance sessions!
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Cities where the club with the best looking girls also has the best mileage?
    Two cities come to mind; Dallas - Baby Dolls Tampa - Ybor Strip Between the two, Dallas has my vote. Baby Dolls has never left me disappointed. It boasts the most contact I've ever received ITC - on all of my visits.
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    18 years ago
    Frank Sinatra / Billy Joel
    Yoda: Thanks... now THAT makes sense. You'd have thought that I could've figured that one out. Thanks for enlightening me!
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    18 years ago
    pussy revival
    Hairy doesn't do it for me. In fact, it's a definite turnoff. It has to at least be neatly trimmed, and preferably shaved completely.
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    18 years ago
    Frank Sinatra / Billy Joel
    I'm sure that the aforementioned jargon is used to throw off the LE (uhh...more jargon there, too, but probably more wide accepted). Heck, the Billy Joel / Frank Sinatra threw ME off. Maybe the Billy Joel / Frank Sinatra was also throwing off the license excise people, too... at least until I asked to have it exlained to me. Maybe when we become members of TUSCL, we ought to all receive our own decoder rings?! Anyhow, I am not a bit surprised that those actually working in the clubs wouldn't know what our abbreviations and terminology mean. Furthermore, I wouldn't attempt to use them in talking to my girls or club staff. As for the OTC, I've found that all of the girls I've mentioned this to understand the phrase "private party".
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    18 years ago
    Gee I wonder what she does for a living
    Clubber: Good one! Speaking of Where's George?, are there any Georgers out there or Ex-Georgers? Have any of you spread your Georges via the clubs? Taken any grief for your maked bills? At one time, I used to stamp all of my money and so for a while there, at least in Kokomo, there were quite a few of my bills making rounds. I finally gave up the habit after too many girls commented on the markings on my bills.
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    18 years ago
    Old VS. Young Customer
    Clubber: your observation is totally correct. I'm a middle-aged customer (40s), and I have found that to be true. I've been told by many dancers, though they didn't infer that I was an "older patron", thankfully, but they might be thinking that. Anyhow, your reasons are also right on. According to the dancers, the following are true about the young patrons (of course these are generalizations); -> they're immature and tend not to be able to carry on a conversation -> they don't have any money and thus don't spend money on dances - they're more apt to just party and watch the show -> they are just looking to get into the dancer's pants (err ...panties/g-string) -> they tend to be in larger groups, thus no one-on-one conversations -> they tend to be rowdy -> they tend to be "too grabby" -> they tend to drink too much and get obnoxious and "out of control" As for the older patrons, I don't think the dancers are looking to them to be "sugar daddies". But in my opinion, which has been confirmed with several dancers... -> we spend more money -> we are more likely to come in alone, and thus can have more "intimate" chats with the girls -> we treat the girls with more respect -> most of us are married and thus the girls tend to feel less threatened, in that we are not looking for relationships (well... some of us are married and STILL looking for relationships [wink]) -> we visit more often -> hell, we're just better all around! As a footnote, there are a lot of dancers that I know, who have switched from nights to days in order to get away from the younger crowd and to target the older patrons. Also, there are a lot of dancers that shy away from working Fri and Sat nights, to avoid the young crowd.
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    18 years ago
    Does this web site seem incredibly slow to anyone else?
    yep... definitely experienced very slow response times with this site, but fortunately those times have been few and far between. I've also have problems at times, of even connecting to this site, getting the tired ol' message "page not found", which I assume is because the connection was timing out because of slow performance.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Long Distance ATFs?
    Chandler: Good (and timely) topic! Being that I live in a vacuum (not a decent club within 1.5 hrs), all of my ATFs have been long distance "relationships". Also being married, my frequency of visits is controlled by the ingenuity of my alibis. My previous ATF lasted about three years. She actually lived 3 hours away (Indy) , but during the best part of our relationship, she worked at a club 1.5 hrs away (Hip Hugger in Kokomo). During that time, the frequency of my visits ranged from every other week, to once every few months. The quality of our relationship was proportionate to the frequency; the more frequent the visit, the better things were between us. The downfall was when she got fired from the Hugger and began going from club to club in the Indy area. I found it was pretty hard to get down to Indy, and the frequency dropped again. She offered to drive up to see me, but that idea was a bit too scary to entertain. Ultimately, we drifted apart, though I did see her fairly recently and we are on good terms, she's no longer on my "A" list. I recently have taken up with a new ATF, and the very unforunate thing is that her club is in Indy. So far, I've been lucky in getting down there, seeing her 5 times over the last seven weeks. But that's no where near often enough for me. The bad part is, it's only going to get worse. My schedule is getting busier, my alibis are getting flimsier... toss in the holidays, and things are looking dismal. Sadly, a long distance relationship, whether it be with an ATF or with a non-stripping woman is very difficult to maintain.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you go for the club or the girl?
    It depends. If it's a planned visit, then I am going because I know that a certain girl will be working that particular time. If I'm in between favs, then I most likely won't go, because I'm not going to drive 2 hrs just on the chance that I might find someone that I want to spend time and money on. Now, on the other hand, if I'm traveling on business, I will go to the clubs for the club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Least favorite lapdance moves?
    The least favorite lapdance move is ANY move that causes contact to be lost between the dancer and I. I HATE when they stand up and do a bit of dancing in front of me. The "Stevie" is also a turn off, but since I don't really go for the big breasts, I cannot remember the last time that I was subjected to that. Thankfully!
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    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drunk or what?
    IGU: You said that you've seen your new fav "stagger around on the high heels", and also stated that you've never seen her take a drink. What you didn't say was whether you detected alcohol on her breath. I'd say if you can smell it on her breath, then she's drinking in the dressing room. If not, then maybe she's just not very coordinated. Does it matter? From what you've described, she gives a great dance and is fun to be with. The only thing that I'd be concerned with is if she is leaving the club drunk and then driving.
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    18 years ago
    Treasures Houston
    Texmex: There might've been some hanky-panky going on at Treasures in Houston, but there sure isn't going to be any again, for awhile. Wed, Jan 10th, the club was raided and all 11 dancers, along with a manager and two customers were arrested. (the arresting of two customers is the scary part, to me!) Here's a link to a story about it, as well as pics of the dancers... http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2007/0112071houston1.html I think you can skip Treasures during your visit..
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    18 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    Topcatt: That's one of those times when she was probably asking herself, "Oh, did I say that out loud?!" That IS pretty stupid!!
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    18 years ago
    Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
    Harley: Call your Dr and ask him for samples. They usually have sample packets containing 4 to 6 tablets. Maybe he could set asside some samples and let you come by and pick them up (so that you don't have to pay for an office visit). With pill in hand (okay, in stomach by way of mouth), give it a shot. It should at least help you, getting, maintaining and recovering. Nothing to lose, a lot to gain!
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    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do guys pay by the way for the month...year or a lifteime membership?
    I've debated about this for a while. Prior to the policy change that prevents one from reviewing a particular club more often than every six weeks, it was very easy to keep my membership current, even as infrequently as I visit clubs. I really don't like this policy at all, but I don't blame Founder. Afterall, he has a great site here, and he has put a lot of work into it, so why shouldn't he make it so us "freeloaders" can no longer enjoy the benefits without paying him for it? What I don't like is that I have made several suggestions to him on how his policy and/or web site could be modified to make the policy a little more member-friendly, and haven't received as much as a peep of a response. I have several more suggestions regarding the policy and the way it is handled, but I've got that "why bother" attitude. I'm not sure what has changed with the Founder, because in the past, I've made several suggestions, and he was very responsive, getting back to me almost immediately. He's implemented quite a few of my suggestions, and even awarded me free months memberships as a reward. I've made four visits to clubs that I was unable to post reviews for, beause of "the policy" - very annoying. Last month, I stooped to something that I've never done since I began my membership in '91. For the first time in nearly SIXTEEN years of membership, I entered a "non visit, dummy review" for a club, just to retain my membership. I really didn't like doing it at the time, believe me. Now, this morning, I was looking at my membership expiring in two days, and again, I had no "legitimate" review to enter. I wasn't about to enter another dummy review. Against my brain's many arguments, I opted to take the plunge and am now a "lifetime" member. With all of that said, I still value this web site and would really feel a void if I didn't have this web site to access.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Least favorite lapdance moves?
    Huge: I definitely agree that a turned back is a turn off. For short periods of time, it's okay, as long as she does it while working towards a different and better position. To me, eye contact is VERY important. Good eye contact with a pair of sexy eyes definitely heightens the excitement level. I also have to chime in her and add my vote for Lacey and her headstands... I'm not particularly fond of that move either, but let me just say that when she does her head stand, there's another head standing tall... if you know what I mean. I think she's much closer to 100 pounds, though Chi... and she has some other moves that I really enjoy, to go along with the aforementioned acrobatics.
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    18 years ago
    Just curious, what the biggest load of bs you ever told a stripper?
    Like was stated, the more untruths you tell, the harder it is to keep your stories straight. It's not, for the most part, worth it. The only untruths that I tell are my current marital status and my age. (usually, I'm either going through a divorce or separated, and am 10 years younger) With that said, during my current endeavers I have been much more truthful, and have not told a single lie... but have purposely omitted a detail or two.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Just curious, what the biggest load of bs you ever told a stripper?
    I forgot to mention... I have a friend that hits clubs pretty frequently and when he goes clubbing, him and one of his other friends takes turns being the "celebrity". One poses as an "up and coming" hip/hop performer, while the others in the group pretend to be the posse. They've had a lot of success (both ITC and OTC) with their clever ploy. I haven't been a part of their little scams - and to be honest, I don't have the look (I'm a little "lighter complected" than my friend)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club soap opera drama
    Not being a big talker - I'm more of a listener, I think some of the drama that flows from the girls mouths is their way of filling silent parts of a conversation.