
SC drama

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:01 AM
One of my monthly visits last night and I hit my regular club while it was in one of it's periodic overdramatic states. It seems to happen when the owner comes in to check on things. Long story short, two dancers fired, one a former fave and long time solid dancer at the club, other dancers out having photos taken for the website, all the rest in a state of confusion, anger, confused anger, fear, whatever. Too much drama for me. I go to be entertained, not to watch a soap opera (although I do feel sorry for the girls who were fired). How much drama do you put up with before it's time to call it a night or find a new club?


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I kind of shy away from managerial and inter-staff drama (the main subject of this thread) but it doesn't bother me too much (except in so far as it might interfere with my fun, perhaps by eliminating certain options or dancers). I also dislike inter-dancer drama of the common kind -- she's a bitch, I like her but she took my cigarette, you have to dance with her not her because we think she thinks she's the queen bee, etc. But that comes with the territory, and in some ways is simply _de_rigeur_ for a night out at a strip club. I generally find, that girls who can back off the drama and not impose it on me (even if they ARE feeling it) are better dancers in all other respects too -- better contact, better bodies, better attitude toward the customer and customer-service (no matter how high or low her personal mileage limit is). Just say -*no*- to drama. :)
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    I don't mind too much even a lil bit of personal drama as long as it's the healthy type (physical ailments, stress over a future trip, working irregularly) the drama I will do without would be unhealthy relationship problems, financial difficulties, rivalries between strippers..... since I only like to dote on one girl over a long period of time my SC outings are usually drama-free.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    You guys said it right, as long as the drama doesn't affect your fun, it's not a problem. However it's no fun if it does and I don't know anyone who doesn't want to have fun at strip clubs (trolls excluded of course).
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    I don't mind drama in the club, as long as it doesn't affect me and my evening fun. Shadowcat: the drama that you mention would all fall into that category of not affecting your fun, so that'd be fine... maybe even good. Especially the juicy gossip like who's fucking whom. However, when my fun is compromised, it's time to leave and/or not go back for a while. Of course I'm talking about "club drama", as opposed to the normal individual drama (affecting just one dancer). Over the years, I've only had drama curtail my fun on maybe three occasions. Once, there was a thief about, in the locker room and several girls had their night's earnings stolen. All of the girls were too upset to be much fun that night. Another occasion, my fave at the time was fired for some bullshit in the dressing room. Although I wasn't present, it affected me quite a bit. Without her at the club, I think I've only been back three or four times in the almost two years since it happened. This was also part of the reason that I have a new favorite club.
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