
Comments by DougS (page 38)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Ex-Dancer Comments
    We all love the fantasy in the club, and we love the company of the beautiful girls, but when you think about it, it's a crappy job. I know that I'd find it hard to act turned on and hot for customers that weren't attractive to me, and in some cases - maye a lot of cases - downright disgusting. Add to that putting up with guys pushing the limits and trying to put things where you don't want them. I've heard a lot of stories from my faves, about the way they are treated. Called names, cussed out when they won't do extras. Propositioned for sex. My ATF was just telling me a few weeks ago about a guy that offered her $300 to fuck. She was in tears when she told me about it and kept saying "I'm not a dirty dancer and I'm not a whore, why would he say such a thing to me when I gave him no signs that I would do that?" I, of course, wasn't that surprised... I figure it surely must happen all the time with a hot girl like that, but she said "no, it rarely happens to her". She suspects that dirtier dancers get propositioned more frequently... uhh, yeah, I'll bet. Another thing my ATF has told me about is rejection. You wouldn't think someone like her would be rejected much, but she told me the rejection rate is nearly 90%. When you think about it, it's probably true. I know even when I'm hot for a dancer, I may turn her down before getting dances from her. How do they handle rejection? My ATF refuses to ask anyone for a dance. I guess that explains why the dancers seem to congregate together, or with one customer, or even just hide out in the dressing room. All in all, it is a tough job.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The high price of lap dances
    And don't forget, two of the best clubs in the midwest are both still $10 per dance... Hip Hugger in Kokomo and Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indy, which also has the unbeatable deal of the $50/30 min VIP... to me, THAT is the best value in ANY club!!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dangers of OTC
    I thought of another danger that I failed to mention earlier. It's not a concern with my current OTC friend, but my previous ATF and OTC partner used to smoke weed. She'd usually smoke a bit just before we started playing. She also did some Xanax, which is pretty common in the clubs - actually both are, from what I hear. Anyhow, if I were to have been pulled over with her in my car, it could've been a problem. Especially if she stashed it under the seat or something. She never smoked it in the car, but in the hotel. I used to stuff a towel in front of the door so there'd be less chance of the smell going out into the hall. What if your OTC friend ODed, while in your presence?! Reminds me of this video... http://www.yesbutnobutyes.com/archives/2007/02/what_to_do_with.html
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    18 years ago
    Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
    Turan8: It sounds like an awful lot of trouble to go through to make them. I have problems with doing it that way...first, I don't have all of the accessories that you have (the board with pre-drilled holes for the capsule halves, and scales, etc.) If I DID, where the heck would I keep it? Not at home with the wife and kids... no way to explain that stuff... not at work, either... To me, I think it's worth the money for the convenience of actual pills. Gotta give you credit, though.. sounds like you have it down to a science. Do you don hospital whites with hair net and slippers when you are in your laboratory?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Uninhabited Island Fantasy
    After recently watching The Notebook and Wedding Crashers, I've got a serious hard-on for Rachel McAdams. I'm hereby adding her to my list of potential island mates.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Ex-Dancer Comments
    We all know, just from reading and posting on this discussion board, guys have many different agendas when going into clubs, and also have many different views of what they have experienced. I think it's also safe to say that we cannot generalize dancers on this topic, or most other topics. Of course there are dancers out there that are deceptive and manipulative. There are also other dancers that are just doing their job and not actively trying to make us think the fantasy is more than what it is. I believe there are still other dancers that are vulnerable - maybe they're missing something in their lives, maybe they're starved for attention or maybe they find themselves attracted to a customer for some reason or other. Unfortunately, I think it's difficult - possibly impossible - to determine into which category a particular dancer fits. However, on the positive side, it matters not which category the dancer fits into, 99% of the time. The only time it matters in the least is when a guy finds himself feeling something for the girl.
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    18 years ago
    TUSCL North Chapter Meeting
    Minnow: Oops, sorry... got sidetracked while typing that message and failed to list the date. Feb 27th, is the date that I will be down south for daytime OTC, then hope to meet up with some fellow TUSCLers afterwards.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The "L" word...
    After many years of experience, I've only had three of my girls, lay the "L" word on me - my ATF, and the prev two ATFs. In all three cases, it was used more as a "thank you", rather than to imply that there was romantic feelings associated with the utterance of the word. I know that I am very careful not to use the word, when in the presence of a dancer, and to this day, have never let that word slip to a dancer. I believe that the low number of dancers that I've heard the word from is pretty much the result of the type of girls that I spend my time with. The girls that I am usually with seem to the be the type that tend NOT to lead guys on (or maybe just me?) to think there's more than fantasy going on. So, I feel pretty certain that these girls are as careful about using that word as I am.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Simpler Times
    I think there are SOME attractions that no matter what visual stimulous you are subjected to, such as my fetish for long, silky hair... although, THAT was a direct result of sitting behind the DeMeester twins in kindergarten, and playing with their long hair... so, had I been born 100 years prior, and had been home schooled, I probably wouldn't even have that obsession. But, I still contend, if I wasn't watching TV and seeing all of the young hot girls, and didn't see magazines with the young hot girls, etc., my older attractive wife (Henrietta Homemaker doing the laundry on the washboard) would be more than I neded. BUT, now that I see all of that young, sexy, hot stuff out there, the seed in planted (no pun) in my mind and THAT is what I crave... Further, if I was out working the fields all day and went into town to see the handful of girls in the villiage 100 years ago, the known pool of girls to select from - even though they'd be "hot" in my eyes, because they are all that I would be able to see, compared to what I can see today, in the media, they would probably rate a 3, at best. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense here, but in my mind, it seems clear. Go back 100 years in time, and the 2's and 3's of today, would appear as a 10 in the eyes of that time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Post date and time missing
    ITDs can be very bad (iternet transmitted diseases)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Customer Abandonment
    One last thought on my prior rambling... Along those same lines, if I enter a club and my girl is presently occupied. I make sure that she knows I'm there. It's implied that she should finish up with her current encumbrance in a timely manner, then spend the rest of the time with me. Damn, I guess I really am a Whale and Girl Hog.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers hustling drinks?
    As you probably know, dancers at a lot of clubs get a pct of the drinks that they get their customers to buy. I would assume that is what is going on here. Or she just likes to drink or wants to get drunk, whatever. I don't care for dancers asking me to buy them a drink. If I'm at all interested, I will ask HER if she wants a drink - of it's she's one of my current faves, I won't ask and will just have a drink waiting for her at my table. But, to answer your question... Obviously I was somewhat interested if I bought a girl the first drink when she asked, right? So, when a girl has asked me to buy more than one drink I will probably counter with "sure, you can bring it back to the dance area".
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers hustling drinks?
    Good point. There's a local club here that has a minimum number of drinks that the dancers are responsible for selling, too. They save the straws from each drink as proof of what they "sold".
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What are your favorite stripper Halloween costumes you've seen?
    The best Halloween costume for a stripper to wear is the proverbial birthday suit. I'd prefer they do NOT dress up in costume, especially if it means face painting of ANY kind. I do not want to get a dance from a girl that has a cat nose, or whatever.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    KCQuestor: That goes back some years... yes, I remember the Bernoulli Box drives, too. Your mentioning of the cusion of air upon which the drive heads float, brings back a memory. Way back in the day, when I worked for a place that had a "main frame" computer, we had several disk drives. These were behemoths that stood about four feet high, and had "disk packs" that were removable, each containing several platters of disks. If I remember right, these disk platters held a whopping 18gb. Anyhow, we had problems with one of the units, and had our local Burroughs tech out to fix it. After working on it for several hours, he reconnected it. When the moment of truth came, and the unit was powered up, there was the most god-awful screeching noise. He quickly turned it back off, and as he stood there red-faced, he realized what happened. He'd connected the wiring backwards, ergo when it was powered on, it spun the disk platters backwards. Instead of creating a cushion of air for the drive heads to float on, it sucked the platters together and the drive heads gouged into the platters. We were down for 3 or 4 days, while a new drive was ordered (free of charge).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    VIP Rooms
    I believe my buddy was saying the dancer is included with the VIP rooms... (not the tip of course, and I'm sure you're expected to tip well)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Meeting family members of strippers. Have you?
    My only claim to meeting the family was with my Prev ATF. Two of her sisters danced at the club that she did, at the time. I wasn't there to get to know her sisters, though, so my prev ATF and I only sat with one of her sistes a few times... once when I'd taken my pATF out to dinner. After eating, we brought back a steak for her sister and sat with her while she ate and we all watched one of the ALCS games between the Bosox and Yanks. Thee girls dancing from one family... what's that say? Well, good stock, for one thing... and my pATF said her mother is even hotter than any of the daughters (I would've liked to have met her).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club Songs?
    To be honest, I really don't care what is playing. I'm usually so into the girl and anything that we might have going on that I really don't pay that much attention to music, other than the beat. I think it's more important that the girl likes the music - the more SHE gets into the music, the better dance she will give me. The music is more important for OTC playtime. I have, as part of my OTC kit, about 20gb of iTunes on my notebook computer (complete with a pair of good speakers) with a wide variety of music so that I can match my mood and also give the girl a good selection from which to pick. Most of my music is R&B / Hip Hop, and heavy metal 'cause the girls I like tend to like that music.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dancer tip out fees?
    That's a quesiton that I've asked many dancers, and have received a wide range of answers - even at the same club. Of course that probably indicates a little Stripper BS/attempted scamming, etc. A lot of the tip outs that I've heard about, I couldn't remember accurately - probably only half-listening at the time, and most of the rest are unsubstantiated. However, one of my ATF clubs has NO tip out. I'm sure that's part of the attraction for the girls to dance there. The only "fees" the girls pay there, is the $1/song jukebox (of course multiplied by 3 for each stage appearance). Within the last year, mgmt, in trying to get the girls to work on time, initiated a fine, which I guess you could say is part of their tip out. The fine amounts to $1/minute that they are late in arriving.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Customer Abandonment
    First let me preface this with the fact that I am a jealous guy and I don't share my girls, while I'm at a club, unless we just aren't connecting. I've only been abandoned once. She, at the time, was my #1, and we'd been that way for probably 6 months. I'd just visited her like three afternoons that week - every visit, she only left me to appear on stage or for a potty break, so we had somewhat of a connection going on. On the last day, business was slow so we were just sitting and chatting at my table. She went on stage, and when she returned she said that a guy really wanted "a dance or two", and wondered if it would be okay with me. NORMALLY, I'd have said, "no, it's not ok", but I figured she needed to make some money, so I said, "sure, but don't be too long". Well, she headed over to this guys table and sat down, proceding to have a smoke with him. Then they went to the dance area and had probably three dances (not that I was counting), after which she went to the dressing room. Anticipating her return, I bought her a fresh drink so that it'd be waiting for her. When she exited the dressing room, she went back to that table and sat down and again lit up a smoke. I sat there, just her fresh drink and I, for another 15-20 min. I decided that I'd given her sufficient time and she'd just pushed me past my limit. I stood, downed the last of my beer, and headed for the door. I made it a point to pass near their table on the way out, and also didn't give her a second look. That was the last day I ever spent time with, or money on her. There are plenty of girls that appreciate me and show me that appreciation. Abandonment is not something that I just shrug off.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Large strip clubs, how many dancers?
    A lot of clubs will state on their website that they have a huge number of dancers - like 150-200, but that number is deceiving because they obviously don't all work at the same time. When we were able to post a review for every visit (without the 6 week wait period in between), I used to make it one of my missions to find out how many dancers were working at the time. The biggest number that was ever quoted was 46, on a Friday night at the Hip Hugger in Kokomo. I know that Baby Dolls in Dallas typically has about that on average, but never heard any specific numbers. The numbers that really matter are, how many girls are on the floor (not sitting in the dressing room), how many girls fit your desired profile, etc.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever had a girl do this?
    Of course in the OTCs. As for inside the club, other than a few "under the panty shows", and many on top of the panty displays (which is as common as seeing a pole in a strip club), there have been a few times in full nude clubs. Never in a topless club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever had a girl do this?
    Bones: Interesting tidbit about the vibrator. Last week, while in VIP at Brad's Brass Flamingo, my girl and I heard a something that sounded EXACTLY like a vibrator. We both kind'a looked at each other and she asked, "does that sound like what I think it is?". Well, it sure did. We both looked and tried to see where it was coming from, but couldn't. We heard it on at least two other occasions during the rest of the night. We were pretty sure that's what it was, but can't swear to it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Role Playing
    Chandler: I like the way you think. To be honest it never occurred to me to try this, but now I think this is a must-try! Reading your example, with your description of your naughty student in the plaid skirt.... I couldn't help but suspect someone that be both know (N/M), had the lead role in that scenario. Any chance?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Moving to SF?
    BG: I can't speak to your situation and how you handle clubbing, but I know how >>I<< am, and I know that it's a damn good thing that I don't live any closer to good clubs and/or my current fave girl. Fortunately, I am about a 1.5 hr drive from anything decent in any direction. If I were any closer, I'd probably be find myself getting into much more "trouble" and/or standing in the local soup line.