
Comments by DougS (page 40)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Just curious, what the biggest load of bs you ever told a stripper?
    I have a private pilot certificate myself, and it has assisted me in both the "real world" and the clubs. It never hurts to drop that bit of info into a conversation. Also, if you dangle a possible ride in my plane in front of them like a carrot, it can have very positive results.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Just curious, what the biggest load of bs you ever told a stripper?
    Book Guy: Actually, letting a girl know that I have my pilots license HAS helped on numerous occasions. Yeah, girls might be attracted to an airline pilot because he makes pretty good money, but that doesn't explain the attraction to a general aviation pilot who flies for his own pleasure. Many girls have expressed an interest in going for a ride. Additionally, some girls realize that someone that has earned their license is probably not some dumb asshole, and he is probably somewhat of a confident person. By the way, I've been a programmer for many years and know C++ among several other languages, and am a database administrator - not on Unix systems, however. You are correct about one thing. I've yet to meet ANY girl impressed with my IT knowledge. A few dancers have PRETENDED interest in my IT profession, though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New Dollar Coins- Potential Effect on SC Experience
    I don't see much of a change for me, should the dollar coins replace the dollar bill. Personally, I rarely stage-tip. The only time that I do so, is when I spot a girl on the stage that I wish to get some private playtime with. If/when that happens, I am usually going to stuff a fin, rather than just a $1 bill because I'm trying to ensure that she will come visit me when her stage performance if over. As for the $1 dances when the girls go around the room, I normally do not partake in that, either, unless I am really attracted to her. Again, if I get a $1 and it's enjoyable, I will typically give her a five spot. Lastly, I think there is a positive. I do not like when girls go around the room asking "are you tipping?", after their turn on the stage. It's usually easier to just pull out the $1 and tuck it, rather than come up with an excuse for not tipping, however if I no longer have $1 bills, I will have a good excuse.. "No, sorry, I don't have any $1 coins - I don't like to carry them"
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    18 years ago
    North Carolina
    Christmas and Strippers
    They always put up a bunch of lights along the wall where private dances are given in one of my favorite clubs. What the heck are they thinking? I know that mileage drops noticeably, due to lack of the cover of darkness. I know some of us patrons have made a point of accidentally breaking a bulb or two, when getting a private dance during the holiday season. Ooops!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What is the best smelling stripper in a strip club?
    Casual Guy: I'm pretty sure that the vanilla scent that you are talking about is not a perfume, but rather a lotion. Most dancers that I know tend to "freshen up" between customers by going into the dressing room and applying lotion. I'm another one that does not want a girl that smells like she just walked through the cosmetic dept at the local Macy's. I have enough explaining to do as to why my clothes smell like smoke when I get home, when I don't smoke. I certainly do not need any hint of perfume on my clothes. My wife has a very keen sense of smell and it makes me paranoid that she will detect the womanly smells, sometimes. At least the smoky smell is nasty enough that she doesn't spend much time sniffing my clothes. Or maybe the smoky smell is strong enough to block perfumes out, but I don't think so, 'cause I can normally pick up my dancer's scent when I sniff my shirts and pants. I'm also kind'a picky when it comes to perfumes... So, my preference is for NO perfumes... just the fresh smell of a recently showered girl... yep, that does it for me. Incidentally, that's a very nice perk to having an ATF. I pre-arrange my visits with my ATF, and she meets me as she arrives at the club (of course with a nice hug and kiss) before she changes, and then comes straight to me once she's changed. The beauty of it is, I'm the first (and only guy) that's held her and touched her, so I know everything is clean and fresh, and the fresh scent further emphasises that. I like that a lot.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Stripper Logic / Stripper Time / Stripper BS
    How about the girls (dancers) that when you first talk to them, they tell you their stage name, then immediately in almost a whispered tone will say something like "but my REAL name is ..." What's up with that? How's THAT for stripper logic? Why not just go with the real name in the first place?! (yeah, I know if there's already a girl dancing at the club with that name, they cannot use it, so that could be the reason for maybe 5% of the time) Or how about when their real name and their stripper name sounds as if it's reveresed... for instance stage name = Elisabeth, real name = Summer?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Have you ever had a favorite get a boob job?
    I normally don't go for the big breasts, so the girls that I've been with usually have smaller, natural breasts. Of those that have "third party aftermarket add-ons", I didn't really care for them. The ones that I've played with enough to form an opinion of, have been too full/hard. I think the worst job I've ever seen and felt belonged to a girl at the Hugger several years back. You could see and feel her scars under her breasts which I always thought was a turn off. I mean the scars were about 1.5" long, and raised about 1/16th of an inch high. The worst part was that she had gone too big. They were so tight that I swear when you rubbed or squeezed them, they squeaked. She'd have been a solid 8, maybe even a 9 without the implants, but with them, I'd rate her a 7, at best.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Least favorite lapdance moves?
    Chandler: As usual, you bring up a good plus for the turned back position. I have a fetish for long, silky hair, and when a girl turns her back to me (and it's usually for this purpose), she's giving me the opportunity to run my fingers through her hair, and the view is great when she arches her back, dangling her hair back towards me. As you pointed out, a backward glance over her shoulder during this position, especially if she has sexy eyes and a killer smile (both qualities that my current ATF possesses) can be very enticing. Add in a slightly parted mouth with her tongue licking her lips, or a slight biting of her lip and she has me mesmerized. Of course I still prefer the up close and personal, face-to-face position. Nuzzling! My ATF likes that as well, as she is quite orally inclined. She does a lot of nibbling, licking, kissing my neck and jaw area, and we share DFKs extensively. My kips are usually chapped for days after my visits.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Happy Ending Dances
    Ssewarrior: I personally do not want that to happen for several reasons. First, I find it totally embarrassing and shows a lack of control. There's no way that I want to walk out of the club with an unmistakeable wetspot. It's like wearing a scarlet letter (a big red "L"). It also ends your night at the club as prematurely as you prematurely blew your load. With that being said, in my MANY years of clubbing, there have been a few times when the combination of the amount of alcohol I've have, my mood, the skills of the dancer, the specific technique the dancer was using and the visual show she was giving me have proven too much to handle and the undesirable result occurred. The way a dancer perceives a guy that blows his load into his pants varies from girl to girl. There are many dancers that I've had, that their main goal was to get me off. There are also many dancers that want to take you to the brink and once they sense that you are close, will back off. And then there are the dancers that want to make sure that it never happens. I've heard stories of girls absolutely freaking out when a guy has nutted during her dance with him. I've heard of girls that purposely make a big deal out of it and try to embarrass the shit of the guy to teach him a lesson. I've heard guys kicked out of clubs for doing this. I've also heard that there are girls that discuss it in the dressing room with their fellow dancers and the guy is then "black balled" by the girls in the club and will have very little luck getting dances in that club again. (I think it's much better to have "blue balls", rather than to get "black balled") Out of curiosity, and as a way of initiating some "dirty talking", I've posed the question to some of my favorites over the years, asking how often it happens, what they think of it and how they react. Based upon my unscientific research, it is actually fairly common. Most of the girls do not like it, and are especially unhappy if they feel the wetness on their body. Can you blame them? From what I've heard, if you sense an impending accident, even though she can probably feel it coming (no pun intended), it's wise to warn your dance partner, so that she can stop what she is doing and you can get things back under control, or she can a least avoid the splash. On the other hand, the girls that don't mind it, or actually like it, might choose to continue with their ministrations and make the event more pleasurable for you. In any case, the recommendation is to tip and tip well afterwards.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Happy Ending Dances
    I didn't mean to be demeaning to anyone that DOES bust a nut in a club. I was just voicing my personal opinion. Like I said, it HAS happened to me a few times, and at the time, it was most definitely enjoyable. Chitown: The last time it happened was with someone we both know.. (and I'm NOT talking about "Miss R") The one to whom I refer is "Miss L". She falls into that category of dancers that make The Nut her goal, or so it seems. She went at it with a vengence, unlike I'd experienced in quite some time... and yes, I warned her that she'd better take it easy, otherwise she was going to send me on my way with a wetspot. She just gave me a sexy smile and purred, "then I must be doing me job". She then unbuttoned the shirt, untucked it, and gave me another sexy smile, while lasciviously licking her lips. I took that as the "green light" and decided that the untucking of the shirt was to cover up any visible signs of what transpired. She's definitely a keeper.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Least favorite lapdance moves?
    uhh... in prev message, kips = lips, in case you weren't able to guess.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What is the best smelling stripper in a strip club?
    Shadowcat: I might give you some competition in that area. I get a LOT of compliments on my cologne, too. (though it's probably a combination of the cologne, soap, deodorant and fresh clothes) "Curve" was my cologne of choice a few years ago... then I started using "Chrome" by Azzaro. I received it as a gift and came with deodorant and body lotion. Using the same scent for cologne, deodorant and lotion really made the aroma "stay with me", and became "my scent". I've since switched to another scent, courtesy of another gift, and have had a lot of positive feedback. In fact, that's usually the FIRST thing a dancer says when she sits on my lap. My current ATF particularly enjoys it. It's almost comical how much she likes it. She has a little routine that she performs every time, when we settle in together. After the initial "hi"s , small talk, hugs and kisses, she climbs onto my lap, unbuttons my shirt (all buttons), and sweetly folds it open, pressing the folds and smoothing them with her fingers while we are talking and getting caught up. Then she burys her face in my chest (t-shirt) and breathes deeply, commenting on how good I smell, along with a lot of "mmmmmmm" sounds of appreciation. It cracks me up every time because it seems like she derives so much pleasure from such a goofy thing. It also seems like she does it subconsciously - like she does it without even thinking about what she's doing.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What is the best smelling stripper in a strip club?
    Check out http://www.perfumeemporium.com/mens/index.cfm ... found this website, as I was composing my last post, when trying to find out the maker of a cologne. You can look up specific cologne's, then read comments that people have posted about the scent. Of course, look in particular to the comments posted by girls, for an indication of how well girls will like a particular cologne. You can also search for women's perfumes in order to find a perfume to buy your favorite girl(s) and/or girlfriend/wife. BTW, after reading some comments about "Chrome", my previous cologne, I'm considering going back to that one. Shadowcat: There's some favorable comments about "Curve" on that site, too.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Least favorite lapdance moves?
    Happylap: no chance at all, that Lacey and Asia are one and the same. Lacey is light complected, long blonde hair, and long legs, where as Asia is Asian, with dark hair. I believe both give an enjoyable dance, though.
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    18 years ago
    Strip Club Attire
    I always wear soft pants (imilar to Dockers, but I think they may be a tad thinner) and a button-down shirt (it allows girls to unbutton for closer "play"). Of course as we've talked in several topics, I'm always EXTRA shaven ('cept for my mustache and goatee), and good smelling.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Least favorite lapdance moves?
    ssewarrior: Not sure where the term "Stevie" comes from - I never heard is used until recently reading it on this discussion board. I can only assume that it has something to do with Stevie Wonder. (like a way for a blind guy to appreciate the size of her tits, or something) I'm sure SOMEone here on this board will expose the real meaning.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strip club shooting
    There ARE a lot of weirdos these days. And when you combine alcohol, hot women, and guys trying to get with the hot women, it's a pretty dangerous combination. It hits especially close to home with the last two club shootings that I've heard about, are both clubs that I've been to. The recent one, Cheerleaders in Philly, is the club that actually got me additicted to the SC scene, and is a really fun club with a LOT of very attractive girls. The other shooting (the one with the Pacer player involvement) was at Club Rio in Indy. Been there, too, but didn't like it and wouldn't be back. Kind'a scary, though. It shows that we can NEVER be too careful at clubs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Anybody here like lapdances?
    I believe Chitown hit on the explanation very succintctly. Of COURSE I love lap dances. I'm also a very visual and oral guy, so I enjoy looking at a beatiful girl and kissing her, ALMOST as much as her dances. When I can get all three at the same time, it's JACKPOT! So, MY goal, is to get great lap dances with a beautiful girl, and make them last a VERY long time, with some good views, kissing, and some good conversation. As for extras, and OTC, etc. I'm definitely up for them, as long as it adds to my goal. In the case of OTC, it most definitely accentuates my experience when I spend even more time with a girl, enjoying those things.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    The Club to OTC Transition
    She's never asked for any money (or told me how much to give her, if I DID give her money), but I do give her money 'cause I know she needs it, and I am obviously keeping her from making money, had I not been there. So, you're probably going to say, "money=customer, no money=relationship"
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Last time you got a bad lap dance...
    I'm fortunate that I've had very few bad dances. Usually, they will at least be decent. I'm pretty selective, so I've probably eliminated the bad ones before even trying them out. The worst one, and I wouldn't even call it a dance, was 5+ years ago, and the club in Chicago that is now Scores. (I think it was called Diamonds or something like that, at the time). I semi-hot girl asked me if I wanted a dance, and I said "no thanks", 'cause I already had my sights on another girl. She continued pushing me and asked if I wanted a "sample" just to see if I'd enjoy her dance. So, I said, "sure, why not"... well, after my sample, she's like "That'll be $20". I told her I thought it was just a "sample", and she proceded to start calling me every name in the book.... she didn't quite make a scene, but I just told her to get out of my face and walked away. (and the sample was not very good, either)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Is it that unusual to make a stripper laugh?
    Making a stripper laugh is not unusual at all, nor is it very difficult. All you have to do is be nice to her, show a little respect and either tell a joke or say something that you THINK is funny. A dancer is always going to laugh at something they think you think was funny. It's all part of the plan to make you feel good, and feel like there's something "going on" there.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    The Club to OTC Transition
    Yoda: No, I never have taken her shopping. I also no longer spend money on her in the club, because from now on, I believe all of our "meetings" will be OTC. Chandler: My motives are unclear by what I've posted, because they are also unclear to me. To be honest, I don't know what I want. I guess I'm totally happy with how the "arrangement" is working now. Though a part of me wants there to be more to it than just a busness transaction, I don't know why, and if it WERE to be more than that, I don't know what I would do, or could do. We are both in situations that would prevent more than a customer relationship from developing very far. So, I guess I have the best of both worlds...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    The Club to OTC Transition
    Yoda: Hasn't been going on very long... ITC began in mid-Sept, OTC last week.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Last time you got a bad lap dance...
    Darkwolf's comment on hair weaves, brings back a memory of a bad dance MANY years ago... As most of you on this board know, I've got a bit of a hair fetish, and you can bet during a dance, I'm going to run my fingers through her hair and maybe even do a little hair pulling (some girls like it, if you do it right)... anyhow, a girl with long, silky hair caught my eye, so I booked her for a dance... As the dance began, the first thing she said was "don't touch my hair" SHE was one of the few in my career that I didn't even go two dances with.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Who is the hottest girl on Deal Or No Deal?
    I think most of them are hot, but I don't watch the show to know their names. Also, I don't think they are always the same model number on every show. Now that you've picqued my curiousity, I've taken a look at the game show's web site... My favorite model... I couldn't narrow it down to one, but my TWO favorites are Megan (not MegHan), and Lindsay S. Either one would definitely be getting MY money if they were working at a SC!