
Cities where the club with the best looking girls also has the best mileage?

Blue Ridge Foothills
Monday, October 23, 2006 5:42 AM
The only large city I know of where this is the case is Detroit, where everybody seems to agree the Flight Club has the best looking girls. There may be among the 40-50 clubs in town a skank den where you can score better, but the FC has the most reliable mileage around of any place I've ventured. Any other cities, especially ones with more than a few clubs, where this is true?


    18 years ago
    Yoda, I agree with you completely. I was always amazed at the number of good looking girls in Providence clubs. I always assumed it was because there are so many colleges nearby but I could be wrong. And mileage was always pretty good too, much better than nearly anywere else in the Northeast. It's also been my experience that there's more uniformity in the big glitzy clubs and more variety in the smaller less fancy places. So in a glitzy place you're likely to get pretty much the same dance no matter who you pick and they'll all look pretty much the same. Neither are true in many smaller clubs. But if I'm looking for mileage I don't much care what the other girls look like, the only one that counts is the one I'm with. So for me finding an attractive and friendly young girl in a tiny dive is the best of all worlds.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I happen to think Providence has some of the best looking dancers in the country and it definitely offers some of the best mileage. Does this mean that every "10" will let you do whatever you want? No, but the higher the percentage of beautiful women means a higher percentage of beautiful women offering high contact or more if that's what the market demands.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    Well said, FONDL. I could not agree more.
    18 years ago
    It's probably not true everywhere, but in my experience the highest mileage tends to be found at smaller and less glitzy clubs, where the best looking girls seem to prefer the larger and more glitzy clubs. But I'm not sure if that really reflects natural beauty as much as it does make-up, costume and experience. The girls in the glitzy clubs tend to be more professional about it. Frankly I prefer the ones who don't, and some of them are quite pretty in a girl-next-door kind of way.
  • HarleyKing
    18 years ago
    Houston - Treasures. Like I posted in my recent review from two weeks ago, this place is basically a whore house (not that there's anything wrong with it.) Out of the 5 different dancers 4 of the 5 made it clear that for the right price ANYTHING could be had. I "settled" for a lot less but left happy. As for Baby Dolls, that's the closet thing to a "home club" that I have. I've never really found the mileage near on par with Treasure's. About the best I've had in there is to play with some tits, and that's not that out of the ordinary these days. This is generally up stairs in the high backed chairs. I'm I missing something in there? BTW The girls at both BD and Treasure's are most all 7-9's.
  • T-Bone
    18 years ago
    Assuming private VIP/champagne rooms, etc. don't count...mileage for just laps with hot ass strippers in my experience: Dallas - Baby Dolls Tampa - YBor & Mons Miami - Tootsies
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    Two cities come to mind; Dallas - Baby Dolls Tampa - Ybor Strip Between the two, Dallas has my vote. Baby Dolls has never left me disappointed. It boasts the most contact I've ever received ITC - on all of my visits.
    18 years ago
    Yoda, I also assumed that the Mafia had a lot to do with Providence having nice clubs and loose rules but I'll take your word for it that that's no longer true. But maybe the town's large Italian population has something to do with the number of attractive girls? I haven't been there in a long time so I'm unfamiliar with the immigrant influx.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    FONDL: I think the college girl factor had a lot to do with it for many years. Nowadays I think the influx of hot immigrants helps also. Interestingly, the club always known for the least mileage was the Foxy Lady-the only "gentleman's club" in Providence-though it was pretty much self-proclaimed...it's also the deadest club in the city right now.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    "But I'm not sure if that really reflects natural beauty as much as it does make-up, costume and experience. The girls in the glitzy clubs tend to be more professional about it. Frankly I prefer the ones who don't, and some of them are quite pretty in a girl-next-door kind of way." FONDL: I've long maintained that very point myself. When I read where somebody says the strippers at an upscale club were "all 8-10s", I translate that to mean mostly 6-8s with maybe a couple 9s and a whole bunch of 5s with a lot of polish and presentation.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    "It's probably not true everywhere, but in my experience the highest mileage tends to be found at smaller and less glitzy clubs, where the best looking girls seem to prefer the larger and more glitzy clubs." FONDL: That's why I asked the question - because it's the exception. In cities where there's good mileage at relatively upscale clubs that's where the money's at so all the girls want to work there. In Detroit, it's hard to see why customers would bother with the other clubs, because the dances aren't as good there, and even the prices aren't much lower. If they're getting away with more than I realize in the private areas, they're all being very quiet about it. Another thing that makes Detroit different is that Windsor clubs are where pretty girls can go and make good money without any contact, although they have to show their pussy for all to see. I didn't consider them as Detroit clubs because it's, like, a different country. And, from what I've heard, the don't have as many hot girls as they used to. As for T-Bone's assumption that I'm asking just about dances, not VIP/Champagne rooms, etc., I suppose so, just because that's how I evaluate things, and there's always a chance you can score with the right girl in any given club's private rooms. However, any case you care to make is fine with me.
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