
Gee I wonder what she does for a living

Thursday, October 26, 2006 8:55 AM
A couple of years a go while was driving home from visiting my ATF, I stopped on a late Sunday morning at a fast food restaurant on the outskirts of Jacksonville. Ahead of me in line was a young attractive couple dressed in jeans and T-shirts (it was winter.) He was holding a little baby, she was holding a large wad of dollar bills. Which she changed into larger bills with a friend behind the counter, which appeared to be a routine thing for them. Made me wonder how an attractive young woman would have a big pile of dollar bills on a Sunday morning. Hairdresser maybe?


    18 years ago
    I just had a thought, maybe the girl I saw was an NFL cheerleader and Jacksonville fans throw dollar bills at her to get her attention.
  • JC2003
    18 years ago
    Geez, man. Joking with a woman that her tits are small is like joking with a man that his dick is small. I'm sure if the cosmetic surgeons ever actually figure out a way to do penis enlargements that those would be a huge fucking industry (puns intended). And I'm almost positive that it will be a woman who figures out how once they do. And that the doctor's name will become synonymous with large male genitalia once it happens. The only thing that shocks me is that it hasn't already happened.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    Clubber: Good one! Speaking of Where's George?, are there any Georgers out there or Ex-Georgers? Have any of you spread your Georges via the clubs? Taken any grief for your maked bills? At one time, I used to stamp all of my money and so for a while there, at least in Kokomo, there were quite a few of my bills making rounds. I finally gave up the habit after too many girls commented on the markings on my bills.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    FONDL, She was the web master of the "Where's George?" site.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    You just can't tell anymore with so many young women going for the stripper look. Most strippers I know dress a little more modestly than that in their free time.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Boob jobs and tramp stamps don't really guarantee anything anymore as far as figuring out if a girl ever danced or not. My first fav arrived here from Brazil with fake ta ta's and two tatoo's but she never danced back home. In fact, she cleaned houses for a year in the US before she started dancing. Lots of girls get boob jobs for their own reasons.
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