
Vicarious VIP room experiences

Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Wednesday, October 4, 2006 1:57 PM
I was reminded of this subject last night while watching a re-run of a "Man Show" episode that included the "museum of annoying men." One of the dudes was of the species "Hardonus Vicarious," or the man who stares at your lap dance instead of paying for his own. I know that one of the things I love about the "dollar dance" phenomenon is being thrust into the "testosterone soup" of a buncho guys all getting lappers at once. Another thing I love to do in the more "open" lapper rooms, is have one girl going at it for me, while I get to look at another girl across the aisle on the opposite couch going at it for some other dude. I can't really imagine that he'd give a shit, if he's in the VIP right opposite me where my own boner is as obvious to him as his would be to me. But what about the dude who isn't engaged in his own private experience, but instead can only vicariously enjoy YOURS? Does that bother you, maybe you find him creepy, or do you not care?


  • trickystick
    18 years ago
    I agree Shadowcat that it is very annoying when they sit back there bs-ing while I'm trying to get a high mileage dance. You're definitely correct that most dancers there tone it down when they aren't comfortable with the crowd in the couch room. I've had verying experiences on that front though. The extremes: One dancer was up the shorts leg after promising me a good time (we were alone) and was about to deliver when another dancer and customer rounded the corner. She immediately stopped, got dressed, and told me that the dance was on her but that nobody could see her do that. Others have played with willy out in the wide open for all to see without too much worry. Depends on the dancer.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Distance from the dance makes a big difference. If I'm at the next table, I'm super-conscientious about not looking. Being just two tables away is enough separation that I don't feel I'm invading their space to take a look. I feel the same way when I'm getting a dance. If a guy at the next table is watching, it's really annoying. Farther away, I hardly notice. I don't get turned on by watching a lapdance. I steal a glance somewhat for scouting purposes, mainly out of idle curiosity. It's human nature to want to look. I don't understand these guys who sit at the next table and just openly ogle through the whole dance. Are they getting off on what they see or on a feeling that by encroaching on our space they're exerting power over me and my dancer? Not that I care what makes the fucking weirdos tick. Dancers, of course, are the biggest voyeurs of all. Not nearly as blatant about it as guys, but I'm always noticing them glancing over when I'm getting a dance. Constantly checking up on each other. Likewise, when I'm sitting with a girl, she's always nudging me and asking, "Did you see that?" See what? Her assumption is that I'm following the goings on of other dancers around the room as much as she is.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Yeah. Dancers come by and discuss their drama-drama with each other when I'm paying one of them for a "private and personal" experience. Geez.
  • jimmyblong
    18 years ago
    Typically I don't stare at others getting dances. I will however try to get an idea of what type of dances are happening at a club if its my first time there. I hate dropping $20 and getting an air dance. I've been to clubs where the dances are down right out in the open and everyone can see whats going on. I try to be descrete but figure they're gonna be next so the roles will be reversed. What bothers me most is guys/dancers that will come up and talk to a dancer during the dance. This interuption is rude and should never be tolerated...not unless the other dancer joins in the fun for free for awhile...then its more than ok!
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Another reason I may try to avoid having the dancer notice I'm watching is because I really do not want a dance from her. A number of dancers in some clubs will immediately go to me to ask for dances if they notice I was watching them. Usually I don't care if they notice or not though.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I may try to watch some dancers giving table dances not far from me. However I try to be a bit discreet if needed so that the guy getting the dance doesn't see me staring. One good reason for this is if the dancer notices me and suddenly and for a little while turns her back on that guy and starts showing off to get my attention, I don't want the guy pissed at me for distracting the dancer from his dance. I've seen it happen and I know I wouldn't like it if a dancer did that to me. I like watching her tits and I don't want to watch her back while she's flirting with another customer during my dance.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    I might look over if the guy getting the dance is facing an opposite direction from me. When I am in a club I am always sitting on a wall so nobody is looking from behind me when I am getting a dance from someone.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    My previous favorite club did not have a VIP room, so the "private" dances were done in the open, along the outside walls. There are tables within four feet of the "wall chairs", and so it is very common to have an audience. I never liked it at all, and I've had girls that will tell the guys to mind their own business. My biggest complaint about being watched is usually, I would be with my fave girl and she always gave me a much better dance than other guys received. She also gave me special treats that the normal guy would not receive. When I wasn't there and she was working, she'd tell me that guys seeing what she did with me, expected her to do it for them, too. Not that she did, but she'd get more than her share of guys trying to take liberties with her. As for watching, I don't watch. If I'm getting a dance, my concentration is solely on the girl I am with. There IS a disclaimer though. A few times, I've entered the club and found a girl of mine giving someone a dance. One dancer in particular would make a game out of it. I'd sit at a nearby table, and once she noticed me, she'd give me a show by licking her lips (and or nips), or flashing me, all without her current customer noticing.
    18 years ago
    Frankly I've never noticed whether anyone was watching me or not because I'm totally focused on the girl I'm with. And I also try not to sit anywhere near where private dances are being performed because I don't want to watch someone else.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    I find it hard not to notice the other dancers dancing for the other guys. And probably vice versa. Naked girls are arousing.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    I neither notice or mind an audience. I have no shame. My SC surveillance videotapes could double as porn auditions. And I can understand anyone being drawn to watching *us*. Hell, I want to watch *us*! And often do so in the mirrors. As for the dude that might be staring at *me*, I'm torn between 'creepy' and 'deserving half of his dancer's money'. Fun topic, BTW. DG
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I prefer to sit in a direction where I don't see anyone behind the dancer. That's not always possible so I try to zone in on only what I want to see. Most guys usually try to avoid staring right at you and the dancer I believe unless you're not noticing. I try not to notice. If a guy is right beside or right behind the dancer, it can be annoying. If a female customer is visibly watching me and the dancer in front of me, I can get varying feelings. If she's hot and wearing shorts or a mini skirt, it can even be a bit of a turn on. However usually I prefer not to notice others watching.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    when I am a patron of a club w/o stripper I will rarely ogle someone else's dance unless the girl is unbelievably erotic, in which case I will throw the girl $20 more so I can watch her do it again (that hasn't happened in awhile). I would have very lil problem with someone watching me getting a dance because I could look totally dispassionate and actually be having the time of my life.
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    I get the ogling & staring CONSTANTLY, and it annoys the fuck out of me. This is one reason why I prefer VIP rooms, where leering eyes are not a problem.
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