
A question for you married guys

avatar for FONDL

Seems to me that most of the comments here about blow jobs and full service etc. are by those of you who are single. What about you married guys - do you have a limit beyond which you normally won't go? Are you concerned about the morality of it? Are you concerned about the health risks, which I think can be much more serious for a married guy? I have to anser yes to all 3 of those questions. Anyone else here like me?


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avatar for chitownlawyer
17 yrs ago
  1. Yes, uncovered full service.

  2. Yes, This is an issue I wrestle with constantly. (Seriously)

  3. Yes.

  4. Yes, I am like you, at least in these three matters.

avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 yrs ago

All I want to do is feel up, explore, toy with, lick, caress, hold, chase after, kiss, look at, grope, fiddle with, examine, handle, clutch, soothe, paw, nuzzle, touch, feel, stroke, fondle, pet, embrace, nestle, snuggle, squeeze, wallow between, tickle, cuddle, love, and canoodle some 22 year old boobs.

My wife provides the rest.

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

FONDL: I am not married thanks to my attorney but still have some of the concerns you voiced. The biggest being STD's. I am old enough to know better but also old enough to not give a shit. I am not going to live fore ever. But things are getting so heated up at my favorite club that I think that I will start taking condoms with me. I have no moral issues.

avatar for Clubber
17 yrs ago

Ditto chitownlawyer!

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

Shadowcat, if I were in your situation I'd probably be doing exactly what you and Bones do. But since I'm not (and most of the time I'm glad of that) all I want to do is watch, talk and fondle. I'm with Jay on this one.

But I'm curious, Cat, what did you and Bones do when you were married, did you do a lot of clubbing?

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

Well FondL: speaking for myself NO and if I know my brother right his answer will also be NO.

avatar for homeslice
17 yrs ago

Same as JayADay. Not critical of what anyone else does, but I limit myself as he does. Wonderful willing wife provides the rest.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

Glad to see tht I'm not alone in setting limits for myself, I was beginning to think that I was. It would appear that our life situation has some bearing on what we look for when we go clubbing. Not surprising but I was beginning to think otherwise. I also find it interesting that Shadowcat and prehaps Bones, two of our most outspoken advocates of sex with strippers, didn't do any clubbing at all while they were married.

avatar for DougS
17 yrs ago

I guess I'm just a slut, even though I AM married. I really don't have any limits. Admittedly, I have not yet had unprotected FS, though in the heat of the moment, I probably wouldn't say no.

I have had BBBJs several times, and each time I DO worry to a degree that I was exposed to something. I usually have condoms handy, should she want me to don a raincoat before she puts it in her mouth, but only a few have asked for that.

DFKing is also a risk, but I've never hesitated to get into that with a hottie.

DATY... well, short of using a dental dam, which would pretty much ruin the moment, there's no way to practice it safely. I've DATYed many times. Afterwards, I am paranoid with every little itch and twitch I feel in and around my mouth for weeks afterward, but still, when it's offered, I usually just dig in.

Being married, catching something is not the worst part about it... the worst would be breaking the news to the Mrs. I hope to never have to do that.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

DougS, the problem with your thinking is that by the time you discover that you caught something you will have already given it to your wife. I don't know about you but that would end life as I know it. Even if I didn't have the moral issue that be enough to would dissuade me from doing any of that stuff. But then doing that stuff with a sgtranger never appealed to me in the first place, so maybe I'm lucky.

avatar for chipitin
17 yrs ago

FONDL, I'm with you on last string but clubs I go to have girls that stay with the club for 2-3 years and after multiple visits, LD's, drinks, conversations about their outside life, etc with dancers over several years they no longer feel like strangers, they start to feel like the girl you wanted as a girlfriend 30 yrs ago. That's when I find it hard to resist.

avatar for ShotDisc
17 yrs ago

As a guy who has been married for almost 25 yrs, I have to say I think about the questions FONDL brings up all time. I just have a hard time saying no when a great opportunity presents it self. I realize that doesn't say much for me, but it is what it is. I have been very lucky so far.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

Chipitin, I understand what you are saying. I'm glad I never got the opportunity to see how far I would go with my ATF. She's the only one who might have been a problem for me. And we're way beyond that now.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 yrs ago

I'm not married, so my responses are literally germane to the questions in this thread. But I would like to point out, nevertheless, that I personally do wrestle with the "morality" of mongering. I partake of extras -- whatever I can get! And the only real stumbling block is price. I'll do whatever act I want to do, as long as I can afford it and the gal is hot enough. But I do "think through" and "feel guilty about" the moral implications. Just because I'm not married, doesn't mean I don't have compunction about the behaviors. It's occurred to me, please understand, that it's probably "wrong" in some ways to do what I do.

Hasn't stopped me yet. I wish it would, sometimes, because I'd save a lot of money AND GRIEF about my social life.

avatar for parodyman-->
17 yrs ago

Very close in limits to Jay. Would never do anythig to put my wife or myself at risk.

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