"Topless Secret"--any good?
With all the discussions here I'm surprised there hasn't been much talk about how to get strippers to meet you OTC--although maybe they have taken place in the past and I can't find them because the search engine only does names and cities.
I "obtained" a copy of something called "How to Pick Up Strippers" online and it's got some kernels of wisdom, but I don't think it was worth the $47 he was asking for it. There seems to be another product, called "Topless Secret - An Insider's Guide to Scoring with Dancers" but I have been unable to find a "gift copy" online--have any of you ever read it? (The website, www.topless-secret.com, doesn't seem to be valid anymore.)
I "obtained" a copy of something called "How to Pick Up Strippers" online and it's got some kernels of wisdom, but I don't think it was worth the $47 he was asking for it. There seems to be another product, called "Topless Secret - An Insider's Guide to Scoring with Dancers" but I have been unable to find a "gift copy" online--have any of you ever read it? (The website, www.topless-secret.com, doesn't seem to be valid anymore.)
I agree with you that most strippers aren't what I look for in friends, but having said that I do enjoy variety. I don't want a bunch of friends who are all just like me. You can't learn anything from people like that.
Once at the threshhold, having talked a dancer into OTCing, I remain trustworthy. For instance, if I've shown her that I can be trusted and proved that I won't take advantage of her, once the time comes and we are along OTC, I will not force the issue. If she just wants to go out to eat, or watch TV, or play cards, I am fine with that... no pressure. I guess another key point is to be upfront with what your expectations are, and also get an idea of what HER expectations are.
Trust is key. For a girl to meet a "strange guy" OTC, she HAS to feel comfortable and be relatively certain that she will be safe with him. I've told this story before, but I think it deserves repeating. Even after spending quite some time together ITC, and talking on the phone with each other, she still didn't trust me 100%. The first time that my ATF met me OTC, she later told me that she left a letter on her car seat, along with my business card. In the letter, she said that she was with [my name], who is from [my city]. She listed my kids names, a description of me, what kind of vehicle I drove, etc. All of which, would have been plenty to nail my ass, should something have happened to her.
Trust must travel in the opposite direction, too. I always worry that an OTC friend could turn on me and accuse me of kidnapping, rape, etc. She could also be setting me up so that she (and a boyfriend/husband) could ambush me and take my money, car, etc. There's also the possibility that I could be in line for blackmail, too.
If you build a little working friendship/relationship with the dancer, eventually she'll bring it up or hint at it if it OTC is something that she does. I've had dancers ask me for my number (one on a first encounter) and I usually joke that they won't call me (it usually ends up being about 50-50 whether they will call or not).
I currently have the numbers of about six dancers who have called me and I probably exchange text messages at least once a week with most of them. I have seen two OTC and had offers from a couple more. The one that I text the most is the dancer I would most like to see OTC but she hasn't brought it up to me and I don't see her at work much (schedules don't match).
By the way, this type of book is supposed to tell how you can pick up strppers for dates, etc, not for the type of paid sessions that most of the replies are dealing with. I doubt if there are enough suckers willing to give up $47 for that.