Old Men

avatar for RyanWilliams64
I wonder how strippers manage to deal with old men. I mean, I'm 52 - no matter how good I might be in intimate situations it would hard to imagine someone age 20 or 30 enjoying that. Maybe its just a necessary evil - just a job - I do things at my job that I don't enjoy too but that's why I get paid (since no one would do them for free). Comments from strippers here? And how old is the oldest you deal with?


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avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
I'm about the same age and plenty of 20-30 year old women have enjoyed our intimate situations. The secret is to use your experience to give them lots of orgasms. They love to cum.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
If the girl can get to know you, and if she can respect you, it should be fine. About 10% of young women, tending to be the one's outlandishly dressed, are interested in older men.


avatar for umissedaspot
8 years ago
They don't enjoy dealing with old men. They enjoy not being broke.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
How do long-haul truckers handle 70 hours+/wk behind the wheel - how do ditch workers handle 8 hours in the sun - how do nurses handle dealing w/ sick people all the time and sometimes having to wipe the ass of uncapacitated patients - how do morticians handle working w/ cadavers.

Everyone does what they need to do to make a living - plus women seem to be able to put looks aside more easily than men can (much more common to see younger women marry older men than the other way around).

I'm sure many strippers have trouble doing it - but it's not really apples-to-apples when seeing it from a woman's vs a man's POV; IMO
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
BTW - this is a customer-centric site; thus not many dancers posting here - post on StripperWeb.com since that is a site for dancers (there is a customer section there for custies to post questions).
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
Not only do they deal with them but they are usually prime meat to most of these dancers.
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
Never forget that ITS THEIR JOB. They are selling themselves. Just like any salesperson they like some of their customers and not others. They are in it for the money, not our looks or sexual prowess.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
Strippers love this old man. You can only be young once. But you can always be immature.
avatar for dallas702
8 years ago
One civi woman I dated, who was 30 years younger than I, explained it this way. (very roughly paraphrased - it was a long time ago!)

/// Men are very visual and are aroused by attractive women who behave in an overtly sensual or sexual manner. If she doesn't "look good" sex is not what a man considers when meeting a woman. But if a woman is visually stimulating, men will overlook atmosphere, environment, her lack of education, even her mental health. Men desire immediacy, action and active stimulation of our sexual organs.

Women are into mind games and are aroused by mental images more than visual. Women have a more mental connection to sexual fulfillment than men. A woman considers conversation, or dinner, or almost anything,. "foreplay" if the "atmosphere is right. It does not particularly matter what a man looks like, it is critically important to a woman, how a man makes her, "feel." Smells are important as well as sounds and "environment." A woman appreciates sensual contact, aural stimulation and play with erogenous zones. To a woman, sex is the culmination of a series of increasingly exciting behaviors, both physical and mental. \\\

I have never figured out what that really means when interacting with any specific civi woman, but I do have a few ideas about strippers. To a stripper, your age is meaningful only in that most young men either do not have the money to spend, or have no idea how to behave (or both). Older men generally compliment strippers, smile more often, spend more, know what they want and are less prone to become hurtfully physical. To a stripper, a few minutes talking with a customer - is foreplay. A customer may not look like Adonis or Mars, but a man with a few Benjamin's is very attractive to a stripper. To a stripper, a positive atmosphere is created by a man's willingness to pay her for her time and attention. To a stripper money smells good and is a mental turn-on.

Bottom line, most strippers find old guys very, very attractive - in the club! Outside the club, they may be more picky, but the same rules apply!
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
Corvus is right. On my last DS date, we had sex three times. She had at least 8 orgasms, half oral and the other half in very lengthy weed inspired bareback fuck sessions. What young woman wouldnt be happy with 8 orgasms and $1,000 for a days "work."
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Who really knows what a woman is thinking, all you guys are doing is guessing most of it doesn't matter, I'm happy, and not one my girls has ever made me feel that my 62 year old self was not enjoyable.
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
@dallas702 - your post is riddled with stereotypes that simply don't exist but have been perpetuated as true by eons of people who just don't know any better.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
They're some of the best actresses in the world.
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
Focus on the wallet, focus on the wallet.
avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
The age difference thing seems to be more acceptable now than it was in the past and many older guys are more into fitness and grooming than say 20 years ago so they look better but mainly it comes down to the money.
avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
Then there's the example of the living mummy, Hef!
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
LMAO, good ole Hef, baby. What money can't accomplish in that super-annuated old guy. Cheers to Hef !!
avatar for stripfighter
8 years ago
They're more ward off by stenchiness than ancientness...
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Doctors also have to do some pretty disgusting things at times for money, yet they are able to and they survive. I guess some jobs are just not for the squeamish.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
They tell me I don't look 74 but I'm pretty sure that it is my money that interests them. :)
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
I agree with 25. Who really knows what women, stripper or otherwise think.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
The only thing that a stripper enjoys fucking is your bank account.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Female sexuality is complicated.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
If they could "theoretically" make the same amount of $$$ from young good-looking guys most would choose them over the old-guys, but they are not there to hook-up and fuck for the sake of fucking, they are there to make $$$ and that is what sems to bring them the most-satisfaction and why they may often prefer the older guys (tend to spend more $$$ and often willing to spend more $$$ & are often easier to deal with)
avatar for JamesSD
8 years ago
I've had a few frank discussions with strippers about this, being a young guy who dayclubs.

The bottom line is they are in it for the money, and older guys both have money to spend and are often more free with said money.A lot of the older guys value company and conversation a lot more than the younger guys. I think strippers on the whole have a harder time with guys who smell bad than guys who are old.

avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
Why dancers prefer older men: We are not looking for them to support us because we have money; we are not going to ask them to date us for free, because we have money; we grew up when women were the weaker sex so we are going to be more polite and respectful; we have a longer history of funny stories; we are usually better educated; we spend more; we are more skilled sexually and don't need to say we can get it up 6 times in a night because we ain't busting a nut on our third thrust.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
That's the best post ski bum ever made. I that's what I get for smoking weed so late at night. You wake up high
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
To @Corvus and @Smith:

If you're giving all these young sex workers multiple orgasms, why bother paying them as much as $1000? Shouldn't they be paying you? And why bother with strip clubs? Just go to your local Starbacks or your local State U. and apply your aging, devilish, charm.

avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
I've also had some discussions with strippers about this one, and aside from the ATF and the MILF, both of whom actually appear to like me for me, it works out in the vast majority of cases to some combination of what Dallas702 and JamesSD said. There's also some drugs and alcohol involved in many cases, but the former is something I do my best to actively avoid, and the latter is a turn off for me if she's any more than buzzed.

The ATF started out doing it just for the money, though she always said the only reason she eventually said yes at all was because I was respectful about the whole thing, never judged her, and above all, was *still* respectful and spent money on her even when she'd said no so many times.

The MILF liked the way my hands treated her, and the fact that I don't get butthurt when she is chasing a whale (she actually has a few of those) and doesn't sit with me. But she was showing all indications of never, ever giving me more than dances when I decided to take a chance in VIP. In her words, "You just *seduced* me. I kept starting to reach down to push your head away, but my hands just wouldn't listen to me. Then it was too late."

I actually laughed when she used the word "seduced." I am in no way, shape or form any kind of "hot". I'm old, fat and kinda ugly. But her words again, "No, you're not ugly, but none of that makes any difference anyway when that magic tongue of yours does its thing."
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Skibum for the win.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
sclvr5005 posted

Never forget that ITS THEIR JOB. They are selling themselves. Just like any salesperson they like some of their customers and not others. They are in it for the money, not our looks or sexual prowess.

My experience with them is that they are just like other young women in that they do hope to establish a long term relationship, and so how they interact with a guy does depend upon how they feel about him. I say this based on dealings strippers, AMP girls, and all manner of civilians, and in noting how consistent they are.

When in strip clubs, girls open up more if they believe the guy has selected them, and that he will be around regularly, even if he is from out of town.

And if you want nice dealings with them you must never treat them like they are people who are just doing things for money.

Dallas702 wrote, "Women are into mind games and are aroused by mental images more than visual...."

This is also my perception. I take it to mean that women want to talk with a guy and relate to him. When working in a P4P environment they set aside their preferences and do what it takes to compete with the others. But their actual preferences remain unchanged. And it is like one posted on SW, saying that she is smarter than 95% of the customers. Women size a guy up by how he talks to them. Often they are just playing dumb when they can see that they are smarter than the guy. They really do like smart guys, and this can compensate for other age issues.

My own perception is that women always try to cast guys into sterotypes, and it take time to get beyond this. But a guy who is just there to ogle women and get drunk, though typical, is not what they want. You can appreciate women, so long as it is not only their looks, and so long as you also really try to converse with them.

And with all due respect, having been on opposite sides of issues like this with Lopaw before, I do not feel that she speaks for heterosexual women.


Acid Jazz
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
What about middle aged men? I'm 49 and hope to live another 50 years with a new heart and liver transplant, maybe some kidneys that I bought off from some young Asian dude who only needed one kidney since he lives a toxic free lifestyle. I'm hoping that's how things work out with my all American diet I can't seem to stray from. At least I don't so drugs or drink alcohol, right?
Girls like middle aged white men with big fat wallets! And they like having sex with them because they get off with multiple orgasms and they get paid. So they have fun and get paid with no commitment! It's ideal for the young stripper, she can get married to a fellow in her late 20's or even early 30's and still have a family while sowing her oats in her late teens and early 20's while guys like me get to relive our youth. Perfect score!
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Well this thread is certainly one of the biggest TUSCL circle-jerks ever. As if strippers actually prefer old farts for any other reason for the fact they are spending more. Some of you guys need a real reality check.

avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
Heh, I was in the middle of writing something similar. I do think there's occasional surprises -- I've had a few strippers who have turned into FWB, and I can't imagine that happening if she wasn't enjoying both me and the sex on some level. On the other hand, those are the exceptions that prove the rule .... I think there's some level of wishful thinking on this thread
avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
While I agree that there is some level of wishful thinking in the thread, there is some level of "it's never happened to *me*, so it can't possibly have ever happened and must be all made up."

To be fair, I would have been among the skeptics before my experiences with the ATF and the MILF. I'd like to think I wouldn't have outright *rejected* such claims, but who knows.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
george, Yes, I do think guys were being a bit ... overenthusiastic about how much their 21-year-olds love being with them and having sex with them. In most cases, if the money were gone, the stripper wouldn't even be considering the sex, so it's almost always the case that there's an extent to which she's dealing with it, for money. But I think the opposite view -- they are disgusted every second -- is just as unrealistic. And like you, I think it's likely the view of someone whose personal experience is that every stripper they interface with really IS disgusted by them, so they project that to everyone else.

Among the counter-arguments:
- I believe nearly every person on this forum who has been SCing for more than 5 years, has at least one stripper-turned-FWB story. I have several. Not quite sure how to possibly spin that to "the stripper is disgusted by you", when she's not even getting paid.
- Nearly every person on this forum has stories of strippers who just plain go above-and-beyond -- for seemingly no other reason than that they're in the moment, despite the fact that it won't change monetary compensation. My longest ever OTC that did not include an overnight, was 10 hours. That girl knew she was going to get the $200 I always pay her, and not a dime more. But she kept wanting to hang out before the sex, and then after the sex, wanted to go back out to party more. This behavior is the rule -- as in, nearly 100% of the time -- not the exception, when it comes to OTCing with my faves. They could be in and out in an hour or two, but instead choose to hang, sometimes for hours, sometimes overnight. No, they wouldn't be there at all if it weren't for the $250 (or whatever), but you don't just choose to hang out for 6 more hours, for free, with someone who disgusts you.

But that's all interactions between ATFs & favorite customers, not random stripper / random old customer interactions, where I think reality is far closer to "she finds it totally unpleasant and just thinks about the money to get her through".
avatar for ATACdawg
8 years ago
It should be obvious to all that our life experience has made us swave and daboner making us irresistible to women.

Oh, that and our money... :-D
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Money looks good on a man. ; )
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
Put it this way: AARP men who pay upwards of $1000 for sex and brag about giving their partners multiple orgasms are not really paying for sex -- they're paying for the fantasy that they are still attractive to young girls.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
in my earlier days of strip clubbing I can certainly relate with this comment.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
It's (almost) always about money. I don't get the delusions either. *shugs*. It's just entertainment or prostitution. It's not rocket science.
avatar for Tiburon
8 years ago
I've asked that once (and got head afterwards in the club) and they say drinking helps. Especially when some old timers try to kiss them
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Che, it's not that your anecdote is unpopular. I think the current argument is that anecdotes like your may be more be an edge-case and not a typica-case for most PLs who are 3.5 decades older than the dancers. The takeaway seems to be not that it doesn't happen but seems to be that it is not common in the plurality of the cases. That's even before we consider the money aspect which older guys tend to have more of that younger guys (for the majority of the comparisons).

Female sexuality is complicated.
avatar for Tiburon
8 years ago
Skibum must be high to think girls like him for anything other than uncle ben
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^^Tiburon do you think girls like rice, well maybe the Asian or Hispanic ones do.
avatar for Tiburon
8 years ago
What girl doesn't like rice? After all, when a whale beach's on stripper shores, they are white on rice
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
And uncle bens instant rice s a strippers best friend.
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