
avatar for whodey
Watching the olympic coverage I can't help but wonder one important question.

Which olympian would make the best stripper?

After all these amateur athletes need to earn a living while keeping in shape between Olympics. My first choice would be Aly Raisman who is clearly comfortable with nudity based on the video below. Not to mention her gymnastic training would make for a great pole show and leave her very flexible in the vip.


Anyone have a better suggestion?


last comment
avatar for sinclair
9 years ago
Madison Kocian. I love me a spinner.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
I watched some diving this afternoon. There were several hotties in the springboard
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
The runners in the 10,000 meters look like they're from central casting for "Captain Phillips"
avatar for dallas702
9 years ago
If you like chicks with broad shoulders, skinny hips and lots of muscle - any of the swimmers would fit the bill.

If you are more interested in petite, underage spinners with enormous thighs and potential to fly on a stripper pole, look to the gymnasts.

Should you prefer the California beach blonde look - beach volleyball.

If you go for the anorexic look - long distance runners.

If you want a woman who can painfully squeeze your cock, without using her hands - equestrians.

Then there is the woman who just won Gold in the shot put. She would make a stripper no man would survive saying, "no" when she asked, "You wanna' dance?"
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
Let's schedule a competition, I'll pay a cover for that.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
Volly ball Olympics joke


Also true stories
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Yeah that gymnast Aly was well put together w/ her thick muscled thighs and nice hips and booty - the AA gymnast Simone also had some sexy very defined thick muscular thighs that I thought were sexy - and many of the divers had nice thick legs & asses - & then there are the track sprinters that have thick powerful defined muscular legs and in the case of the black sprinters many had some nice big booties.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
After watching the women's 100m, I googled why Jamaicans are so fast. It's a country of less than 3 million, yet they have dominated the sprints. There's no one answer but there's some interesting stuff on diet and genetics
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
dallas: I feel compelled to point out that Aly Raisman is 22 years old, which is overage for JS69's taste in P4P girls! :-)
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Olympic pole dancing 2020?
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
Aly is cute and hot!
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
AutoZone has very successfully targeted the Hispanic market. They've made a dedicated effort to attract Latino customers by hiring bilingual employees.

I know it's been real successful in my area. And although there are signs in both English and Spanish in stores that say "no working on your car in the parking lot" if you go on a Sunday or Saturday afternoon the parking lot is full of guys installing the parts
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
Wrong thread :(
avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
^^^ Don't ya just yearn for that edit feature sometimes?

The gymnasts are a little too short to be truly sexy. But Simone is one of the most amazing athletes on the planet and she's also sweet and poised in interviews. America's new princess. I'd vote for her in Nov.
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Motorhead - many afro-Jamaicans are decended from West Africa. Their bodies are genetically fast, strong, and agile. These Jamaicans and west Africans have a higher probably of a gene variant called the angiotensin-converting enzyme, so their hearts can pump highly oxygenated blood more quickly to their muscles than people from other regions. This is very prominent in west Africa and even more so in Jamaicans. Another is the alpha-acticin3 gene which essentially helps the muscles move faster, where Jamaicans have the variant of this gene at a higher average than the rest of the world, which helps with sprinting too, of course.

Aluminum in the soil is said to have helped with these genetic capabilities. So that could be why Jamaicans now have the edge over west Africa, although they're pretty genetically similar?

Also, during the trans-Atlantic slave trade, over a million died in transit, and Jamaica was one of the last stops in the Caribbean. I guess to make it there, one had to be stronger than average.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
Bauxite, the ore used in the production of aluminum is heavily mined in Jamaica so the soil is rich in aluminum. There are some articles about foods grown in an aluminum rich soil and their affect on the biochemistry of pregnant womens. Interestind stuff.

I think its a combination of a lot of things. Genetics, training, hardwork, desire. I think it's pretty cool.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
Soooo no body liked my joke for this website ?

Really ??
avatar for ime
9 years ago
US Women's Diver Kassidy Cook gets my vote

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
IDK, Jamaicans have always had good sprinters but have never dominated like this b/f - not sure but I think I heard last night they have won every 100m Olympics & world championships since 2008 in both mens and womes - through the years track & field has been rife with doping w/ many runners getting busted & allegations of many that weren't busted - I haven't heard of any allegations w.r.t. the Jamaicans but I can see such a poor country being tempted to do so - track & field is a pretty huge sport outside the US (Europe, etc) and top runners can make real big $$$ - it could very well be that the Jamaicans have created a great system in the last decade but the other reasons stated on here for why they are so good still existed in the past yet they were not nearly as dominant as they are now - in fact they were always good but never dominant - & now they don't only win but they win going away - I def have my doubts but they can also be legit
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
I'm pretty sure it's the weed, man. Worked for Michael Phelps. https://usatftw.files.wordpres…
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Probably the Rythmic Gymnasts. They basically already dance as their sport, they actually have feminine bodies.
avatar for seaboardrr
9 years ago
It sure wouldn't be any of the beach volleyball players. I don't remember seeing a single one with any tits.
avatar for pensionking
9 years ago
Hope Solo
Doe eyed crazy fucker!
avatar for whodey
9 years ago
Ime: Kassidy Cook is certainly worth watching.

Pensionking: Hope Solo definitely qualifies as someone that I'd like to find out ifthe old saying that "the crazier the girl, the hotter the sex" is true.

avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
April Ross and Kerri Walsh Jennings have grown on me. A cup breasts are okay with me. A lot of dancers at the club I visit have A cups, so I've made peace with the "bug bites" of the breast world.

Honorable mention goes to Michelle Jenneke, from 2012. The Australian huddler.

avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I like the hair on some of these Jamaican female sprinters. Nice tight bodies too. They get my vote as well.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
They just said that the Jamaican female sprinters won all 3 (gold, silver, bronze) in the 100m in 2008, and 2 of the 3 medals both in 2012 & now 2016 including the gold in both - and for the men the 2 fastest of all time in terms of time bave both been Jamaicans - too much domination for a nation of less than 3-million people whom have been good in the past but not like this
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
That's like the state of Mississippi, which has a similar population size, having all the best sprinters in the world
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Kudos to NinaBambina for a very interesting and well-written explanation for the dominance of Jamaicans in sprint events. In these overly PC times, people are often afraid to state truths about racial differences in certain sports. I'm reminded of one of my students a few years ago who was a marathon runner and prefaced a remark about the superiority of Ethiopians and Kenyans in long-distance running by saying "This may be racist, but . . ." No, it is *not* racist to say that runners of East African descent tend to excel in long-distance events whereas runners of West African descent (including Jamaicans and American blacks) tend to excel in sprints.
avatar for dallas702
9 years ago
So, in summary, Aly Raisman is not underage and Jamaican Olympians run faster because they are genetically predisposed from West African ancestry and they use aluminum as a performance enhancing drug. (does the OIC test for that?)

Well, that should settle the Olympian stripper question for everyone! (Smile guys ! ! ! )
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
With the exposure to aluminum, it would be a good idea to assess the onset of mind degeneration. The presence of it is thought to be a factor.
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