Introduction and Question Re Mileage on "Featured Performers"

avatar for LecherousMonk
Greetings, gentleman. I thought I knew a thing or two about strip clubs. Then, I had the "Oh my god! Chris Rock was full of shit."-epiphany as a stripper was unzipping my fly, an experience that led me here, where I proceeded to binge read for 13 hours. Thank you all for the reviews, but also the many, many insights.

To my question: A certain pornstar of whom I'm a fan (I don't want to state the name explicitly, lest it be cross-referenced to identify my city [she's a blonde PAWG who's been at it 10+ years and gained a large degree of notoriety for a pornstar]) is in town tonight and tomorrow. I'm going tonight, and I'd like to perhaps get a dance rather than buying some useless print or a dvd I'll never watch. Does anyone here have any insights they would like to share regarding the availability and cost of extras with a famous guest dancer? Also, please keep in mind that I have never negotiated such a thing before and, as such, have little "game". I also CANNOT spend more than a couple bills, so any shenanigans would have to occur ITC. Oh, and I've been to this club probably a half dozen times, but as a clueless minnow, have developed no connections there. (I understand if you're wary about responding because I have no reviews. One will be up tomorrow.)


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avatar for StPaul101
9 years ago
when you first think about it, you would think a porn star would be an easy way to get lucky in a strip club. Unfortunately this is not the case, their job is about safe sex in that they have to get tested weekly or monthly to stay in the business and I can't imagine they would endanger that for some money at a strip club. I guess if enough money was offered I'm sure it may work out but I would certainly wrap it up.

They do give dances and you can normally get a picture taken if thats your thing but I thought the last time I was at a club with a feature dancer the dances were more expensive and it wasn't as good as I was imagining it to be.

I say if you really like her, go and get a dance, don't expect anything great other than maybe some stick shifting over the pants and enjoy.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Yeah, I would say get a lap dance just for the experience but don't expect extras. Find yourself a different girl to finish the job.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
You have not only 0% chance of extras, but a next 0% chance of a lapper. They will perform on stage and take photos with you for $20, and little else. Just off camera from those photos will be two linebacker-sized special guest bouncers
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
If you can only spend a couple of bills then the closest you're going to get is the dvd. There will likely be a ton of other PLs just like you garnering for her attention.

If you want more than a hand shake then you need to read escort forums and check out her website if she has one. Many porn stars are pretty open to escorting and some even advertise on their site. Be warned since they have "celebrity status" most demand high rates like $600 to $1,000 as a minimum per hour. So in other words you're not going to probably get a BJ ITC for $200. You never know though so put on your charm and talk her up.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
^^^^ Gaybos and Gravy.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
Porn starts usually have a lot of mileage on them, when they start hitting the strip club circuit. :)
avatar for LecherousMonk
9 years ago
Alas, I am aware of the pornstar escort services, but she claims not to do that.

Thanks for the honest advice.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
If you bring a bucket of chackin, that may change her mind.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
My limited knowledge is that they usually only do stage-shows & try to peddle their stuff - and non-strippers usually give poor-dances whether porn-star or not.
avatar for shanny72
9 years ago
I have had a lap dance from a porn star. Cost me $100 for 2 songs. Had her security hovering over the entire time. She put my hands everywhere in a guided experience and she did grab jr for a bit but this was far from the norm. I would never recommend it, no matter how hot she is. You ain't getting shit unless you can ldk in a couple seconds as the actual grind was weak.

Most features aren't available for dances at all.

They do tend to fill a club so there shouldbe many house dancers available to satisfy you.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Their stage shows are higher mileage. Plus their presence in the club will cause the house dancers or the other independent contractor dancers to NOT SHOW UP for the night. Thus driving up prices for their stage shows and her dances (if she does dances). If there are extras, you probably can't afford them. She's just making too much money from all the PLs that night from clean activities.

Did I mention she will drive away the other dancers? It's a sellers market as far as she is concerned.

With that said, you should still go and participate in the stage shows. The stage show make it worthwhile. You *WILL* kick yourself if you don't go .. at least once.

I saw a Penthouse Pet back in '96. Totally worth it!!! Recommended! Thumbs Up.
avatar for LecherousMonk
9 years ago
I have seen other pornstars several times, and much of what you say gels with my experience. I had never actually forked over the hundo for a dance, though. I hope what shanny72 is saying doesn't hold true for this performer, as the lap dance he described is pretty much the worst one possible. We shall see. En route to da club, and perhaps I will update you fellas in a few hours.
avatar for joatmon
9 years ago
I got a lapper from an A-List porn star once. Cost a fortune and there was only 1 way touching (definitely no extras) but it was worth it to know I got a lap dance from one of the hottest (in my opinion) porn stars ever. Saw her again a couple of years later and she was no longer offering dances when she featured.
avatar for anon31415
9 years ago
As always your mileage may vary. In my case, I got 3/$125 lap dances from Vicki Chase. No extras, but she was actually higher mileage than the typical $3/100 dance the club dancers give. Biggest difference was she did full nude where local girls are topless and may give flashes below. No difficulty getting to LDK
avatar for LecherousMonk
9 years ago
She WILL be available for private dances. Ass so phat. . . . Giggity!
avatar for seaboardrr
9 years ago
I can agree with the rest about porn star feature dancers driving away the regular dancers for the night. Forget about getting any mileage and expect to pay double or triple for a simple air dance. The local dancers that do show up will be happy to get the business though. it was neat seeing actual porn stars we've seen in movies but beyond that the actual stage show sucked. The best part of the whole thing was when Alexis Texas finally showed up about an hour AFTER she was supposed to do her first show she sat 2' from us for about half an hour eating chicken fingers and french fries all made up in a stunning tight white dress. She smiled at us once or twice which was far sexier than the stage show.

If you're thinking about extras from a porn star feature you might wanna re-think things. These chicas make anywhere from $1-3K per scene from physically fit male specimens so you better bring some JS $$$ if you want to even be in the extras ballpark. If you think you're going to get high mileage or even extras for a couple hundred you need to stop hitting the bong
avatar for LecherousMonk
9 years ago
. . . So I got the dance . . . for $150. It was lame. Her bodyguard/go-fer did not follow us into the room, for which I was glad, but as soon as my ass hit the seat she went into a spiel about her rules, which--surprise--disallowed any touching till she would guide my hands to her ass for the grand finale. So there you go: a one-song, $150 air dance, after which I was tapped out and had to go home unsatisfied. I wouldn't repeat or recommend it, but I don't regret it; it was a learning experience.
avatar for LecherousMonk
9 years ago
Forgot to mention I won't be reviewing the club after all, since I didn't interact with the house dancers. I'll post something eventually.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I am not surprised. That's why I said stick to the stage shows. She makes so much money per stage set why would she bother with cheap dances.

Between seaboadrr and me I think the traveling "feature dancer" can be summed up with the "Jenna Jameson" model: she realizes she HAS all of the power and control so the evening GOES down EXACTLY the way she WANTS it to go down.

BTW how was $150 not a fair price? How else would you have met this broad? Next time stick to the stage shows, when a feature dancer does them.
avatar for dallas702
9 years ago
LecherousMonk. you have now seem the "TYPE 1" strip club "feature act" from a porn star. In my experience (admittedly it's mostly about two decades out of date) there is another type. The "TYPE 2" porn star who does features at strip clubs, also does "private movie scenes." OTC. They call them different things: private photo shoots, personal porn movies, video sessions, movie specials, and more.

Basically, no porn star is going to risk a prostitution arrest in a club, where she is earning more for a 1 night appearance with two or three stage sets than she earns for a porn scene in a movie. Some will do lap dances, but as you learned, those are very tame. The type 2, won't do anything even close to skirting the law - in the club - but she wants your money and will go the extra mile to get it.

The type 2 believes (correctly in a few jurisdictions) that she cannot be arrested for prostitution if she is "exercising her first amendment rights" while making a movie. You get to be the producer and male lead in her movie or photo shoot, getting to fuck her all you want for however long you (as producer) paid her to "act." they will either do your session as a "rehearsal" (no camera) or a "scene" a video camera running. If you do a scene, you usually get to keep the tape/disk/card.

The first problem is that most porn stars really are "acting." They will insist that everything be covered. The sex looks great on camera but they have lots of rules, and are used to setting up and then going at it until someone shouts, "cut" then stopping cold. It is NOT as exciting as you might expect. It certainly will not be a GFE visit.

Then there is the matter of cost. The real contract porn stars (Vivid and others) make pretty good money and will NOT do a "scene" with you on the cheep. It WILL cost you. There is a website out there where you can get the prices for these women - the numbers will shock you!
avatar for LecherousMonk
9 years ago
I've seen the numbers: ~$1,500/hour for the ones in whom I would be interested. I can only dream of being able to throw around that kinda bread.
avatar for Dougster
9 years ago
Use RickyBoy's The System!
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
It doesn't take much searching on the internet to find a type of broker who will hook you up with a porn star for a personal movie. It costs big bucks, and you need to be better with background checks and references. Lot of A list porn stars are advertised on these sites.
avatar for LecherousMonk
9 years ago
My fav pornstar (former A-list, now fading) was in town for a convention recently. Only after she left town did I see her advertisement, on BP of all places, for $7 h / $12 2h. That's clearly a discount from her L.A. rates, but still very steep. Requires two refs, too (who has those?) She's coming back in Oct., so perhaps that offer will be back on the table.
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
the only porn stars that have given me an outstanding high milage dances are retired from the porn scene and now work as strippers in regular strip clubs.
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