
OT: Saw a great meme

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Sunday, August 14, 2016 8:48 AM
"Democrats say: 'Everyone who supports Trump is a racist'. By that logic, everyone who supports Hillary is a criminal." Remember: if this makes you angry, that is because the truth always upsets liberals. Flame on, pussies.


  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Lol. Good one
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Yeah that meme is funny, because it is actually admitting that Trump says racist things while simultaneously pointing out that Hillary has done some illegal things. Lol. We know Trump is a bigot, we know Hillary is crooked. These gop prancing, basic-stale-meme creators need to think outside the box a little... be a little more progressive with their memes... oh, wait...
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    What is you are both a racist and a criminal? That would make for an interesting Venn diagram! Haha.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    gammamanu95 likes to babble.
  • mjx01
    8 years ago
    redistribution is criminal IMO
  • umissedaspot
    8 years ago
    You might have something there if not for the glaring fact that Trump is both a racist and a heinous criminal. But nice try, bitch.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I can't remember where I read this recently. Hopefully it wasn't here. Difference between a consevative and a liberal: A conservative gets mad when lied to or when a lie is told about them. A liberal gets mad when told the truth or when the truth is told about them.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Sorry, flagooner, but you read it here in a post from yours truly. It really pisses of the Hillary and Bernie supporters. Why? Because it is true, of course.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Makes no sense. Most people have at some point in their lives crossed over legal lines, sometimes on purpose, sometimes just by negligence. But Trump's entire world view is based on racism. So no one could support him unless they also hold to such a view. SJG
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    umissedaspot, Yeah that's why I asked to see the Venn diagram since there seems to be some cross over with Trump also being a criminal and a cheat. What SJG wrote also makes sense. It's as if Trump is just the racist version of Hillary, nothing more, nothing less.
  • ESL
    8 years ago
    We have proof Clinton is a criminal. Where is the proof Trump is a racist? Is it because he wants to protect our borders from illegal immigrants and wants Muslims blocked temporarily? Trump is a blowhard. Not a racist.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    ^no, it's more likely he's just racist...and misogynistic...and xenophobic...and probably a gay hater too.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    How can guy with businesses and buildings all around the world be xenophobic? Get real. As you can see, chessmaster was upset by the truths that ESL told. His liberal knee-jerk reaction was to tell lies. Proof positive the he is unwilling to step away from the government feed bag and try life off the government plantation. Some people are just not equipped to live in free society.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    "How can guy with businesses and buildings all around the world be xenophobic? Get real." The FUCK? Are you serious? Because a person has business around the world (for profit), he can't be xenophobic? That's outrageous. Yes, I'm sure he outsourced jobs and built businesses in China and Mexico because he loves their culture (so much that he's building a wall to keep Mexicans out). I'm sure that he is never, ever misogynistic or displaying Islamophobia or any other of his prominent displays of bigotry. You ARE aware that there are plenty of powerful businessme, who have businesses all over the world, who have been homophobic/racist/sexist etc. Owning businesses around the world has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not someone is racist. Jeez, what is it with you?
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    What in the hell are you blabbering about? I'm not upset in the slightest and it's not lies. Its in plain view for anybody that listens to trump. And what does him owning businesses in other countries have to do with him not being xenophobic. The owner of McDonald's might be racist(just an example, I have no idea who the owner of McD's is) but there is a McDonald's in Damn near every first world country and he's not going to stop selling big macs to black people even if he was racist.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Nina beat me to it. #winning :)
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Gammanu please read this article and then tell me Trump isn't racist. [view link] ESL's comments are irrelevant, he has contributed a whopping FIVE comments to this entire forum, and 3 of them were political, even if the discussion wasn't.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    See how mad they got with a little truth and logic. Proves my point. Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings...
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I know I'm still trying to figure out how you come to the conclusions you do. Logic is not what you are applying, or at least not in the way that makes sense to some of us here. Or at least you apply them in selfish ways, which would appear to make you a (Secular) Satanist. Which in and of itself, is not a bad thing! Embrace your inner Anton Lavey, GammaNu!!
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Master of puppets only because you can't master the facts you claim to be an employer, I find you boring I doubt very seriously that you are even an adult, you seem to only post at certain times is that because your mommy is out of the house and she doesn't know you are playing with her computer that's my guess.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I welcome the discourse. Ben Franklin is attributed to saying, "Critics are our friends, they show us our faults." So using the scientific method, I am attempting to recreate you conclusions for the same "facts" and I am not able to do so. Science is generally repeatable and falsifiable. Those are some of the tenets of science. perhaps you should "show your work." I am not following you. It sounds good though! I love stories about self-made men.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I would not waste the effort, Dom, it would pearls before swine. For the record, I do not vote for certain candidates for self gain. I have heard people say "vote your wallet", but that is amongst the most selfish rationales imaginable. I vote for those who would protect individual liberty. For those who put constitutional values above any passing populist sentiment. I vote for those who believe, in Reagan's words,that government is not the solution, government is the problem. Trump is not that candidate. Nor is Trump the consummate villain you all believe him to be. I do feel, based on her long and public track record, that Hillary is the polar opposite of that candidate I seek. I would welcome discourse, if you and your little liberal buddies could discourse without animosity and with true logic. I honestly feel that would be asking too much of you. Would it suprise you to learn that I have actively tried to talk myself into voting for Hillary instead of Trump? I honestly have. Can't do it. I tried. Cannot do it. Would you like to know why? Benghazi. The Russian reset. The Arab spring. The Iran nuke deal. The private email server, and all the subsequent lies and perjury. The Chinese ascension. Her reaction to Bill's raping and philandering. The renewed Russian aggression e.g. The Crimean annex. Syria. ISIS. The growing entropy and anarchy in formerly stable Iraq and Afghanistan. The betrayal of Israel. The countless growing acts of RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR here in the US. the porous borders. illegal amnesty. Raising taxes on the middle class. Continuing programs that have caused thenmist anemic economic growth in70 years. Globalism. Socialism. Pandering to the lowest common denominator. Lying. Corruption of the democratic caucus program (ie Sanders, Wasserman, and the DNC). No, I tried to consider voting for her, but the truth left no room for consideration.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Clinton probably did break the law in her handling of emails. Maybe she does deserve to be prosecuted, and maybe this is a good enough reason to reject her as potential President. But this does not in anyway mean that everyone who supports Clinton is a criminal. Trump's businesses just amount to taking money off of people. So he can be both a racist and xenophobe. He approaches business, always being at the top and never having to answer to anyone, never being held accountable. After 1964 it is has been illegal to discriminate in employment or housing on the basis of race or religion. The up shot of this is that there is no more legally sanctioned racism. So very few people in positions of any responsibility say the types of things Trump does. So I find it very reasonable to conclude that virtually everyone who supports Trump is a racist. SJG Acid Jazz [view link] [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    gammanu95, It appears that people vote on the basis of cultural identity issues. And as it stands now, what enforces the most coercive kind of conformism, and what gives the government the most power, is the Libertarian Anti-Government Movement. SJG
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    Guys, chill a little and learn some history. This election cycle is not the "ugliest" ever, and neither candidate is the "least qualified ever." There is nothing unique (except to the media - who collectively cannot seem to remember further back than Willie and Monica - if that far) about an "insider vs. outsider" political race. Clinton has received millions from the governments of Muslim Middle Eastern nations and Wall street bankers. The Clinton Foundation has been "delisted" from several charitable review sights because actual charity use of funds is less than 10% of donations. And Hillary as Sec of State did conduct State Department business with Middle Eastern nations contemporaneous with those nations giving to the Clinton Foundation. Clinton did have an unauthorized private email server, from which she claims she deleted over 30,000 emails and gave all State Department emails to State (yet an FBI investigation determined that was not true). The FBI also determined that Hillary DID send and receive emails containing information, that was classified at the time she sent or received it, over an unsecured server. Trump IS guilty of running of at the mouth and making outrageous statements. Trump may very well be the most egotistical candidate for President since Obama, but he is certainly not unusual among the 44 prior Presidents. Trump may have difficulty keeping most of the promises he has made in this campaign, and he has certainly alienated many members of the Republican party. His businesses have not always succeeded and other people have also been financially hurt when some of the Trump businesses failed. Trump is not a "real" conservative, nor is he a long time Republican. His history in Politics is limited to donating to candidates (including Harry Reid and Bill Clinton) who he thought would owe him favors. Remember too, that the party of the KKK, the party of segregation, the party of violent suppression, is the Democrat party. The President who authorized the ONLY use, in history, of atomic weapons upon civilian populations was a Democrat. The President who signed the Civil Rights act explaining to his peers, "By signing this Republican act and claiming it as my own I'll have every nigger in the country voting Democrat for decades" was a Democrat. The party of anti-slavery, the party of the Civil Rights act, the party of Lincoln, the party that granted full citizenship to blacks and sent the amendment to the states, the majority party that approved the amendment enfranchising women, the party of Eisenhower, and Reagan, is the Republican Party. It is all a little more gray than the black and white of liberals and conservatives.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Hillary also let 4 Americans die, without lifting a finger. Trump has not.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "that the party of the KKK, the party of segregation, the party of violent suppression, is the Democrat party" Yes, but this was only true up until 1964, when Lyndon Johnson placed his party at risk by outlawing legal segregation and racism. But the upshot of this was that in 1968 Nixon launched his Southern Strategy, making the Republican Party the party of racism, though in coded language. [view link] But yes, racism was part of our country, and it was expressed through the Democratic Party. This is no longer true. And that progressive wing and the abolitionist wing of the Republican Party vanished when Teddy Roosevelt split the Republican Party by running against Howard Taft. SJG
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Obama LET FOUR MEN DIE IN Benghazi. Hillary tried to cover it up and spread lies about it.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    GammaNu, Thank you. That is the type of discourse I am looking to have. Thank you for actually quoting facts. I agree those are egregious acts. I cannot fathom why you did not include those sooner. I would have helped you argument a long time ago. ;)
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Normally people just says she's a crook, without listing her crimes, which is not helpful, IMO.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    "Lyndon Johnson placed his party at risk by outlawing legal segregation and racism" SJG, you don't really believe that, do you? LBJ was one of the most racist presidents in history. You do know what he called the Civil Rights Act, don't you?
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    She is a crook. People need to do their own damned research, and not trust the media to do it for them. Had that happened in 2008, we might not have had the incompetent fool in office for the past eight years. But Dom, you acknowledge those facts, and still plan to vote for her? Justify that.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    LBJ was quite a character, and it would not surprise me if he said all sorts of off color things. But I also know that he fought very hard and used his experience as Senate leader, to get the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act passed. This is how RIchard Nixon was they able to convert the South to the Republican Party. The Republican Party had started off as a Northern only and abolitionist party. But thanks to Richard Nixon, the Republic Party is now the party of racism and the party of code language racism. SJG
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