Customer Lies

avatar for sinclair
Do you ever lie to dancers? If so, what types of things will you lie to them about?

I will usually lie and tell a dancer I live in whatever town I am actually just visiting. My personal research has shown when I tell a dancer I'm an out-of-towner, they try to grab as much money as they can with poor "customer service" because they figure they'll never see you again and won't be losing out if they piss you off or rip you off. The goal here is to make the dancer think you are a local that could potentially become her reg. If she thinks you live nearby and will be making regular visits to see her, she will be more likely to provide high mileage right off the bat. A good knowledge of the area is always helpful in case conversation veers in that direction. Just make sure she does not see your out of state license when opening your wallet or anything on the key chain screaming rental car.


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avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
I always tell dancers the truth. I'm an internet billionaire with a 12 inch dick.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"Do you ever lie to dancers?"

Rhetorical question, right?

In my case, it's more that I keep things vague on personal stuff like where I live ("in the area") and what I do ("office job"). Dancers assume I'm hiding something, and try and fill in the blanks on their own. One fav was convinced I worked for the CIA!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I NEVER lie to Dancers. It is TOO fucking hard to remember a massive web of lies & who I told what about what. I may not volunteer info, but I do not LIE!!!

I don't feel the need to HIDE behind LIES!
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
I lied to a dancer once. I told ther that txtittyfan gave great financial advice. The dancer asked the tittyman for some and he told her to short treasuries. Turn out it was the day before they bottomed. Man was that dancer pissed after that!
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
All but the very best don't remember what you tell them anyway, so why not have some fun along the way?
avatar for travelguy10
13 years ago
Yes I lie. I always tell them I wont cum in their mouth!
avatar for Drippy
13 years ago
Everything I say (or post) is a lie. And that's the truth!
avatar for canny
13 years ago
I never lie, I just don't tell the whole truth. I tell them some of what I do and about where I live down to a 10 mile radius and I don't tell them enough to actually know anything.
avatar for Prim0
13 years ago
I really don't think they care what we tell them as long as we pay.
avatar for Jmoney007
13 years ago
i lie too, unless i am thinking of dating a dancer, my real info is non of her business.

i use a different name and a believable job and i keep it consistent, its much easier to keep up with one well made lie than to keep up with a web of small lies.
avatar for dallas702
13 years ago
I have one elaborate lie I tell only in strip clubs. It's the same one always, so I only have to remember the one story. I have made up a career (an interesting one, something I do know about, not too well paid but requires regular travel), a career that puts me often in whatever town the SC is in. This lie was originally a response to a stripper's absurd story (if she can make one up - so can I!?) but it got such a positive response I tried it again. Now it's just "who I am" when I walk into a SC, an alternate reality!
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
I am always concerned that she is trying to size up earnings potential, so I always shoot for middle of the road with lots of vague phrases. I often tell them that I can't tell them any more than that. Sometimes I tell them that in my career I can't really tell them much, and that is largely the truth. If I say that I am just passing through, I make it a point to tell her that I might make the trip more often, letting her know that there is a possibility to be more of a regular and that she might see me again if she was considering any ROB behavior. I don't try to spin any elaborate tails, but cut her off if she starts getting curious.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I have no reason to tell any whoppers but I do occasionally tell a little white lie like "Maybe later" or "No tengo dinero" just to get rid of them.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
I'm with Alucard on this one. I don't lie to dancers. I just steer clear of any conversation where I don't want them to know the truth. In my situation, I really have very little about my life I don't want dancers to know about. I have two strong faves right now. They both know about the other. They work at separate clubs presently. What I don't tell them much about is that I go to other clubs as well. I downplay that aspect of the club-going habits.
avatar for JackKash
13 years ago
I don't lie but I don't volunteer too much information either. What's actually been good about avoiding (me and the girls) talking about our personal lives is I've had great conversations about music, science fiction, english lit., TV programs, politics, history and sociology. Yeah, the "wanna a dance" girls don't get the time of day from me.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
I do not give my correct name or city where I am from. I use a major city close to where I live. I live in small town between 3 metro areas. Always the same name and city. As to my work I am very vague and give complete very interesting high powered BS details. Most of what she tells you is pure BS or exagerated. I also never give out personal information like age, education, or number ex's, and kids if any. I am there for a fantasy not for a close interpersonal relationship with a girl I am paying to keep me company and take off her clothes. I had a fav for a while and she had my track phone number. When she started calling me I stopped going to that club and let the phone lapse. I go to clubs because of no commitment not to find dates. If I wanted a mistress I would keep one.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
I agree with Alucard and Prim0 on this one. Keeping lies straight is too complicated to justify for the simple pleasures I'm after, and most of 'em don't care anyway. They aren't listening to your customer shit any more than you're listening to their stripper shit.

If I don't want her to know something, I don't tell her. I can recall only one dancer that I've had to tell to shut up for being too stubborn about asking stuff. In 30 years. That's how much concern there is out the for what you're telling them.
avatar for Blue42TX
13 years ago
When I'm in the club, I really don't care so I just tell them what comes to mind and not lie about it. Alot of my favs remember my conversations and followup with me on what's up so lying is bad b/c you may not remember what you told them last week cuz you're BSing too much to remember.
Just my 2 cents, don't never know when that one dancer becomes your fav. If she finds out you're lying, she's going to assume and treats you like another customer that's BSing.
avatar for Fenster
13 years ago
The time-honored rules of being in the Diplomatic Corps are:

1) Never lie,

2) Never tell the entire truth, and

3) Never pass up an opportunity to go to the bathroom.
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
Its a strip club, there should be no expectation of honesty, from anyone.
avatar for sinclair
13 years ago
Ha, OhioVoyeur, I'm glad I could help! Care to give a travelogue of your SC adventures?
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
The following statement is true...

I use a different name (but the same one each time) and a previous job so I know all the details. It's fun and keeps me on my toes.

The previous statement was false...
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
If you use the same story/lie all the time it isn't really that difficult or complicated. This ain't rocket science!
avatar for xxxrated
13 years ago
Well, yes. strippers are hustlers anyway. The whole enviroment is a lie. She lies about who she is to empty your wallet. She dresses sexy to entice you in a sexed up enviroment. I stretch the truth a little about how much money i make, about where i live,about where i vacation to put me better position to get some date time.
avatar for stripclubspy
13 years ago
I always say I'm vice squad with the local PD. How come I can't get any extras?
avatar for Cheo_D
13 years ago
Lie, as in wholly fabricate for advantage? No. But as others have mentioned, I may limit answers or keep them vague, or withhold details that are NOHB, for the sake of playing it safe.
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