Comments by dallas702 (page 35)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Courtney, please don't SHOUT at us.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It appears that Kokomo doesn't have any serious crime problems.
    I expect to read about Kokomo PD raids on homes where homeowners have torn those "do not remove under penalty of law" tags off mattresses.
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    11 years ago
    Dancing to the classics
    Shadowcat, sorry to be so slow responding. A little late afternoon fun with a redhead (unfortunately, too little! ;( ) To answer your question from 6 hours ago - YES I loved the music. A very (very) long time ago I was a classically trained violinist. I haven't touched a bow in nearly 35 years but that music is implanted in my soul. Just because those ladies are not playing it like the Philly Symphony, does not mean that great music well played is any less great! And beautiful women with real talent are just HOTTT!
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    11 years ago
    Dancing to the classics
    Damn SC, you can find the most outstanding stuff! I would do any of them!!!!
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    11 years ago
    Dancing to the classics
    Clubber, maybe it WAS Bolero! ;>
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Porn actresses working in strip clubs
    About 5 years ago in a South Miami club I got a few dances from a blond with an interesting flame tattoo on her mound. She claimed it was a well known tattoo in the porn industry as she had done over 40 shoots. She gave me her screen name and I looked her up the next day - found a web page with links to four pornos she was in - and her tattoo was there. Too bad she wanted WAY too much for OTC.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    too old to club??!?!?
    Papi asserts, "As long as your eyes work - you're not too old". I disagree! Even though my eyes still function very well, I enjoy "braille" clubbing! Who needs eyes when hands (and "other" feelers) are available?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Getting the DJ to play the music you like.
    Mid afternoon in a small town club, about five years ago, I convinced the DJ to play "Inna' Gotta' Da Vita" the looong version, as I got a lap dance from a dancer sooo young she knew nothing about the song. It was fun to see her expression as the song went on, and on, and on. I bought the DJ a beer after and we laughed about it, but no tip beforehand. He did admit that he had that cd for years and always wanted to play it but thought dancers and the manager would object, but for a customer request on a slow day he could get away with it.
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    11 years ago
    Kissing, Kissing, Kissing: Two Parts
    I also rank in the "older" group and I enjoy kissing beautiful young women. I find that many (by NO means all or even most) young women, either don't mind kissing old farts on the lips, or really get into the experience (or at least can act very well).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Black Girls
    I think the real answer here is; the relative price paid depends on the club, the dancer and the customer. IMO when a chocolate dream will accept less than a white beauty for the same mileage, it is seldom about racism or bias. It is more often about willingness and self image. I am happy to accept the dancer's terms when I think the price is reasonable. In my experience at some clubs black women do charge less and do more than their white or Hispanic co-workers. In other clubs price and mileage were about the same. A few years ago in one Miami area club the two black women charged more and did less than anyone else in the club.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Memorial Day weekend....Good time to hit the clubs or not?
    I am guessing - NOT. It just seems that the first "summer like" 3 day weekend will decrease the number of dancers who are willing to work, without decreasing the number of younger PLs (no offense to those of you under 40).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Is Wall Street Still "Untouchable”?
    The "bail out(s)" were never about saving the people from the excesses of corporate greed. The real reasons had to do with Federal government power and control, covering up the federal laws that caused the "foreclosure crisis" (and letting Dodd, Frank and Slick Willie Clinton's CRA mods slide), and (of course) creating a lot of opportunities for "earmarks." The truth is; "Wall Street" is not the Great Satan liberals want us to believe it is, big business is no more evil than any small time working stiff, and the media lies to us almost as often as Washington.
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    11 years ago
    Club Onyx Houston
    Who is Jacoby Jones and why should I care about his girlfriend?
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    11 years ago
    If a stripper REALLY likes you, she'll WANT to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE
    OK Juice, exactly WHY did you drag out a discussion that is nearly a decade old?
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    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    !!#! :<
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Doncha ya love it when strippers get so pissed at their boy friends that they br
    Usually I fully agree with the Yoda of TUSCL (Shadowcat) because our wizened lecherous leader is seldom in error and always in tune with the force. But the last time I encountered a stripper who just got dumped by her "boyfriend," the woman bitched almost nonstop for 20 minutes, then cried on my shoulder, then ran to the back never to return. To make matters worse, another dancer came up and demanded to know what I did to her friend. I decided on the better part of valor and retreated.
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    11 years ago
    How do you tell your regular your not interested that night?
    Once, I nervously said, "I was hoping for some strange tonight." She looked at me and laughed (beats slapping me!) then said to me, "I think I know what you like. Do you want me to show her how you like it or do you want her all to yourself?" Same girl yelled at me (and "shunned" me) for flirting with a waitress just a few weeks later. Every single dancer is different, and they change every time they blink. What works right now will get you hurt later tonight. Be careful, hope she goes along, but be prepared for her being your ex regular!
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    11 years ago
    Serious Question - Mile High Club
    1974 last night Commercial flight from San Fran to Dallas, I was flying Military Standby (required I be in uniform) and the only seats available were in the nearly empty 1st class. We were delayed on the ground in SF by fog and one of the (2) 1st class stews asked to sit next to me explaining that she had nothing to do. This airline had partial curtains behind each seat row in 1st class and it was possible to block out anyone not sitting in the same row (and there was no one else on my row) One hour's conversation on the ground, another hour of smiles and hints as we took off and climbed to altitude (37,000 - call it 6 miles) and I ended up joining the mile high club with a stewardess. It was awkward, naughty, even a little messy but I loved it. She expressed some concern that the other 1st class stew would walk by but that didn't happen. It was great but, I believe, unrepeatable in modern air travel. In fact, most of the "cabin attendants" I have seen recently are "other" than attractive. A few of them might have been working on that 1974 flight and the rest could be their non-heterosexual sons and daughters. If they are unwilling to participate, they certainly are not likely to permit extras.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A question
    Did that once, she kept me up an going for half an hour, 'til she got off, then there was an hour of cuddling, then an hour of small talk, then more cuddling and then she wanted me to dust her ceiling fans. Clearly we had put emphasis on different words when she said, "sex slave."
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Amateur night
    The adult night club business has a reputation to protect. They are anchor business in the communities where they are located, loved and supported by everyone around. As such, these fine, upstanding businesses cannot afford to promote activities or events which are not exactly as advertised. That said, unless the club rules specifically exclude every contestant who has been paid to dance before they will probably accept your friend as a competitor. Good luck.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is Toronto really this expensive or is this just Farmerart?
    Of course Toronto is that expensive! Farmerart is just like the rest of us average North Americans, happy to support needy and capable strippers with a small portion of the millions we made last month. In fact, I am a little disappointed in Farmerart for only investing $800 in this young ladies' education. Hopefully he is being more generous tonight. As a group, strip club patrons have a reputation to protect. So please ignore the $20 per lap dance prices and offer your loving companion (for the next 3 minutes) a minimum of $100 per and try to buy no less than 5 dances at a time in order to bring up the average for us all.
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    11 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    ITC Showers---- for customers?
    Actually, since many gas station/convenience stops now have scented foam soaps in their washrooms plus the retail sale of "Febreze", I don't have issues with dancer or smoke smells anymore. A squirt of Febreze on my shirt and pants before I reenter my car and a stop at the gas station for a whiz and hand wash (also wiping my wet hands over my face and hair before drying) covers everything. Although I support showers for the dancers (to use before, during and after their shift - as needed) I have no need or desire to associate with other SC patrons while wrapped in only a towel or - God forbid - less!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Mothers Day
    My mom is 93 and disabled by several injuries, mostly falls that have happened since she turned 85. The falls are, in part, caused by the knee injury that happened in college basketball in 1940 and the re-injury in 1943 while she served in the WAC. Even slowed down by the knee she has led an active and full life and still lectures great-grand-kids on exercise, diet and "playing" outside. "Look at me, see what happens when you don't get enough sun and sports!" But Mom IS still around! That is the important point. I was with her last month, but live far away so will only be calling her today. Motor, Clubber, though I only dimly understand your loss (since my mom is still around) you have my honest sympathy. For all of us, whether taking mom to brunch, calling her, visiting her or mourning her passing; today is a good day to remember better days with Mom laughing, smiling and serving up the best of life.
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    11 years ago
    Would you do her Bareback!
    I agree that strip clubbing w/ extras is high risk, escort hobbing even more so and bareback increases the risk of STDs. However, in the real world STDs are actually somewhat rare. My odds at death by auto or lightning or cancer (especially at my age) are not much better than STDs by stripper. I don't do bareback with every stripper I encounter, but it has happened - twice this year alone simply by accident* - and it will happen again. I am OK with that! *(Accident meaning she took it out to play and was grinding on me when something just slipped in!)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Pick up services
    Beside Vegas? They only other clubs with pick-up/limo services are the mega clubs in major metro areas.