
Serious Question - Mile High Club

Have any of you guys done this on a commercial flight?

Sweetie and I are waiting in the departure lounge at Pearson for our overnight flight to Paris for our vacation in Corsica and Liguria. The executive departure lounge is pretty much vacant so sweetie is getting a bit frisky with me as we wait. We haven't been together since our vacation in Hawaii first week of January. I am getting very salacious ideas in my head.

Big problem with the seat configuration in first class on our plane - nothing side by side. Do you think I could slip a few euros to the cabin attendants to look the other way? I have zero interest in doing the deed in the washroom/toilet.

Reply quickly with suggestions - flight leaves in an hour.


  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Art _ I can remember a story about a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu. The cabin attendant went into the flight deck to talk to the captain. She said "I don't know how to put this but there is a woman in first class down on her knees and she isn't praying. What should I do?" The captain asked "Can any one see them?" She said "I don't know for sure". The captain told her to go throw a blanket over them. And that is what she did.

    Have fun.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    It's a little known scientic fact that the pressurized cabin will reduce the size of Mr. Wood about 50%.

    Don't say you weren't warned.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Got head in a Cessna 172 at 5000 ft,does that count?
  • rell
    11 years ago
    the only mile high club ive been into is the strip club down the street from my house
  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    Go for it Art. Overnight most others will be sleeping and the lights will be mostly off also.

    Looking forward to updates. Have a great trip.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    I tried in the bathroom the last time I flew trans-atlantic, we weren't in there long when the flight attendant knocked on the door.

    I don't think bribery will work, they'll either care or not care and if another passenger bitches I think they'd say something.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    What, no VIP room available?
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    Your best bet would be to get whoever's sitting next to you to switch seats with your girl
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    I think he's saying there aren't side by side seats?
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I wouldn't try it. I doubt the Airlines have much of a sense of humor since 9/11.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    @jester214 I thought he meant that there were none available next to each other because they were mostly full
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    I thought that for a second but since he's talking about configuration and I know some of the real nice first class's have gone to everyone has there own little island of space.
  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    Early 1970s, before I met my now ex-wife. Flying Detroit to Boston on American Airlines. She says "Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes." I did. She sucked and fucked as soon as I walked in. Flight attendants saw us and said nothing.

    Different date on non-stop flight from Los Angeles to Detroit on Northwest. Heavy making out in first class. The cup/tray partition between the seats was removable--as I learned quickly--making for a couch/sofa in first class. Blankets were readily available. Flight attendant refilled bubbly while we were making out.
  • mmdv26
    11 years ago
    ^^^She can share his little island of space - like sit on his lap. Pray for turbulence...
  • 3LeggedMan
    11 years ago
    Current day first class accommodations on overseas flights have seats that are constructed like cubicles with walls between them. Little chance for physical interaction unless both parties were in one seat.
  • dallas702
    11 years ago
    1974 last night Commercial flight from San Fran to Dallas, I was flying Military Standby (required I be in uniform) and the only seats available were in the nearly empty 1st class. We were delayed on the ground in SF by fog and one of the (2) 1st class stews asked to sit next to me explaining that she had nothing to do. This airline had partial curtains behind each seat row in 1st class and it was possible to block out anyone not sitting in the same row (and there was no one else on my row)

    One hour's conversation on the ground, another hour of smiles and hints as we took off and climbed to altitude (37,000 - call it 6 miles) and I ended up joining the mile high club with a stewardess. It was awkward, naughty, even a little messy but I loved it. She expressed some concern that the other 1st class stew would walk by but that didn't happen.

    It was great but, I believe, unrepeatable in modern air travel. In fact, most of the "cabin attendants" I have seen recently are "other" than attractive. A few of them might have been working on that 1974 flight and the rest could be their non-heterosexual sons and daughters. If they are unwilling to participate, they certainly are not likely to permit extras.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Maybe lack of sex is why flight attendants are so grumpy these days
  • Experimental
    11 years ago
    Mr. Art I'm sure you've heard your rigpigs around your camp using the phrase YOLO. I've even seen some of the older gents on here use it once in awhile. If you didn't do it on your flight over there, give it a shot on the return. YOLO dude! (Unless, of course, you are Buddhist, then nevermind the YOLO but give it a shot anyway) :D
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Farmerart would not use YOLO. He would say "carpe diem". :)
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Once upon a time you dressed so fine,threw the bums a dime,in your prime,didn't you.
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