Getting the DJ to play the music you like.

avatar for shadowcat
Other than showing him your AK-47 have you had any luck in getting a DJ to play your requests? One of my TUSCL buddies tells me about a club that he went to where he would tip the DJ $10 to play long songs just as he was going to the private dance room. It worked.

I have had DJ announce that they would play requests but when I have put in my request, I didn't get it.


last comment
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
Sounds like a tip is needed.
avatar for blackpanther6
12 years ago
A tip is needed shadowkat .... The black clubs i hang up in runs me $5 per request
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
Had one cLub play my request no problem. Had another say no. Beastie boys, Paul Revere. Club that said no was racist and would not play any rap songs, even by a white group. I do not patronize that club anymore. For anyone wondering it was BTs in Dearborn, MI.
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
For the record, I'm white. Well, mostly anyways.
avatar for angeldiaz
12 years ago
SC He means he plays requests for tips.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
The only sure way to do that is to play DJ for a dancer at a place with a jukebox, which I've happened to do 3 different times. Not counting that, though, I did get a DJ to play one of my requests once at one of my regular clubs. Of course, this was on a night when that club was dead, but I still had to tip him $10. That marks the only time I ever remember them playing Primus in a strip club.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Man, fuck the DJ! Any and every DJ. At the strip club, at the night club, and especially at a wedding! Y all suck!! Seriously, y'all suck! I grew up around musicians that actually played REAL MUSIC! Make the fan happy you piece of shit, no talent hacks. When I tip you and say I want such and such song played, play it you momo! No more bullshit! I don't care if it's hip hop, country, classical, Spanish, industrial, etc.. Play quality music. If you don't know what quality music is, call me and I'll let you know. I'm out. Khan!
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
You don't need an AK-47

A 9mm Glock works just fine
avatar for dancer888
12 years ago
If you tip them they'll play whatever you want. My DJ at Woodys in Islamorada used to always get big tips.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
No amount of tips can make a DJ into an audiophile.
avatar for dallas702
12 years ago
Mid afternoon in a small town club, about five years ago, I convinced the DJ to play "Inna' Gotta' Da Vita" the looong version, as I got a lap dance from a dancer sooo young she knew nothing about the song. It was fun to see her expression as the song went on, and on, and on.

I bought the DJ a beer after and we laughed about it, but no tip beforehand. He did admit that he had that cd for years and always wanted to play it but thought dancers and the manager would object, but for a customer request on a slow day he could get away with it.
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
Great story dallas!
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
<i>You don't need an AK-47

A 9mm Glock works just fine</i>

Seems rubber shows, maybe crocs, would do some good too...
avatar for snowtime
12 years ago
Years ago at one of the then great Memphis clubs, Tiffany's I think, the DJ would play the 8 minute version of Purple Rain a couple of times a night. He would always announce it a song in advance so everybody in the house would get a lap dance lined up. It was a great marketing ploy and I am surprised somebody does not try it now.
Other than the above, I have no use for the DJs. Clubs like Mons Venus do quite well without them, so it is certainly not a requirement for a successful operation.
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
@dallas; lucky it wasn't me. I might be in my mid 20's, but classic rock and old heavy metal are my favorite music genres. I'd charge you five bucks per minute after the first four minutes of the song.
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