My ATF got suspended for a month for totally fucking up her schedule repeatedly. She and I went to an NA meeting today and she's really going to try the sober life again. Meanwhile she's got to make a living so she's going to try an amateur night at a club which is about 60 miles from her old one. Does anyone know if these are usually fixed? The club advertises a prize of $800. Also she's really not an amateur in that she's been at another club off and on for 5 years. Should she just keep her mouth shut about that? If she does well she wants to work there. Any experience or advice with this situation?
The ones that I am familiar with are run by the Platinum Plus chain. I doubt that they are fixed because the caliber of the dancers is usually not that hot. I suspect that most of them are dancers from other clubs. The winner is chosen by audience applause and sometime the participants do go to work there.
In my experience, most of the amateur contest participants are experienced dancers. They're either from another club, just trying to make some additional money (like yours), or they've been out of dancing for a while, and may be attempting a comeback. Some clubs will only audition dancers during their amateur nights. Your dancer could still get offered a job as a result, even though she may not win the contest.
I wouldn't rule out the possibility of it being rigged. Other club contests can be rigged. I was the beneficiary of a rigged contest one night at a club. There's a weekly, Monday night "Lucky Lady Lotto" at a club I go to. Customers are given a ticket for each dance they buy. Then at midnight is a drawing. The dancer I was with one night, said that she could arrange for me to win the contest. Sure enough she did. I "won" a $50. gift certificate redeemable for anything at the club. So, I bought two lap dances from her with my "winnings" (had to throw in $10. of my own to cover the total cost of $30./dance). If that can be fixed, so can an amateur contest.
A club manager may already know he wants to hire a particular dancer, but he may want her to appear in the amateur contest, anyway, for strategic reasons. It may be difficult to research whether or not the amateur contests at the club you're speaking of, have been fixed.
Ditto on Club_Goer's comments. The intangible element is if a waitress or other non-dancing employee is going for the win too. Often the other dancers and regulars will go ape shit for her even if she sucks like a Hoover.
Some contests seem rigged, others may not be. I've seen a contest won by the crowd applause and if one of the less pretty contestants got a lot more "friends" to show up and cheer and yell, then she might win over a much prettier or skilled contestant. Other contests might be ruled on by judges. I haven't been to too many lately. I heard about one contest where the crowd jeered and yelled for some super big fat girl and she won. I think several thought it was funny. She probably weighed over 200 pounds or about twice as much as everyone else in the contest.
They are not fixed because usually the audience picks the winners. And I would say that 95% if the "amateurs" are dancers from other club just trying to make some extra cash or check things out.
They are not fixed because usually the audience picks the winners. And I would say that 95% if the "amateurs" are dancers from other club just trying to make some extra cash or check things out.
Amateur contests are easy peasy, I've won real and "less real" ones. Either make sure she's the hottest girl there, have a lot of her/your friends come out and make a lot of noise OR grease some palms and have her channel Tonya Harding. It helps if she's got the shy/barely legal thing going on.
I never thought about it, but having read this post, I could see how it could be rigged, but all the ones I've seen are decided by audience applause. One of them I've been to even had a decibel meter the DJ shows off like it's some fashion statement.
All that said, pretty much all the amateurs I've seen were dancers from other clubs and at the one club I visit regularly with an amateur contest, you must participate in the amateur contest in order to get hired. Sometimes, they will even make some girls who previously danced there go through the amateur contest in order to get rehired, generally girls who've been away for a year or more. At that club, according to one dancer there, before the contest, they fill out their paperwork to make sure they can legally participate in the contest and afterward, they get a token from management they can use anytime before the next amateur contest (they do 2 in a month) if they wish to dance for real there and they don't have to worry about putting in midweek shifts that week. Usually, they do the amateur contest Wednesday, then dance for real Friday or Saturday night.
I've participated as a judge in a few amateur contests before. The waitresses usually roam the room before the contest asking customers if they'd like to judge the contest. The judges don't necessarily sit right at the stage, so we don't even always know who the other judges are, or even how many. There's really no opportunity for judges to confer with each other to know who won. After I've filled out my ballot and given it to the deejay at the end of the contest, I've often wondered if the ballots really matter. The deejay could easily announce as the winner whoever the manager or owner wanted.
Contests where audience applause is the "measure of success" may be more legitmate than those rated by judges. Except that as others have stated above, the deck can be stacked by a dancer bringing in her own friends and customers to cheer for her.
In Virginia, there is a club that does them (in the city of Norfolk) and the judges are the customers; the girls with most applauses win. Any girl, regardless of physique, that is able to bring a pack of rowdy dudes can win.
The adult night club business has a reputation to protect. They are anchor business in the communities where they are located, loved and supported by everyone around. As such, these fine, upstanding businesses cannot afford to promote activities or events which are not exactly as advertised.
That said, unless the club rules specifically exclude every contestant who has been paid to dance before they will probably accept your friend as a competitor. Good luck.
last commentI wouldn't rule out the possibility of it being rigged. Other club contests can be rigged. I was the beneficiary of a rigged contest one night at a club. There's a weekly, Monday night "Lucky Lady Lotto" at a club I go to. Customers are given a ticket for each dance they buy. Then at midnight is a drawing. The dancer I was with one night, said that she could arrange for me to win the contest. Sure enough she did. I "won" a $50. gift certificate redeemable for anything at the club. So, I bought two lap dances from her with my "winnings" (had to throw in $10. of my own to cover the total cost of $30./dance). If that can be fixed, so can an amateur contest.
A club manager may already know he wants to hire a particular dancer, but he may want her to appear in the amateur contest, anyway, for strategic reasons. It may be difficult to research whether or not the amateur contests at the club you're speaking of, have been fixed.
I say go for it and go LARGE!
All that said, pretty much all the amateurs I've seen were dancers from other clubs and at the one club I visit regularly with an amateur contest, you must participate in the amateur contest in order to get hired. Sometimes, they will even make some girls who previously danced there go through the amateur contest in order to get rehired, generally girls who've been away for a year or more. At that club, according to one dancer there, before the contest, they fill out their paperwork to make sure they can legally participate in the contest and afterward, they get a token from management they can use anytime before the next amateur contest (they do 2 in a month) if they wish to dance for real there and they don't have to worry about putting in midweek shifts that week. Usually, they do the amateur contest Wednesday, then dance for real Friday or Saturday night.
Contests where audience applause is the "measure of success" may be more legitmate than those rated by judges. Except that as others have stated above, the deck can be stacked by a dancer bringing in her own friends and customers to cheer for her.
That said, unless the club rules specifically exclude every contestant who has been paid to dance before they will probably accept your friend as a competitor. Good luck.
True pillars of the community.