joined March, 2016last seen May, 2016


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We live in a generation where sexual immorality is at a all time high! So this causes a new and intense struggle for born-again Christians! In this video I share with you the dangers of sexual sin and show you how to overcome this sin in your life in Jesus Name! Please share this video !!! God Bless and STAY VIGILANT !!! My Promiscuous Past EXPOSED -Confessions of a Man Whore INTRO [view link] CONFESSIONS OF A MAN WHORE: I HAVE GENITAL HERPES !!! [view link] Vigilant Manhood & Relationships 101 [view link]? list=PLTHDvEc6d7JE3A5u3EErwJK9QAdtT1It BIBLE PROPHECY: [view link]? list=PLzSHJ3t_p6d8Vr0y8P9uIeIaVxUHMLd0q PROPHECY IN THE NEWS: [view link]? list=PLzSHJ3t_p6d_67x7CsdZ_OzLOFF0w02au FALSE END TIME PROPHECIES DEBUNKED: [view link]? list=PLzSHJ3t_p6d-XQIjI2Y_PDa4mXM9yJpUW INCREDIBLE FACTS: [view link]? list=PLzSHJ3t_p6d-_iBokJcMIlCvu14xoj5up EVOLUTION EXPOSED: [view link]? list=PLzSHJ3t_p6d9s-2QYrbccdcs5ZM-LMob4 HOLLYWOOD EXPOSED: [view link]? list=PLzSHJ3t_p6d-HM9QEUK1SQb5ilTnoXy3S ISLAM EXPOSED: [view link]? list=PLzSHJ3t_p6d_8VJUNBrMfmgqVl7C6QGgS JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES EXPOSED: [view link]? list=PLzSHJ3t_p6d__bVEuyPPbp9XMpUZL1TRg MORMONISM EXPOSED: [view link]? list=PLzSHJ3t_p6d8Wlx6di5mF0I48-OlCMHVu HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA: [view link]? list=PLzSHJ3t_p6d-41TDRZtW41iUO0Rlb7Fyl SPEAKING IN TONGUES DECEPTION: [view link]? list=PLzSHJ3t_p6d-e8uE-UENBgj0s6e3_Nl1K VACCINE TRUTH: [view link]? list=PLzSHJ3t_p6d_wYT9sFYuOaTYdBXwSe2QL MYSTERIES OF DEATH AND GHOSTS: [view link]? list=PLzSHJ3t_p6d8CdAVJI9GN1NeAiQk7VNsg King James Bible 1611 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; Parallel Commentaries Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 1:26-31 God did not choose philosophers, nor orators, nor statesmen, nor men of wealth, and power, and interest in the world, to publish the gospel of grace and peace. He best judges what men and what measures serve the purposes of his glory. Though not many noble are usually called by Divine grace, there have been some such in every age, who have not been ashamed of the gospel of Christ; and persons of every rank stand in need of pardoning grace. Often, a humble Christian, though poor as to this world, has more true knowledge of the gospel, than those who have made the letter of Scripture the study of their lives, but who have studied it rather as the witness of men, than as the word of God. And even young children have gained such knowledge of Divine truth as to silence infidels. The reason is, they are taught of God; the design is, that no flesh should glory in his presence. That distinction, in which alone they might glory, was not of themselves. It was by the sovereign choice and regenerating grace of God, that they were in Jesus Christ by faith. He is made of God to us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption; all we need, or can desire. And he is made wisdom to us, that by his word and Spirit, and from his fulness and treasures of wisdom and knowledge, we may receive all that will make us wise unto salvation, and fit for every service to which we are called. We are guilty, liable to just punishment; and he is made righteousness, our great atonement and sacrifice. We are depraved and corrupt, and he is made sanctification, that he may in the end be made complete redemption; may free the soul from the being of sin, and loose the body from the bonds of the grave. And this is, that all flesh, according to the prophecy by Jeremiah, Jer 9:23-24, may glory in the special favour, all-sufficient grace, and precious salvation of Jehovah. STRONGLY DISLIKED MEMBERS 1.JB69 [view link] 3.CJ 4.JB69 5.SJG 6.VM I'm sure this list will grow